Chapter 769 The role of horse dung]

After a while, Yatada quickly returned here with a pot of things in his hand. Yachu found some horse manure and steamed it with hot water before sending it to Fusu’s earthen house.

As soon as Yazhong came in, a foul smell spread to Fusu’s nose.

It was also at this moment that Fusu knew that what Yazhong said was true.

This horse dung is really not an ordinary smell. Ordinary people have a tendency to vomit when they smell it from afar, let alone put it in the throat.

“Yatada, first, find a few seriously ill craftsmen to do an experiment to see how effective it is?”

Seeing that Yazhong was holding his breath there, he obviously didn’t want to smell the stench of horse dung, Fusu quickly said to him.

Although Yatada has no symptoms yet, if he is really poisoned, it will only happen sooner or later.

“Someone has no symptoms, so this horse is free?” Obviously, Yatada was only trying to avoid the smell of horse dung 700 times, and did not hear Fusu’s meaning clearly.

After hearing this, Yazhong turned into a bitter face, and obviously didn’t want to try.

“With or without symptoms, once the steamed horse dung is swallowed into the throat, all the food will be vomited out!”

Yazhong pushed the pot of steaming horse dung aside.

Fusu blocked his nostrils, with some whimpers in his voice, “Yatada, I’m asking you to find a few seriously ill craftsmen to verify whether your native methods are really effective.”

This time, Yazhong understood what Fusu meant. He hurriedly ran to the tent where the craftsmen lived with the steaming horse dung.

Shi Yi was a little worried, “My son, I’ll go and see too. Once Yazhong’s method works well, I will ask someone to quickly collect horse dung.”

There are many horses on the construction site, most of which are used to pull some stones and thick tree stumps, so Shi Yi is not worried about the amount of horse manure.

Fusu disliked the smell of horse dung from the bottom of his heart, but he was also worried that the original method that Yazhong said would not work.

So when I heard Shi Yi wanted to see the results, he urged: “After seeing this, you can use this method as soon as possible.”

“Wow.” Shi Yi’s feet just stepped into the tent when he heard the sound of vomiting.

As he pinched his nose and went into the tent, he saw that Yatada was holding a copper basin and feeding several craftsmen lying on the couch with steaming horse dung.

Following the entrance of the horse dung, the seriously ill craftsmen who were originally lying on the bed climbed up and hung their heads under the bed, vomiting violently against the ground.

Shi Yi calculated the time, that is, between the two breaths, countless yellow and white things gush out from his mouth.

At that scene, Shi Yi forcibly stopped the wild force that wanted to gush out of his body, and turned around and calmed down for a long time before returning to normal.

Looking at this kind of scene, Shi Yi knew in his heart that the native method that Yazhong said was very effective.

He didn’t return to Fusu’s earthen house but ran directly into the stable.

I said a few words to the soldiers who looked after the horses, and watched the soldiers (aibd) look for the copper basin and put them under the horse’s buttocks.

After a while, Ya Zhongcai’s face turned red and went back in front of Young Master Fusu again.The copper basin in his hand was empty. Obviously, after a while, some craftsmen have already treated the poison in his body to Hong Huang. The force was excreted from the body together.

Shi Yi also returned to Fusu: “My son, Yazhong’s method is very effective. I have already prepared the horse dung.”

Fusu was very satisfied with Shi Yi’s quick disposal method.

After less than Yixingxiang’s time, almost all the men who served in the military service were summoned to one place by Fusu.

And what they were facing were hundreds of containers filled with horse dung to buy hot air. The scene was truly spectacular.

“If you can’t spit out all the poison in your body, you will most likely not survive tonight! Don’t move quickly?

Seeing that these people were extremely resistant to the horse dung in front of them, Fusu had to frighten them with words.

Sure enough, many craftsmen were frightened when they heard this.

In Fusu’s eyes, they are just a fate, and they die if they don’t obey, but for their family, they are the only mature people in the family.

Once dying here, the family will not be able to maintain for a long time in the future, so almost all of the thousands of people bend over and get close to the pots of horse dung…



“Wow ”

Suddenly, vomiting sounded one after another, although it made Fu Su extremely uncomfortable, but a big stone fell to the ground in his heart.

Hurry up to spit out the food before digestion, and then drink a lot of water through the urine to excrete some. These people think that after a day or two, they will all be alive and well.

The most important thing is that the construction period of Afang Palace will not be delayed too much. This is what Fusu is most concerned about. Nothing is as important as being able to complete the things that the father and king told him on time.

After a long time, the vomit on the ground also became more and more unpleasant, but Fusu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that everyone could barely vomit anymore. .

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