Chapter 824 I still have to go after all]

“My lord, it just happened to be fine today, do you want to see Girl Liji?” Zhao Gao asked tentatively.

“See what she’s doing? She, Shanlan, Shanrou and others are not interested in seeing the widow now. Don’t get to assassinate the widow by then.” Yingzheng said displeased.

Although the three of them were left in the palace by the winning government, it seemed that they had also submitted to the winning government.

But the human heart is separated from the belly, who knows what kind of.

At this time, Zhao Gao said: “The king, as an emperor, he naturally puts state affairs first, but sometimes family affairs are also state affairs.”

Yes, if what Zhao Gao said, if he doesn’t understand what he said, then there is really no salvation.

“Zhao Gao, I think this Li Ji has given you a lot of benefits, right? You just let the widow go to see Li Ji?” Ying Zheng asked.

“The benefits are a little bit, but not many. As you know, the king, Zhao Gao is mainly 730 for the king, not for the benefit.” Zhao Gao said cheerfully.

Thinking that although this kid is loyal to himself, he still has some wrong intentions, and Yingzheng has some in his heart not knowing what to say.

But it doesn’t matter anymore. He has the emperor’s confession of gods, and as long as he practices it properly, he is an immortal existence.

A mere Zhao Gao can turn the sky over.

So Yingzheng didn’t take Zhao Gao seriously.

After all, Zhao Gao is indeed loyal to himself.

“Let’s go, let’s be a widow, I’ll sell you face.” Ying Zheng stood up, naturally there was a court lady who came to dress for the victory.

“Great King Yingming.” Zhao Gao said on his knees.

After getting dressed, Ying Zheng took Zhao Gao to the palace where Li Ji was.

When we arrived at the entrance of the bedroom, someone naturally reported that Li Ji had come out to pick her up (aibd).

When she saw Li Ji, Li Ji was kneeling on the ground with her head down, shouting: “I have seen King Qin.

“Get up, today the widow seems to come to see you.” Ying Zheng said, looking at Li Ji.

After entering Liji’s bedroom, Yingzheng also asked: “How about Liji, I’m still used to living.

“Going back to the great king, this Xianyang palace is naturally good, and Li Ji is also very used to it.” Li Ji said softly.

“If that’s the case, it’s good, Liji, I think you are worried about something?” Ying Zheng asked curiously.

At this time, I saw Li Ji think for a while, nodded and said: “If you go back to the king, Li Ji is homesick.”

Win Zheng really didn’t expect that Li Ji asked Zhao Gao to beg for a meeting for himself, because it was actually for this matter.

In fact, how to say it, it is not that winning the government is not willing to let Li Ji leave the palace.

To put it bluntly, these three people originally came to assassinate themselves.

Later, by coincidence, I was left behind by myself.

You say it’s not a dewy couple, and it’s a bit reluctant to go and win politics.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng asked curiously: “What’s the matter, is it possible that my Xianyang Palace has insulted you?”

“Back to the king, it’s just that Li Ji is a little homesick, not something else.” Li Ji said.

“Then what do you mean?” Yingzheng asked.

“Li Ji dare to ask the king to let me and my sisters Shanrou and Shanlan go home. Sooner or later, Wei and Qi will be the meat of Da Qin.

“It doesn’t make any sense for the king to keep the three of me. I also ask the king to see that the three of me have served the king with all my heart, so that the three of me can return to their homeland.

“Even if Li Ji is dead, she only wants to die in her homeland.” Li Ji said.

If a woman can say such a thing, she must have been rehearsing how many times.

So for Win Zheng, this Li Ji really wants to leave this time.

In fact, it doesn’t mean that you can’t leave. You can leave at any time if you want to. Winning politics is not the kind of person who doesn’t let people leave. Just how to say it.

This Daqin site is not just for you to come and leave.

If you really want to go, then there must be a saying not.

Thinking of winning politics here, she was about to speak, and she saw Li Ji said: “Majesty, Li Ji knows what the king is going to say, but I hope that the king can regard Li Ji’s loneliness and helplessness.”

“Let Li Ji go home, Li Ji will pray with great concentration for the rest of her life, wishing the king long live.” Qi Ji said again.

Damn, this is looking down on winning politics.

There is simply a big problem with this statement, what is meant by a wish.

Damn, you can live without your wish, thank you!

Thinking of winning politics here, I snorted coldly: “Since you are leaving, then just do as you please, and don’t let the widows see you anymore.”

‘Otherwise, I will not be forgiven. ”

After speaking, Yingzheng also stood up and prepared to leave Liji’s bedroom.

“The king really let the three of me leave?” Li Ji asked again.

“The ancients talked and talked, but can you still joke with you?

“Don’t show up in front of me anymore.” After saying that, Ying Zheng also left Liji’s bedroom.

Three days later, Li Ji, Shan Rou and Shan Lan left Xianyang Palace.

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