Chapter 810 Belief in the Heart]

After seeing King Qin’s imperial decree, Meng Zhi also sat in the camp and began to think.

King Qin really is a big man and has a long-term vision.

Just when Meng Zhi was still considering how to lose King Qin’s question.

Unexpectedly, King Qin had already thought of all these things for Meng Zhi.

In the imperial edict, the meaning of King Qin to Mengzhi is very clear-certain.

The failure to kill Mao Dundan this time was because the weather had nothing to do with Meng Zhi.

King Qin also told Meng Zhi not to bear too much psychological pressure, and to guard in the camp with peace of mind, waiting for the spring of the coming year.

In one fell swoop, Mao Dun Shan Yu was wiped out, and then Dong Hu was devastated, and the land of Dong Hu was included in the territory of Da Qin.

To be honest, Mengzhi has always admired King Qin.

For such a talented king of Qin, Mengzhi admired in his heart.

It was the sixth generation of King Qin and the sixth generation of Yu Lie who had achieved today’s achievements.

This is the tireless pursuit of Lao Qin people for the sake of protecting Zhou Wang’s words.

“Qin people will be out of the world in the future.”

Just because of this sentence, how many people from Qin rushed to the battlefield one after another.

Now it is finally for Meng Zhi to wait for such a wise king.

According to King Qin’s will, as long as the beginning of spring next year, Donghu will be defeated.

Then Da Qin could turn his guns around and deal with Wei Guo and Qi Guo, the last two Warring States that had not yet surrendered.

Meng Zhi felt a little excited when he thought of this.

For many years, Meng Zhi dreamed that King Qin stood on the city of Xianyang, accepting the kneeling of the kings of the six kingdoms.

Respectfully call King Qin the king of the world.

Meng Zhi didn’t know how long he waited for this day.

But Meng Zhi knows that even if it takes a long time to wait, it is worth it.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhi also issued orders to the other generals in the camp.

The whole army sticks to it, the country accumulates food and prepares for the winter, and when the spring starts in the coming year, one sentence will annihilate Mao Dundan and Donghu.

“Zhao Gao.” When Ying Zheng woke up, she felt a little strange that she was empty around her.

So Yingzheng called Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao has always been a minister in charge of winning politics, and he is also responsible for the diet and daily life of winning politics, so the general winners feel that something is wrong.

Usually it’s done just as Zhao Gao shouted.

“The minister is here.” Zhao Gao ran in quickly.

“The king doesn’t know what’s the order?” Zhao Gao asked when he saw Yingzheng.

“What time is it now?” Yingzheng asked.

“It’s not time to go back to the king,” Zhao Gao said.

Weishi, Yingzheng didn’t expect that there was such a noise last night, and today I didn’t wake up until Weishi.

“Zhao Gao, why don’t you wake up the widow, today the widow still has to go to court.” Ying Zheng said.

“If you go back to the king, you don’t need to go to court today.” Zhao Gao said.

When Ying Zheng heard Zhao Gao’s words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted.

There is indeed no need to go up.

The Qin Dynasty stipulated that once entering Lidong, the first day of each month was a day for the king and his officials to rest at home.

All state affairs are temporarily put aside.

This was mainly to allow King Qin and the ministers to have a good rest at home.

After all, in this severe cold weather, to be honest, it was really a bit cold in the morning when I came out.

“Look at my memory, I have been confused by these things recently.” Yingzheng said.

“My lord, my lord’s body is important, so why take care of small things?” Zhao Gao said.

0…………Look for flowers…

“My lord, Shanrou has been waiting for the lord outside the hall.” Zhao Gao said.

“Oh? Shanrou is here?” Ying Zheng asked curiously.

This Shanrou recently won politics because the national teacher is busy, so she didn’t find them much.

I don’t know what happened to Shan Rong Shan Lan and Li Ji recently.

“Let her come in.” Yingzheng said: “By the way, prepare a brazier for me. The weather is really a bit cold this day.” Yingzheng said as he sat up.

Don’t even mention that although Shengzheng now has the emperor’s conjugation magic body protection, but for such cold weather.

In fact, winning politics is more accustomed to roasting the brazier or something.

This is much better than other things.

After a while, Shanrou led Zhao Gao into the bedroom.

After seeing the victory, Shanrou bowed and shouted: “Shanrou sees King Qin.

“Okay, okay, there is no need for the two of us to see each other like this. Is there anything you came here to find this early?” Yingzheng asked.

“In fact, there is nothing, that is, Daqin’s New Year is coming soon, Shanlan and Liji especially want to ask the king.,

“How should this year’s New Year be celebrated?” Shanrou said.

Seeing Shanrou’s expectant eyes, Yingzheng couldn’t help laughing.

This little Nizi came to see herself early in the morning just to figure out this New Year’s problem.

It’s really not the worry of my daughter’s family.

But it’s normal. Now Da Qin is slowly on track.

Everything has started to develop normally. It must be lively and lively, and the New Year should be a better one.

It’s not that I can’t spend a new year and still have a sad face. factory,

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