Chapter 770 in a moment】

Fusu waved his hand, the soldiers who had been prepared for a long time quickly cleaned up the dirt on the ground.

Fusu didn’t want to see these dirty things pile up outside the craftsmen’s tent, so as not to cause second or second injury.

Yatada also stayed busy for a long time, but he felt a little smug in his heart, because the lives of these craftsmen were saved by his native method.

Fusu and Shi Yi watched as all the craftsmen regained some strength, and then they left with peace of mind. Shi Yi’s ~ I am very lucky.

Just when he was about to leave, something unexpected happened to Fusu.

“Master Xie’s help!” The entire construction site roared.

I don’t know who screamed in such a voice first, and then thousands of people almost kneeled to the ground, shouting in unison. Obviously, these people think that if there is no such method as the son of Fu Su, they will eventually die.

Such a scene made Fusu almost stand up on the spot, and his heart was full of mixed feelings, and many ideas came out all at once.

At this moment, Fusu suddenly realized that the people of Daqin were so cute.

Their request is also extremely simple. If there is even the slightest feeling of being valued by King Qin in their hearts, they will definitely not rebel blindly and become mobs.

Fusu stretched out his hand to help these craftsmen in front of him, and the people kneeling on the ground in his eyes were proof.

The glorious image of Fusu instantly grew tall among the craftsmen of Daqin, almost occupying the entire mind of these craftsmen.

King Qin Yingzheng was sitting in the Xianyang Palace, and Yan Shun was telling him about this incident in Afang Palace. Qin Wang Yingzheng nodded frequently to Fusu’s disposal method.

When he heard those craftsmen kneeling and worshiping the son, Qin Wang Yingzheng let out a squirt. For the son of Fusu, winning the government still added a lot of weight in his heart, which can be said to be very important for Fusu to inherit the throne.

Fusu sat in the earthen hut without sleep all night. After thinking over and over again, Fusu decided that he still wanted to talk about this matter.

After Fusu instructed his guards, he hurried back to Xianyang City with Yazhong in the nest cart at dawn.

Fusu’s counterattack is coming. And what happened in the land of Afang Palace was being secretly passed on to Xianyang City. Of course, the objects passed were Hu Hai and Zhao Gao.

For this matter, Fusu still has his own plan. Without any guessing, Fusu has already locked a few people based on Yazhong’s description of several officials who take care of the craftsmen and the things they eat.

It’s just that Fusu didn’t want to startle the snake, only after he hit Zhao Gao, did he come back to punish these small officials.

Although knowing that this time there should be no direct evidence to prove that Zhao Gao did it, but Fusu didn’t want to let it go.

Patience can only make the enemy more aggressive. Of course Fusu understands this truth.

So this time, he didn’t want to bear it anymore. Since Zhao Gao didn’t put his prince in his eyes, Fusu decided to make Zhao Gao pay some price.

At least let him know that Fusu is not a bully.

Back in Xianyang this time, Fusu came with evidence.

Although he was reluctant to do so, Fusu still took some leftovers from their meals and some of their vomit.

He was going to check with the previous medical officers to see what caused so many craftsmen injuries.

Although this era does not have such advanced equipment and laboratory technology, Fusu believes that it should not be a rare thing to make those who are serving in the military vomit and diarrhea. Maybe those doctors can judge it through their own experience.

0……Look for flowers……

This time when he returned to Xianyang, Fusu did not go directly to see King Qin Yingzheng. He chose to meet with a few medical officers first.

Of course, there are also some gratitudes. Although the doctors did not follow the methods of the medical officers to save people, the medical officers can still prove some things.

Fusu was racing against time, because he knew that after Zhao Gao did this, he would secretly observe his movements.


So this time he must rush ahead of Zhao Gao to do what he wants to do. As for the follow-up, Fusu has long wanted to do it.

No matter what, I am also the son of King Qin Yingzheng today. If I don’t make any movement, how can I be worthy of the blood of this young man Gao?

“My son, please forgive me for my incompetence. The shopping in the mansion has already gone for more than half of Xianyang city, but somehow, many medicine shops are out of medicinal materials to induce vomiting. I have dispersed all the people in the mansion, and I will get news when I think about it in a moment.

The medical officers came to the door after seeing Fusu a few hours later, thinking they were in a hurry, and quickly informed Fusu of what had happened to them.

Their tone was also eager, which showed that several of them were sincere in doing this, and Fusu had no intention of blaming it.

“Why don’t you worry about medicinal materials, gentlemen, first help me see if there are any poisons in these food and vomit that make people vomiting?” Fusu smiled faintly. Said deliberately in a relaxed tone.

While speaking, Fusu hurriedly threw a package of smelly things he was carrying in front of several people. factory,

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