Chapter 814 In front of Liyang City]

At that time, the winning government will be crowned emperor in Xianyang, the first emperor.

The later generations will be the second and the third to the eternity.

Of course, with such a magical skill as the Heavenly Son Conferring God Art, it is no longer a big problem for the future generations to win the government.

Therefore, Yingzheng is not worried about these things.

Leaving Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng sat on one of the frames.

This was secretly arranged by Ying Zheng Lin before departure.

Arrange a wagon for yourself.

Each of these three carriages is exactly the same.

But none of the three horse-drawn carriages won politics in any of the horse-drawn carriages.

The real winner at this time is disguised as a military commander, in the queue of the crowd, slowly riding on the horse.

This is what Yingzheng, Mengwu and others have already said. The advantage of doing so is that.

If there are really assassins, no matter how powerful the assassins are, they can’t guess who is the winner in these three carriages.

So for the successful assassination of 727, the assassin must find a way to show all three carriages.

In this case, the assassin’s power is dispersed.

Once the assassin’s power is dispersed, it means that the assassin can be defeated individually.

In this case, it is a completely different scene for winning politics.

If the opponent is a famous swordsman, it’s okay to say.

After all, with the cultivation base of winning the government, he is not afraid of any assassins at all.

However, this assassin is hiding in the dark. How can you not beware of winning politics?

This is also the story of Yingzheng thinking of Zhang Liang’s mistake in the deputy car two days ago.

If those assassins really find Hercules, and then use the principles of physics and machinery, they really attack themselves from that kind of huge iron piece.

Then there is a saying that oneself is very likely to be injured or even die because of it.

Therefore, under this (aibd) situation, Yingzheng will never take such a risk.

After thinking about it, winning the government finally chose such a method.

On the one hand, such extreme situations can be avoided, and on the other hand, the whereabouts of the assassin can be found in the first time.

In this way, in the voice of Zhao Gao shouting: “The king is going to Liyang to worship the ancestors”, all the subjects of Xianyang City bowed to the ground.

Then he shouted: “King Qin Wannian, Great Qin Wannian.”

In this way, Ying Zheng was in the team with the army, and slowly drove towards the direction of Biaoyang City.

The city of Xianyang in winter is still relatively cold.

On the plateau in the northwest, people’s faces can be split with cold in winter.

Even some people have frostbite on their hands and feet.

Therefore, along the way, Yingzheng saw every Daqin’s people, the cheeks on everyone’s face were blushing, although they looked very cute.

But in fact, Yingzheng knew that it was because it could not resist the frostbite.

“By the way, you can find a way to redeem some skin care products in the system store, such as cod liver oil, which is very good for rubbing your face against this frostbite.” Win Zheng also suddenly thought of it.

By the way, some other things can be made.

This system has won the political power until now, so I haven’t figured it out, so I don’t know how to do some things.

But there is one point. Winning politics feels that these are not problems. As long as winning politics is willing to delve into it, it won’t be long before all the benefits of this system will be brought out by winning politics.

“Oh!” A little girl suddenly ran out the door and fell to the ground.

Her mother ran out, quickly helped the child up, and then bowed her head and led the child to kneel on the ground.

This is the etiquette of the Qin Dynasty. When the king is on a tour, the people cannot look up or even look up.

Otherwise, it will be decapitated.

When Yingzheng saw the little girl fall, he almost couldn’t help asking someone to help the little girl up.

But after thinking about it, I remembered my purpose in this army.

Originally it was for the enemy to make it clear that I was secretive, but now if I make such a fuss, then I won’t be known by others.

To be honest, until now, I still can’t believe that Xu Yue will really dare to collude with the assassins inside and outside to assassinate himself.

This presumptuous is also a Confucian scholar, and somewhat cultural.

You should understand the truth that a person who knows current affairs is Junjie.

Although this sentence did not exist in the Qin Dynasty, it means that it means that.

Therefore, although the winning government suspects arrogance in his heart, there is no evidence after all, and the winning government does not hope that arrogance is really mixed in it.

That’s really not fun.

Finally, as the long line went on tour, along the way, there was a dance team dedicated to dancing in the palace singing and dancing along the roadside.

It can be said that this new year’s sacrifice should be the largest in the history of the Qin Dynasty.

Not because of anything else, but mainly because winning the government has led Da Qin to destroy the Four Kingdoms, and then defeated Mao Dun Shan Yu and returned.

The elimination of the Xiongnu and Donghu is now a certainty.

Then everyone knows that once the Qin Dynasty wiped out Donghu and Xiongnu, the next step was to wipe out Wei and Qi.

So this time the New Year’s rituals are apart from offering ancestor worship and hoping to be sheltered.

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