Chapter 828 Put down the rebellion

Therefore, it is true that I won the government, and I am not looking for these people to compete with myself.

After all, how do you say it, it is impossible to win the government and find someone to compete every day.

You can only practice by yourself, and you can use your own book of the God of Heaven for cultivation.

Thinking of winning politics here, I also started to disperse the zhenqi in the body, and then circulate the zhenqi in the body to the meridians above and below the body.

After going through seventy-two big weeks like this, Yingzheng opened his eyes.

In the past, when winning the government and running this magical skill, what was said at that time, the progress was very rapid.

But since Ying Zheng entered the congenital master, the progress of this emperor’s conferred god technique has also become slower and slower.

And people simply don’t feel any progress in practicing for so long.

“Forget it, I still have to continue practicing. As for the other things, just leave it alone. After all, there is really no way this stuff is not.” Ying Zheng took a look at his attribute cultivation.

That’s the case anyway.

After returning to the bedroom, Yingzheng took a good rest for a while.

During this period of time, news came from Zhao it in the southwest that the rebels of Dian and Annan had been defeated by Zhao’s army.

Now General Zhao Tuo has taken tens of thousands of Qin troops into the hinterland of the Kingdom of Yunnan, preparing to annihilate the Kingdom of Yunnan in one sentence.

Then he sent his troops south and entered Annan to destroy Annan as well.

For such a small battle, winning politics has never had much interest.

So it’s up to them to go.

After all, how should I say, for winning the government, this general Zhao Tuo’s leading talent still has nothing to say.

Now Daqin has unified the world, and in a short period of time, there is no place to use troops.

Don’t tell me, these little days are really boring.

Therefore, there is no way to win the politics. The only way to win politics is to find Li Si and others to find a way to get something new in the internal affairs.

Otherwise, for such a long time of boredom, it is absolutely necessary for the winning government to be blocked.

Thinking of winning politics here also asked Zhao Gao to find Li Si.

Li Si came to the bedroom of Yingzheng. After hearing the words of Yingzheng, he gave up and said to Yingzheng: “The emperor, now the world of Daqin is pre-decided, 々,”

“The people are thinking about peace. Your Majesty can take the opportunity to patrol the world and declare to the people the majesty of Da Qin. If this is the case, then the entire Da Qin can continue to be stable and prosperous.” Li Si said.

“The emperor’s visit to the homeland of the six countries can also effectively deter those who raise children. This way, it will not make people want to rebel.”

Hearing Li Si’s words, Ying Zheng naturally knew that this was a good idea.

But there is no need to patrol the world.

Why? Because the Great Qin Dynasty was initially set, now is the time when everything is waiting to be revived, and the people have no extra food.

Now everyone is tightening their belts to live their lives, and now if they want to patrol the world, win the government.

It is bound to consume huge human, material and financial resources, so that the pressure on the people of Qin has become even greater.

For those Lao Qin people who were originally Da Qin people, this is nothing.

The big deal is that everyone can clenched their teeth and stick to the past, but for the people of the six countries in Shandong.

This is tantamount to worsening the situation, so although Yingzheng also knows that Li Si’s suggestion is good, but still did not agree.

At this time, Zhao Gao on the side said: “The emperor, even if he patrols the world with little fanfare, his majesty can fully bring his confidant to patrol the world.”

“If there is someone who rebels in the world, or someone who is disrespectful to the court, then your Majesty can have him put to death if he finds it.”

‘Over time, the world of Da Qin will be peaceful. “Zhao Gao said.

This Zhao Gao is really a logical genius. If he hadn’t successfully completed his nine-year compulsory education since he was a child, he would have been fooled by this guy.

What is meant by arresting people and executing them, then the world will be peaceful.

This is simply the logic of robbers.

It’s a bit hard to say. If winning politics is to do this, then the world of Da Qin will not be a few years away, I am afraid that there will be a beacon.

Zhao Gao agrees with some of what he said to win politics, that is, he quietly took some people out of the palace to patrol the world.

Then this government will be temporarily handed over to someone I (Zhao Haohao) I can trust to deal with it on my behalf.

Then I would come back once every six months, dealing with the affairs of the palace for half a year, and dealing with the affairs of the court outside for half a year.

In this case, for some things in Daqin as a whole, Yingzheng himself can do well in his heart.

The most important thing is that for winning politics, if this is the case, Daqin can know many things in his heart, and he can also know what to do.

Therefore, it is no problem that Yingzheng decides to make a tour of the east.

But first, we can’t make a big fanfare because it wastes the people’s care, and second, we can’t mess around.

Otherwise, this world that is finally settled by oneself will be messed up in two or three years. .

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