Chapter 819 What else do you have to say]

“Majesty, Yan Yue is about to speak, but the guards have already dragged him down.

Presumptuously, he probably didn’t expect that one of his own decisions at the beginning would turn his entire family into a situation where he could never recover.

To put it bluntly, this arrogance is what one deserves. Assassination of the king has always been a major crime of treason.

To be honest, this Confucian student really doesn’t know what’s in his head, don’t he even understand this truth?

Three days later, Liyue and his comrades and clansmen, almost tens of thousands, were escorted to the edge of the Weishui River, executed directly, and had their heads chopped off.

For a while, the entire edge of the Weishui River was also stained red by blood.

An assassination was solved directly under such circumstances,

And many people in Daqin knew that Liyue colluded with outsiders to assassinate King Qin of Daqin.

It was immediately spurned by many people.

There is no way for 730, these people may not know the righteousness and integrity.

But they know who treats them well and who allows them to live a good life, they recognize them.

Therefore, even after this arrogant death, no one collects the body, and no one of the people collects his body.

In the end, the corpse was cleaned up by wild dogs.

Of course, this need not be said any more.

It’s been a while since the arrogant thing happened.

Since this time is Daqin’s New Year, the whole Daqin is also in a kind of rest.

At least there is no plan to mobilize troops to win politics in a short period of time.

All this must wait until the end of the Spring Plowing Ceremony.

In this way, in such a day when the New Year’s atmosphere is still strong, Yingzheng just waited until the arrival of the spring ploughing ceremony.

After hosting the Spring Plowing Ceremony and praying that the weather will be smooth in the coming year, Shengzheng also made an order for Li Si.

Let Li Si quickly order Meng Wu to spot the opportunity and eliminate the remnants of Mao Dun Dan Yu in one fell swoop, and at the same time drive Qin Jun to the boundary of Donghu.

After preparing the logistical supplies, we are ready to wipe out Donghu at any time.

For such things, Li Si is naturally very clear.

Li Si came to Qin from Shangcai of Chu country in order to be able to follow such a powerful king and become a siege that dominates the world.

Make the name go down in history.

Li Simei has a wrong choice and Li Si is not wrong.

Just as when Li Si saw King Qin win the government for the first time when he was under Lu Buwei’s school, he was sure that this was the king he wanted to serve.

Victory’s desire to expand the land is indeed much greater than Li Si.

Therefore, whether Donghu or Mao Dun Shan Yu, it must be eliminated.

At this point, there is absolutely no need for any consideration.

After receiving the order to win the government, Li Si stepped up to send the eight hundred li to the army of Mengzhi.

On the frontier at this time, the Mengzhi army was already preparing logistical materials quickly.

Since the king of Qin reformed agriculture, the grain of Qin Dynasty has been aibd.

Before Qin Jun wanted to go on an expedition, it had to be prepared for a long time, and there was not necessarily enough food.

But now it is different. For Qin Jun now, the food issue is not a problem.

And because the food issue is not a problem, it is not too difficult for the Qin army to make an expedition now.

Qin Jun’s only difficulty was the weather.

But there is no way, and there is no way to win the government.

From winning politics to this era, winning politics has deeply felt how powerless this era is for nature.

After all, a heavy snowfall is enough to make the entire Qin army paralyzed.

Now it is finally time for the glacier to thaw after Qin Jun has endured for a long enough period of time.

Now is a good opportunity to attack and eliminate Mao Dun Dan Yu.

For Meng Zhi, such a good opportunity will naturally not be delayed.

After receiving Li Si’s order, Meng Zhi naturally also relieved the king and Li Si.

Then Meng Zhi organized the Qin army to go out and enter the site of Donghu on the opposite side.

Let the Qin army move forward, and let the entire Qin army advance to the boundary of Donghu.

Inside the Huns camp.

At this time Mao Dundan was eagerly walking back and forth.

It’s not because of anything else, it’s mainly because the messenger sent by Mao Dun Shan Yu to find Dong Hu has not yet returned.

How to put it, Mao Dundan knows that now the Xiongnu has reached a critical juncture of life and death.

If you can’t reach an agreement with Donghu as soon as possible and get Donghu’s gang.

So it can be said that as long as the spring, then the Qin army will directly culled.

At that time, it was already a weak Xiongnu army, I am afraid it could only become the soul of the Qin army.

Therefore, Mao Dun Shan Yu naturally wanted to communicate with Dong Hu’s Shan Yu as soon as possible, and get the support of Dong Hu Wang.

Then it is possible for the Huns to survive, otherwise, this time the Huns would really be completely destroyed in their own hands.

To be honest, it is not that Mouton has not played against the Central Plains Dynasty. .

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