Chapter 713 Strong players are more powerful players)

The two huge forces collided together and turned into a surging continuous sound wave to the surroundings!

The two horses stepped back a few steps at the same time.

“Om! Om” Nei Shi Teng and Chu Jian only felt that their eardrums were sharply pierced by a sharp needle.

A look of pain suddenly appeared on the face! This shock caused both eardrums to be hurt.

The two horses staggered out again, and the eyes of Neisten and Chu Jian couldn’t help but become a little heavy.

The two of them strangled the horses quietly, allowing the horses under them to confront and roar against each other unconvinced, with a white breath from their noses, and they did not attack again for a while!

Chu Jian secretly horrified in his heart: “My Chu family’s halberd under the heavens swept the country of Chu, where I was going to Pima, I didn’t expect to meet an opponent here today!”

Chu Jian was improperly brave in the state of Chu. Although the state of Chu was destroyed, Chu Jian still refused to accept the generals of Da Qin.

“It seems that this Nesten is really a brave player, he is definitely not a mediocre player! I am afraid it will be difficult to win without a trick!”

Chu Jian was still very confident about his Euphorbia.

Nei Shiteng was also horrified: “I have been on the battlefield for more than ten years, and I have cut countless enemies with the family stick method. I have not encountered such a shocking opponent in martial arts for many years. I met an opponent here today!”

Nei Shi Teng’s views on Chu Jian’s martial arts have changed a little. , I won’t be defeated today, 々!”

The two will unanimously hold the weapons in their hands together.

The eyes became hot at the same time, which is a feeling of sympathy and sympathy for the heroes.

The two stalwart figures exuded a raging fighting spirit, and the fierce murderous aura began to accumulate on the two!

It can be seen that the next match will be a thunderous blow!

“Kill–!” Chu Jian roared first, followed by a proud Chang Si, the powerful four hoofs of the war horse slammed into force, the ground trembled, and thunder rushed!

“Ah–! “Nesten did not show weakness, the steed roared, and the horse’s head shook sharply. The beautiful and long horse mane flew in the fierce wind, rushing like a bolt of lightning!

“哧–” The cyan war halberd gained powerful kinetic energy in the rapid gallop of the horse, turning into a fiery and violent flame, and slashed down with a brilliant light like a roaring dragon. This made Chu Jian’s self-confidence soar.

“Hoo-u-” The black halberd first drew a Yuangu in mid-air to gain enough power, and then roared down under a pair of powerful arms.

The black light blared violently, exuding a violent murderous cover towards Stern.

Neisten had predicted where the halberd would fall, and the iron rod in his hand was raised above his head to meet him.

There was a loud, rapid “ding”, and the two galloping horses missed their shape in a hurry!

“Click! Whoo–! “The cyan halberd head suddenly broke, turning and flying into the distance!

“Beng!–!” The black halberd tip snapped off suddenly and plunged heavily into the mud! Chu Fitness shook a few times on the war horse. Ouch, he stabilized his body in an instant.

In this confrontation, Chu Jian’s bronze weapon suffered a loss, and the entire halberd head was broken and flew out, leaving only a beautiful halberd pole!

In contrast, Neisten’s iron rod was much better, only a section was broken, and most of it was still intact.

Although Nei Shiteng saw that his weapon was a little damaged, he was furious. The iron rod made of meteorite was extremely precious. It was ruined for a period of time. I don’t know when it will be recast with the best materials.

Neisten’s face instantly turned purple, roaring like thunder, and with a wave of the iron rod, the horse rushed like a bolt of lightning. .

Chu Jian was shocked when he saw this, how could he resist it with only a bald halberd in his hand?

In his eagerness, he shouted, his right hip arm exploded, and he threw the halberd rod forward like a javelin!

The heavy halberd “”crowed” in mid-air and slammed into Nei Shiteng.

And Chu Jian, regardless of whether he hit or not, he immediately pulled his horse’s head, and he was about to leave and prepare to return to the formation!

Seeing the halberd flying, Nei Shiteng’s momentum was fierce, and he did not dare to take it hard.

The whistling halberd (Wang Wang Zhao) rod almost whizzed past Xiang Liang’s nose, and his eyebrows were violently fluttering, and Nei Stern suddenly let out a cold sweat!

After crying out fortunately, he straightened his body again.

When Nei Shiteng stood up and looked again, Chu Jian had already turned his horse’s head and retreated to his army!

Nei Shiteng was a bit unwilling, he felt that he was a little bit at a loss today.

I was not angry, how would I be willing to give a loud shout, the horse shook its head and shook its tail with a long roar, hooves rumbling, and chased it wildly! “Chu Jian, don’t go, we have been in the war for a few rounds.”

“Mighty! Mighty! The soldiers of Daqin saw that Nei Shiteng had the upper hand, and their spirits were lifted up, and they waved the flag for him!.

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