Chapter 815 Missed the vice car]

Then it is about the victory of Daqin’s foreign war in the coming year.

With the long line left Xianyang City.

Finally entered the official road leading to Liyang City.

Looking at the Qin Zhidao that I organized and built, the highway known as Daqin.

Yingzheng was also a little proud in his heart. This Qin Zhidao could completely allow Da Qin’s army from south to north to assemble quickly to deal with any emergencies.

Before this, no one thought of it, only Yingzheng thought.

And Daqin’s unfavorable future is also because of such ample logistics.

At this time, Meng Wu whispered: “Great King, now he has begun to leave the area of ​​Xianyang City, and the road to Liyang City is ahead.”

“If the assassin wants to assassinate, then it should be ~ in this section.”

“Well, I see, be careful.” Yingzheng nodded and said.

At this moment, suddenly only a sound of crows flew by.

“Oh, it’s the black magpie. It seems that something good will happen this year.” Suddenly a soldier in the team whispered.

In Daqin, the appearance of this black crow is often called the black magpie.

Daqin is Shuidexihei, so this black crow is naturally given a special meaning.

Especially in the current situation, when everyone is very nervous, such a black crow suddenly appeared.

That is naturally something that makes people feel bright.

At this time, Meng Wu, who was only on the sidelines, also said excitedly: “The appearance of this black crow should be a sign that something good is about to happen.”

“My lord, please rest assured.

Yingzheng smiled and nodded.

Although Yingzheng doesn’t believe in these things, who doesn’t like to listen to some kind words?

Maybe the appearance of this black crow is also telling myself that today is going to turn the bad things into good fortune, and maybe clean up all these things that I have encountered recently.

Thinking of winning here, there is also a little more in my heart. What should I say, a little more confidence.

Just after the team walked some distance.

Finally approached a piece of woods.

I don’t know why it might be the emperor’s confession of the gods, which is helpful to win the government to perceive the danger in advance.

In short, after Ying Zheng entered this woods, there was always something wrong in his heart.

I always feel that there seems to be some murderous intent on both sides of the woods.

Yingzheng knows that this is not his own fantasy.

Ever since I practiced the emperor’s confession of the gods technique, he has always avoided many dangers with this emperor’s confession of the gods technique.

Now that there is such a reaction, it proves that there must be something wrong in this woods.

Thinking of this, the winning political general Meng Wu quietly called over, and then said: “This forest is weird, let the soldiers be careful.”

“Yes.” Mengwu hurriedly led the arrangement when he heard the words of the victory.

Just when Mengwu was about to set up, he only heard a sound of “swish” in the woods.

This sound sounds very strange, but I can’t tell how strange it is.

But on the next side, only a loud “bang” was heard.

Then the frame arranged by the winning government was directly blasted in half by a huge iron gear.

The soldier sitting in it in place of Yingzheng was split in half on the spot.

At this time, such voices also appeared in several places at the same time.

The other two carriages arranged by the winning government were also directly blasted in half by huge iron gears at the same time.

“Protect the king and block the forest. You must catch the assassin and live.” Meng Wu quickly shouted.

0……Look for flowers……

Then ran in the direction of the frame.

This is a good deal between Yingfeng and Mengwu. Once there is a problem, Mengwu will pretend to run towards the frame.

Because it is very simple, if the frame is attacked, and Mengwu as a personal guard, the first time if not ran to the frame, but ran to the general played by Yingzheng.

Then people will definitely discover his plan, so Mengwu must do a lot of drama.

Originally, Mengwu disagreed.

Because the assassin had already launched an attack, if it weren’t by the king’s side for the first time.

What to do if it is dangerous to win politics.

But Yingzheng himself naturally has his own ideas, if Mengwu comes to his side the first time.

Then it is really dangerous to win the government, but if the armed forces are used to protect the frame.

Then it will be much safer to win politics. This is the escape of the golden cicadas that we have been learning for so many years.

This has never been missed, so it is natural to be sure of winning the government.

After a period of hunting, finally all the seventeen assassins were found.

Fifteen people were killed on the spot, and two of them were left. They were supposed to commit suicide by swallowing poison.

But Meng Wu, who was arrested by them, was quick to take a step ahead.

So the poison was taken away, and there was no chance to swallow it.

“My lord, fifteen are dead, and two are still alive.” Meng Wu said, riding up to Yingzheng’s side.

“Okay, take it to take care of you. After the widows are finished worshiping their ancestors, they must be interrogated personally, just to ask who sent these assassins.”

“It seems that in this court, there are not a few people who want to die.” Chang.

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