Chapter 761 Meet Yatada]

Most of the craftsmen would not believe that the powerful Qin Wang Yingzheng would transform their tools.

Fusu continued, “There are 100 new saws in front of you, and you are divided into 20 teams to try this new saw.”

Shi Yi was close to Fusu’s ear, “Sir, we can let these people choose the type of work themselves, so that they will be able to do it easily.” Shi Yi is still very clear about the building.

Fusu nodded and said: “After half an hour, each team nominates a leader to explain to me the pros and cons of this saw. The team that satisfies me can choose the type of work first!

This sentence is much more useful than what he said before the “Six Nine Three”, especially when they heard that the type of work could be selected first, many people’s eyes began to shine.

Although it is to build a new palace, there are still big differences in the types of work involved. Some of the craftsmen are carpenters, and some are masons. For them, the change in the type of work is how much they contribute.

Some can be said to be effortless, but some may be exhausted, so this can’t help but make them unconcerned.

After Fusu said this, he did not leave, but sat on a chair in the same place.

Eyes are staring closely at those who are serving in groups, to see how they deal with this choice that is good for them.

Half an hour passed in the tense attempts of thousands of people.

Fusu’s eyes didn’t even blink, and he kept staring at those people closely. This made the officials around him quite incomprehensible, and he was simply sent away by Fusu.

For these young officials and Fusu, we still need to identify them one by one, and see if they are in line with oneself. Fusu knew in his heart that these young officials would definitely have someone arranged by Zhao Gao.

“The hour has come. If you want to say something, you can just come forward. I only give you five opportunities. The first five people can choose the type of work you do. That’s the heaviest wood!’

Fusu asked Shi Yi to take out a few pieces of silk. “Shang Shu, you record all the types of work these people choose, and when someone can do it well in the future, let him be a pavilion chief.”

With these words, the people who were eager to try suddenly lost the courage they had before.

The task of transporting wood is almost the hardest thing in the construction of the new palace. If one is not good, it will be too tired to get up on the ground. Fusu said that if you want to fish in troubled waters, how dare you come forward.

Fusu was not in a hurry, his eyes looked at several places in the crowd repeatedly, as if he was expecting something. He knew that someone would always come out to choose the type of work, and the person who really stood up must be a craftsman with a special skill.

“Some come to comment one or two!”

After a moment of silence, an unusually loud voice came from the crowd.

The voice was full of anger, not like a sickly serving man. Everyone slammed their eyes to the source of the sound.

Following the sound, it was a big man with a length of seven feet, a wide shoulder and a thick back. The tendon on his chest held the patched blouse tightly on his body.

When Fu Su took a closer look, although the figure was a bit bluffing, this big man had a very handsome face. He was about 30 years old and had no beard under his chin. It made people feel very comfortable at first sight.

After this person got out of the queue, he saluted Fusu who was sitting on the high seat.

Without any nonsense, he started his statement directly: “Although this saw seems to be the same as my Daqin ordinary saw, once it is used, it is much more comfortable. wood.

“Ordinary wood, I originally needed 50% of the force to cut it, but with this saw, it only takes less than 20% of the force. With this saw, the pain of building a new palace will definitely be reduced. Quite a few, reformers are also talented people!”

When this person said something, there was no sexual field at all.

After Fu Su listened, although the expression on his face did not change, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

This person was the only one Fusu noticed among the thousands of people.

This time, the saws that Fusu provided to them were all big heads. Originally, they wanted to share the same saw with the two of them, but this person was able to pick up the saw with one hand and saw it.

And it didn’t take any effort to break a piece of wood and silver. With this kind of arm strength, Fusu knew that even most of the well-trained Daqin sergeants did not have it.

“Where do you come from? Who is the last name?” Fusu suddenly asked after staring at this person.

“Someone is from Teng County, the name is! Yazhong”

1.3 “Tengjun is so far away, how many people have come?” Ying Gao asked calmly.

“Only me… Yatada answered quickly.

Fusu’s eyes rolled, and he returned to the queue. When we asked again, no one dared to step forward.

This saw had such advantages in total, and Yatada was able to talk about it all at once. Naturally, other people didn’t dare to talk nonsense anymore, but they were afraid that Fusu would send them to carry the wood.

Fusu didn’t force it. Seeing no one came forward, he greeted Shi Yi and asked him to send someone to assign jobs to those who didn’t speak, and the construction of the Afang Palace had begun. .

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