Chapter 705 Discrimination】

Ying Miaoyan moved lightly, and the guards moved Jin Lian to follow her when they saw her.

Ying Miaoyan’s ears and eyes are also very sensitive. Just walking to the corner, he found that a few people in black flew out from the roof, obviously coming towards Xu Fu. When they appeared in the yard, they turned their heads, as if they saw a breeze, and ignored them.

The guards had long known the identity of Win Miaoyan, and no one in the alchemy palace dared to come forward to dissuade this domineering princess.

Out of the alchemy palace, Ying Miaoyan leaned his body against the wall, he was testing whether Xu Fu found himself.

It’s a pity that all Xu Fu’s thoughts on this matter were placed on the people in black, and he did not find that Ying Miaoyan was following him.

Ying Miaoyan watched for a long time and found that Xu Fu hadn’t noticed himself at all.

This surprised Win Miaoyan. “Why do people always get rid of Master Xu? It seems very useful for the king to send me over.”

She murmured in her heart: “Did Xu Fu do something bad?”

But winning Miaoyan soon cleared this thought out of his head~.

Because Xu Fu is not that kind of bad person at all, how can a person who is afraid of women-can do bad things.

“The great king was right. Xu Fu had offended too many ministers in the court.”

Win Miaoyan can only use this idea to explain why someone wants to kill Xu Fu.

Ying Miaoyan hid his body in the dark and watched the actions of these people carefully.

“Xiang Bang, Xiang Yan?” Xu Fu looked at the person in front of him in surprise, only these two people could be named.

Xiang Yan tore off the black cloth around her face, revealing her face with scars.

He didn’t feel the slightest surprise. From the moment he discovered it, Xiang Yan had an anger that he wanted to vent.

“Since you have found out, we won’t hide, this is my master Jianzong ancestor.” “Xiang Yan said, touching the scar on his face.

Xu Fu stopped, “The one who should be here is here. This time Xiang Yan invited a master.” Xu Fu knew from the deterrence from the person standing opposite that the person’s skill was very deep.

He raised his eyebrows. “I thought that after you failed miserably last time, you would converge a little. I didn’t expect to come to trouble me again, but this time, you don’t have that good luck.” Xu Fu was still a little angry.

The ancestor of Jianzong squinted his eyes in the dark, he was very concerned about Xu Fu’s attitude. Just like these words in Xu Fugang’s anger, the ancestor of Jianzong was upset.

He sternly said: “Your Excellency is too arrogant. Although your cultivation level is so advanced, even my two apprentices have been folded into your hands, but this is related to our reputation in the Great Qin Rivers and Lakes.” Sword Sect here. The ancestor took a step, his clothes tightened.

“This time I will use all my strength to deal with you.” After saying this, the ancestor of Jianzong motioned to Xiang Yan, and Xiang Bang took a few steps back.

The ancestor of Jianzong was arrogant, he didn’t put Xu Fu in his eyes at all.

Although his two apprentices were defeated by Xu Fu, the ancestor of Jianzong still attributed the failure to an accident.

Because from the moment he saw Xu Fu, Jianzong ancestor discovered that Xu Fu was not a martial arts material at all, but only knew how to refine Qi.

This time Xu Fu will be killed here. This idea became clearer and clearer in the mind of the ancestor of Jianzong.

Xu Fu tidyed up his clothes and tucked up his hair: “Is that right? Well, hurry up. If it weren’t for disturbing the maids and them in the mansion just now, I would have done it to you just now. The night is really disturbing. .”

0……Look for flowers…

The ancestor of Jianzong was furious, and Xu Fu’s contempt was embarrassing.

Xiang Bang and Xiang Yan were even more gloomy.

“Xu Fu, then I’m not polite, do it!” The ancestor of Jianzong did not shiver too much, and for a moment he would let the people in front of him know how terrifying the power of the ancestor of Jianzong was.

Xiang Bang and Xiang Yan couldn’t help but leaned their bodies against the corner of the wall when they heard the words “hands-on” by the master. They both knew very well about the long sword in the master’s hand.


The speed of the ancestor of Jianzong was several times faster than that of Xiang Bang, and Xiang Yan’s attack power was several times faster, but in the blink of an eye, it was like a few ghosts that appeared in front of Xu Fu.

Although there was still a distance of several meters, the long sword in the hands of the ancestor of Jianzong had already swung into the air, and several sword lights appeared in the air as if it were substance, and then descended from the sky to stabbing Xu Fu.

Xu Fu raised his head and watched the arrival of the long sword. This kind of power can only call out the phantom when the inner strength reaches the supremacy.

Xu Fu sighed in his heart: “Sure enough, unlike other realms, the power of the sword of the ancestor of the sword sect can condense such a substantive sword style is also rare in the world.”

Xu Fu could feel that the power of this sword was much stronger than Xiang Bang Xiang Yan’s full blow. Xu Fu did not evade his edge.

He stood still, raised his hand, and kun the wooden sword behind him. Xu Fu knew that the crucial battle was still coming.

When the phantom fell, Xu Fu raised his hand, and the wooden sword in his hand showed a sense of house air, which hovered above the tip of the sword like an air mass. factory.

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