Chapter 820 Bravely surrender]

Although it can’t be said that there are more wins than defeats, but somehow they are in contact with each other.

At least Mao Dundan knew very well about the combat effectiveness of the Central Plains Dynasty.

But it is also because of this that Mouton Shanyu has not yet figured out how this great Qin King Qin won the government so powerfully.

At the beginning, Braudun relied on his 200,000 army to go south, in fact, he originally wanted to blackmail Da Qin.

Because Da Qin had just ended the First Battle of Extinguishing Zhao, Extinguishing Yan, and Extinguishing Chu.

It can be said that Mao Dundan can be calculated completely, Da Qin must be very empty at this time.

So at this time, the 200,000 army will go south to fight the autumn wind or something, it is simply not too safe.

And according to past experience, Mao Dun Shanyu also did the same.

Over the years, he has never missed his hand.

But Mao Dundan didn’t expect that this time he went south to hit the autumn wind, he would be completely plunged into the abyss and unable to extricate himself.

First of all, the 200,000 army led by Mao Dundan, in the Yanmenguan area, was directly defeated by the Qin army led by Meng Zhi and returned.

He was beheaded 80,000 on the spot, and then when Mao Dun Shan Yu was still gathering the defeated troops, this Da Qin army appeared again on the grassland like a ghost.

And looking at this trend, Qin Jun’s preparations are quite adequate.

Sufficient food, sufficient horses, and sufficient sources of weapons and troops.

These are things that Mouton Shanyu didn’t expect at all.

According to his experience dealing with the Central Plains dynasty, the present appearance of Da Qin is a bit against the sky.

This shouldn’t be a Central Plains dynasty at all. It should behave after three times of extermination of the country.

But Mao Dundan probably never imagined that he would face such a terrifying opponent.

And what he didn’t expect was that King Qin Yingzheng was still a man with a system.

But the thing that makes Mouton the most unexpected is that.

In the beginning, winning the government did not think about destroying the Xiongnu at the beginning, even in the idea of ​​winning the government.

It was to unify all the six countries first, and then recuperate for a few years, and then go to war with the Huns and completely drive the Huns out of the grassland, so that the threat of the entire North of the Qin Dynasty was completely eliminated.

But now it is obviously not the case.

All this is to blame Mao Dunshan for playing cleverness and insisting on provoke Da Qin.

As a result, he won political views and took such a arrogance, so he simply kept Qi and Wei first. Anyway, these two countries are now at the end of the battle.

As long as he waved his big hand, the day Qin Jun arrived was when these two battle fruits were wiped out.

It is also because of this that winning the government directly allowed Meng Zhi to lead the 100,000 Qin army northward out of Yanmen Pass, and then went straight to the Xiongnu Maodun Shanyu.

So this scene now appeared.

To be honest, if it wasn’t for Qin Jun to be beaten to the end, Mao Dundan had never thought of going to an alliance with a guy like King Donghu.

I can only feel that now and then.

“Shan Yu, report Yu.” A subordinate walked in hurriedly.

“Quickly, what’s the news from King Donghu?” Mao Dun Shanyu said.

“Returning to Da Shanyu, King Donghu said that he would not form an alliance with us, and asked us to leave the border of Donghu immediately, otherwise he would attack us together with the Qin army.” The subordinate said.

“What.” After hearing these words, Mao Dundan felt cold in his heart.

0……Look for flowers…

What Mao Dundan was most afraid of was this result. If King Donghu really wanted to join forces with Qin Jun to attack him, then he would definitely die.

Now it seems that I am afraid that I can only surrender to the Qin army.

When Mouton Danyu thought of this, there was no way in his heart.

Surrender may still have a glimmer of life.

But if you don’t surrender, then it really is

Just when Mao Dun Shanyu was thinking about surrendering or not, he only heard that the outside of the camp was shouting to kill him.


From time to time, there are screams of the Huns being killed.

Mao Dun Shanyu was also shocked, and quickly walked out of the camp and took a look.

Sure enough, I didn’t know when, Qin Jun’s iron cavalry had already rushed to the place where he was stationed and started to kill.

At this time, Mao Dundan already knew that the situation was over, so he hurriedly shouted to Qin Jun: “I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender, and my Huns are willing to be a vassal of the Central Plains dynasty for generations.”

“Also please Qin Wang, Qin Jun keep me waiting for my life.”

After speaking, Mouton was good at pouting and knelt on the ground.

To be honest, there were still some Huns who resisted. Now that Da Danyu is kneeling, the rest of them naturally have nothing to say.

Just then Meng Zhi stood up and waved his hand: “Take it all back.

This long-running war between the Qin and the Huns finally ended after Maodun Shanyu and the remaining Huns all surrendered.

And Mao Dun Shanyu and his family were also taken to Xianyang, and the remaining Huns were also in accordance with King Qin’s intentions, they were all broken up and then moved to other places. factory,

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