Chapter 714 Fight to kill

Hu Hai and Zhao Gao couldn’t bear their excitement, “General Meng, I think this will be the winner.”

The soldiers in the army formation facing Chu Jian saw Chu Jian’s defeat, and their momentum was sinister, and their expressions changed, and they were worried for him! The army formation was silent for a while! Tens of thousands of eyes were staring at the two people on the battlefield.

When the two horses were chasing and fleeing, they quickly approached, and Chu Jian even began to feel that the hairs on his back were stirred up by the murderous intent!

There was a cheer from the Qin army formation, as if Nei Shiteng could catch Chu Jian with his hand.

At this moment, Chu Jian didn’t panic. He leaned down immediately, while peeking at Neisten who was following him.

Getting closer and closer, Chu Jian sneered in his heart, leaned down quickly, grabbing a short bow and a long arrow in his hand.

Meng Wu also found something wrong in the distance, Chu Jian was not really defeated by Neishi Teng, “No, this is to use one trick to win in defeat.” Meng Wu somehow understood.

According to Chu Jian’s strength, he should fight Nei 667 Stern for three hundred rounds regardless of the outcome. Meng Wu waved to the soldiers behind him, and sounded the gong to make General Neisten return to the formation quickly.

The soldier was a little puzzled: “General, seeing that General Stern is about to win, is it a bit of sounding the gong at this time?

Meng Wu was just about to urge. Suddenly, Chu Jian who was riding on the horse yelled: “Look at the arrow!” Xianruo’s full moon burst quickly, and a cyan electric light rushed like a brilliant meteor!

The speed was incredible, and the momentum was incredible! Nai Shiteng did not expect Chu Jian to use this trick. He just wanted to shoot Chu Jian under the horse with the iron rod in his hand.

Hearing the bowstring sound in his ear, Nei Stern knew not well, but he was a little caught off guard at this time.

He shook his head violently, avoiding the critical point of his throat, but was “snatched” by the sharp bronze arrow to tore the solid silver armor (aibd), and a brilliant blood flower blossomed on the right shoulder. !

Nei Shiteng screamed, his figure rose up, and he almost planted his horse!

Chu Jian laughed, “Cangna” drew out the long sword at his waist, and when he turned the horse’s head, he would raise the sword and chop off Nei Shiteng’s head.

Seeing this, Nei Shiteng reluctantly grabbed the warhorse’s string and dodged Chu Jian’s sword in a panic.

Chu Jian had a dark smile on his face, “Today I am going to open up foreigners for the army, and use your head to pay tribute to the dead brothers.”

At this point, Chu Jian’s body was raised on the battle horse, and the sword glowed with dazzling brilliance.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Nei Shiteng put the iron rod on the horseback of the horse, and his right shoulder was severely injured, and he was no longer able to fight.

“Chu Jian, you and I will fight again in Japan.

After Nesten said that he made a decisive decision, immediately pulled his horse’s head, and flew away!

How could Chu Jian let go of this great opportunity, “Nei Shiteng, want to go? Leave your head and talk.”

The war horse galloped over the battlefield. Chu Jian knew that winning the first battle would be of great benefit to the morale of the soldiers, so Chu Jian decided to pursue it. It was the best choice to capture Nei Shiteng.

Just as he chased the past, Mengwu waved his hand to the vice-general of the two houses under his hand, “Rescuing General Nei Stern back to the formation.”

The two horses immediately rushed out of Da Qin’s formation and rushed towards Chu Jian who was chasing.

Chu Jian also watched Liulu and listened to all directions, and saw the two generals rushing out of the Qin army formation, he had to go back to the formation with some regret.

“Mie Qin! Mie Qin! Mie Qin!…” Hu Hai looked very embarrassed when he heard the shouts from the opposing array.

Chu Jian finally turned defeat into victory, which greatly encouraged the soldiers in his headquarters.

They cheered and thundered! The weapons in their hands were raised one after another, as if they were about to charge and sink immediately.

Before Chu Jian zong the horse to tour the formation, he couldn’t help being proud for a while, and his face was red! Although I didn’t have the Euphorbia in my hand, I was a bit proud of a sword in my hand.

Daqin’s sergeant saw that Nei Shiteng suddenly changed from victory to defeat, and his morale was lost for a while, and the army was suddenly calm and a little frightened.

“My son, we have lost this time. I think we will go back to camp for a while and we will continue to fight until tomorrow.”

Meng Wu glanced at the dejected soldiers behind him.

Hu Hai didn’t have a word, and looked at Nei Shiteng who was defeated in the formation.

Although furious in his heart, Hu Hai’an resisted his violent temper and signaled his subordinates to bring Nei Shiteng back to the camp for treatment.

Neisten felt frustrated, “General, I disgrace Da Qin’s prestige.”

Mengwu comforted: “Go to heal, don’t care about winning or losing the First World War.”

Zhao Gao approached Hu Hai’s side, “Sir, we can’t take our troops back to the camp, so the morale of the Daqin soldiers will be affected, and it will be difficult to win the battle in the future.”

Hu Hai nodded, he also knew that the morale of soldiers was unfailing. “General Meng, we still have to continue fighting.

Hu Hai looked at several generals on both sides of Mengwu, “The general went out to fight and cut the arrogant Chu Jian under his horse.

As soon as I said this, I heard cheers and shouts from the opposing formation, “Brothers, the enemy is in front of you, kill them and destroy Da Qin!”

The army of “kill-kill” mobs also has a brave side. Tens of thousands of people screamed at the same time and rushed like a roaring hero. .

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