Chapter 825 Hundreds of waste awaiting prosperity]

Leaving Xianyang City and heading back to his hometown.

While winning the government is standing in the Xingle Palace, a little lost.

Is it that I am so bad, these women are so afraid of seeing themselves?

They were all left behind by themselves, and Lushui’s husband and wife did it. How could it be like this?

Thinking of winning politics here, I can’t help but don’t understand.

But it doesn’t matter. For winning politics, the most important thing now is the great cause of reunification. As for the shit, there is no big deal.

Thinking of winning politics here is to continue to plan the issue of agricultural production in Daqin this year.

Now that the winning government has passed through these times to Daqin, it has accumulated a lot of system points.

Through the system points, you can redeem many things that are not available in this era in the system.

Especially the crops that Yingzheng sees now are the same-things.

What kind of super rice, what kind of super pig.

According to the description on the system, it is as long as these things are planted, raised, and watered regularly a few times a day.

You don’t even need to fertilize, you can get a lot of food when you harvest the crops.

And those super pigs, super cows, muttons, and so on.

As long as it is raised, one column is a month.

Moreover, the reproduction rate of these super animals is also terrifying.

So how can I say, what we need to do to win the government now is to let Li Si redeem these things first.

Establish a special department and distribute it uniformly.

Then began experimental planting, so that in just one year, Daqin’s grain stocks can be effectively replenished.

There is no need to worry about such things as natural and man-made disasters.

After all the things were distributed, the entire Daqin also began to grow food and raise livestock in a rush after Yingzheng issued a new law.

In this way, during the whole year, Yingzheng spent almost every day in the memorials, and then paid close attention to the food and livestock situation of the first selected places.

Finally, in the second year, there was a bumper harvest of grain in Daqin.

Such a bumper harvest is really incredibly happy for winning the government.

After receiving substantial food supplements, Ying Zheng also appointed Wang Li as a general to conquer the Wei State, and led the 200,000 Qin Army to march towards Wei State.

At this time, Wei Guo also learned that Qin had already raised troops to conquer himself, so he immediately went to Qi to unite, hoping to use the power of the two countries to resist the risk of subjugation.

As far as winning politics is concerned, the current state of Wei and Qi are just the end of the battle, even if the two countries join forces.

It’s just two vegetables.

Is there any use of the combination of two vegetables? There is no use at all, so I don’t have to think about it at all.

Sure enough, after Wang Ben led the 200,000 Qin army to besiege Anyi City, Wang Zhi also opened the gate and flooded Anyi City directly.

In the end, the monarchs and officials of the Wei State were captured by the Qin Army led by Wang Ben, while the Qi State Army fled watching the wind.

After relocating the emperor and ministers of the State of Wei to Xianyang, now there is only Qi State in the entire eastern land.

This country of Qi, which was once prosperous at that time, was also known as the Eastern Emperor and Western Emperor with Qin.

Unexpectedly, it ended up like this now.

After being besieged by the Qin Army for three months, Linzi City also surrendered.

The Emperor Qi also voluntarily left Linzi City and followed Qin Jun to Xianyang.

0…………Look for flowers…

In this way, the Central Plains, which began to split during the Spring and Autumn Period, finally completed its unification under the governance of the winning government.

Ended the enfeoffment system since Xia, Shang and Zhou.

And then fully entered the model of the county system.

In accordance with the records in the history books, Ying Zheng confiscated all the weapons of the world to Xianyang, and then created twelve bronze men.

Then the merchants of the six countries were placed in Xianyang City, and the nobles of the six countries were monitored.

Finally, he climbed to Mount Tai to enshrine the Zen, and then claimed to be the first emperor of the emperor.

Later generations are the second, third and even eternal.

After completing these feats, the winning government can finally take a good rest.

Then Ying Zheng’s gaze also looked below Da Qin.

Qilan, wild wolves, and Dian Kingdom.

These three places are in the southwest of Daqin, and are very close to the land of Bashu, the granary of Daqin.

It can be said that Da Qin is now fully capable of destroying the three small countries that sleep on bullets in the southwest at one time.

But Daqin, who had just gone through the war of unification, was in great need of recuperation.

Therefore, after thinking about these things, winning politics is also ready to not go out first.

“Let these small and small countries stay in love for a few years.” Ying Zheng looked at the map under his feet and shook his head.

There is no way, Daqin is now in a hurry in all aspects, although Daqin is now good at food crops, or meat, eggs, and dairy products.

It can be said that basically they have gradually enriched, and there is no need to worry about food shortages at all.

But there is a problem.

If Da Qin really continues to continue to conquer the power of the people, then Da Qin will definitely end up in smoke. factory.

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