Chapter 811 Conspiracy

In that case, no one will be happy.

Thinking of winning here, he said to Shanrou cheerfully: “This year’s New Year, the sacrifices in the palace will naturally be arranged, so don’t worry about it.”

“Anyway, the ancestors who should worship the ancestors should eat and drink.

Hearing the words of Yingzheng, Shanrou thought for a while and nodded and said, “The king, it just happened to be fine today. Come and see if our sisters practice swords.”

‘The King is so busy these days, and the mood is not very good. A few of our sisters are worried about the King, but they dare not talk to the King.

“That’s why I saw that the king was in a good mood today, so I dared to invite the king to visit our sisters to practice swords. I also hope that the king will not be angry with “Seven Two Three”.” Shan Rou said.

To be honest, Shan and Shan Lan, including Li Ji’s third daughter, are actually much stronger than ordinary people in swordsmanship.

But if you compare it to winning politics, then you are really looking for death by yourself.

Not to mention, at least for the winning government, if the winning government wants to win the three of hers.

Then it’s not too easy.

We absolutely believe in this upside to win politics.

But there is one thing to say, the main problem with the current winning government is if it wants to win the three of them.

Then I’m afraid that after winning the government, it will be indispensable, and the three people will chew their ears.

So there is no way to win politics.

“It’s okay to see your swordsmanship, but I just watch it and don’t make a move.” Ying Zheng said.

“Okay, king, you are finally much happier.” Shanrou said to Yingzheng happily.

“Why, am I in a bad mood lately? Is my temper very bad?” Yingzheng looked at Shanrou with some uncertainty and said.

“Fortunately, according to incomplete statistics, my lord, you have smashed the glass recently, and the people who have scolded are much more than before.”

“So, your mood seems to be much better today, King, at least you didn’t scold me.” Shanrou said with a smile.

Regarding what Shanrou said, there is no way to win the government.

Anyway, it’s just such a thing now, what else can we do?

After breakfast, Ying Zheng brought Shan Rou to Shan Lan and Li Ji.

At this time, the two women were already holding weapons and began to practice.

Seeing that Yingzheng was coming, both of them put down their weapons one after another, and then came over to salute Yingzheng.

Winning the government is a big wave: “Okay, you continue, I will just take a look. But first, I will not make a move.”

At this time, I saw that Li Ji and Shan Lan got the order to win the government, and they practiced again.

Since the last time these three were completely left in the palace by the winning government.

The three sisters practice swords for fun every day.

At first, the three sisters seemed to be somewhat resistant to winning the government, but later they seemed to have accepted their fate.

But as far as winning politics is concerned, those who accept their fate or accept their fate do not care about winning politics.

Yingzheng now only cares about one thing, and that is how to speed up the pace of Daqin’s reunification.

In this way, in the following days, in addition to handling government affairs, Yingzheng will focus all its energy on unified matters.

This is the long-cherished wish of the phoenix to win politics and the long-cherished wish of the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty.

So for winning politics, this matter is more important than anything else.

On this day, Ying Zheng was looking at the map in the study, and at the same time thinking about how to attack Donghu in the coming year, and at the same time thinking of ways to station troops on the border between Qin and Wei.

Then think of a way to destroy Wei Guo first.

As long as Wei State is destroyed, the remaining Qi State will be in the bag.

The current Da Qin actually wanted to destroy both Wei and Qi at the same time.

It’s just that now the center of Daqin is restrained by the sudden appearance of the second fool, Mao Dundan. 0

Otherwise, for winning politics, first unify the Central Plains, and then take the north to Jiuyuan.

That was the time for a decisive battle with the Xiongnu.

But I didn’t expect this Mao Dundan to jump out first.

This time, there is really no way to win the government.

“Great King.” Meng Wu shouted as he walked in.

“Sleep.” Yingzheng still looked at the map.

“My lord, I am bolder and dare to collude with the Wei people to hide the assassin and enter the palace to assassinate the lord.” Meng Wu said.

“Is there such a thing?” Yingzheng was still focusing on the map. After hearing Mengwu’s words, Yingzheng was suddenly curious.

This presumptuous was cleaned up by himself last time because of contradicting himself.

Unexpectedly, this guy was holding a grudge, and he even planned to collude with the Wei people to find an assassin to kill himself?

There was Jing Ke’s business last time, who are you going to send this time?

To be honest, Shengzheng does not think that this arrogance can threaten itself.

The assassin who was hired presumptuously, to say something bad, is to use it as a joke 1.3 in front of him.

It’s not the first time that Xuanyue knows himself, don’t you know what other assassins in this world are his opponents?

“Majesty, do you want to apprehend and bring the whole family to trial?” Meng Wu asked.

“No hurry, I don’t know if this matter is true or not. If you take someone now, what if you wrong the good guy?” Ying Zheng said while looking at Mengwu.

“This presumptuous has always been dissatisfied with me, and has been asking me to stop the pace of unifying the Central Plains. If this is a mistake, it will be a mistake.”

“Isn’t it just an excuse for this arrogance, to continue harassing me like a fly in my ears every day.

“You don’t bother me!””,

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