Chapter 762 Test it out]

Fusu didn’t care about how they built the new palace, because Shi Yi and other officials were in charge of it, and they only needed to build the new palace.

But he was concerned, and as soon as he returned to the house, he asked the officials who sent them to serve the basic information.

Although Fusu was protected by the guards sent by King Qin Yingzheng, those people were not in harmony with Fusu, they were just carrying out King Qin’s orders.

Once the dangerous moment came, Fusu still needed a new guard to protect himself. Therefore, Fusu decided to find someone who could obey his orders among these craftsmen and laborers.

According to Fusu’s plan, since reaching the city of Xianyang in Daqin, there was not even a reliable person around Fusu, which caused him to fall into a great disadvantage in the struggle with Zhao Gao and Hu Hai.

To reverse this disadvantage, he needs someone around him who can live and die for 08 and is a little bit capable. Now I am comfortable and optimistic about this Yatada.

Not long after, the information of thousands of servicemen was sent over. Because the construction of the new palace was not a fixed service, all these thousands were temporarily transferred from relatively close counties.

And Tengjun, where the great man who claimed to be “Yizhong” was located, was the original place of the Zhao Kingdom. After Daqin’s conquest, Tengjun is the farthest from Xianyang among the servicemen. Everywhere.

But Fusu carefully looked at the household registration information of this person named “Yatada”, and then thought of his strong muscles and rosy cheeks, his brows wrinkled involuntarily.

“This person’s identity is a bit strange?” Fusu muttered silently in his heart.

When the construction on the first day was completed, it was already sunset.

During the day, Fusu walked out of the earthen house where he lived several times, just to pay attention to the progress of building the Afang Palace.

It’s just that he is carefully looking for Yatada among those busy craftsmen. And I looked very carefully from a distance.

As night fell, the craftsmen guarded the bonfire and started supper.

Because of the status of Fusu, the tu hut prepared for him is still a short distance away from the serving person.

Fusu’s dinner was also delivered from the city of Xianyang. For this, Fusu was still satisfied. Only by eating well can you have the strength to supervise the progress of the siege.

In order to win over the hearts of the people, Fusu did not eat alone, but called Shi Yi, who was busy outside, into the earthen house.

This moved Shi Yi’s heart. As a Daqin prince, he could let himself eat with him. Shi Yi’s honor.

There was not much conversation between the two people. Fusu simply asked about the situation on the construction site, as well as questions about the distribution of personnel, and Shi Yi gave a detailed answer.

After dinner is over, Shi Yi will retire.

“Shang Shu, go and summon the person who is called the loyalty, I have something to ask!” Fusu said slowly. Shi Yi hurriedly gave a ritual, “My son, Yatada is a vulgar person, how can I go to my son’s house at will?” Fusu didn’t care, and looked at the guards at the door.

“Don’t worry about Shang Shu? Could Yazhong still harm this son?” Shi Yi said quickly: “Yazhong shouldn’t have the guts, it’s just a labor.”

In Shi Yi’s eyes, Yazhong is just a tall craftsman.

Seeing Fusu’s intention to see Yatada, Shi Yi hurriedly walked outside the Tsuchiya and asked the soldiers on duty not far away to find Yatada.

Fusu waved to the two guards at the door and said, “I have seen the son, what is the command of the son?” Fusu stood up and came to the guard, and whispered a few words. The two guards had strange expressions, “My son, can you change the way?”

Fusu shook his head, with some majesty in his tone, “Just do what I said.” The two guards could only whispered in and then hid in the dark corner of the earth hut.

After a while, I heard a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then the voice of the guard Fusu at the door: “Master, Yazhong has already brought it.

“Just let it in alone.” Fusu’s faint voice came from inside.

At this time, Yazhong also had a lot of questions in his heart. After this day, they already knew that the man who supervised the construction of the new palace was Fusu, the son of Qin 697 King Yingzheng.

As a loyalist who was once a native of Zhao, he did not know the situation in Xianyang very well, and naturally did not know that Fusu and the second son Hu Hai were fighting for the throne.

At this time, he had the majority in his heart, because he was curious about Fusu.

Because in his impression, no prince would come to the construction site of Afang Palace in person to supervise the construction of the project in a leisurely manner.

Therefore, Yazhong thought in his own heart that Fusu would be a person who rejoiced in his achievements, or an extraordinary prince.

I thought about my feet but didn’t stop. I bowed and opened the curtain and entered Fusu’s house. I saw Fusu sitting on Yang who was opposite him, with tall candles burning on both sides, and bursting flames kept escaping.

When Fusu saw Yazhong, he smiled at him.

But when Yatada was about to give a salute, a warning came into his heart.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure rushing out of the dark corner of the earth hut, and in an instant, a huge fist had already arrived in front of me. .

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