Chapter 704 Select shot]

King Qin Yingzheng, who returned to the bedroom, was still not sleepy.

Seeing that Yan Shun was about to withdraw from the bedroom, Ying Zheng said: “Yan Shun, what about winning Miaoyan now?,

Yan Shun hurriedly bowed and said, “Major, according to your wishes, Win Miaoyan is already in the alchemy palace at this moment.”

Yingzheng nodded after listening. “That’s good, that’s good. This Nizi doesn’t know if she can conceal her domineering temper.

“My lord, you worry too much, Princess Miaoyan will definitely let Xu Fu fall into the land of gentleness.”

Yingzheng laughed happily, “That’s what a few people want to see. Don’t let me down.”

Ying Miaoyan is the niece of King Qin Yingzheng. In order to win over Xu Fu, King Yingzheng Qin came up with this method.

Let Ying Miaoyan make up as a humble girl to approach Xu Fu and attract Xu Fu with her beauty.

Until King Qin Yingzheng completely controlled Xu Fu, he regarded Xu Fu as a pawn in his hand, allowing him to refine the immortality pill 657 for himself without complaint.

Xu Fu did not stay in the alchemy palace at this moment, but appeared alone in the southeast of Xianyang City.

He came to accomplish what he promised to win the government.

King Qin Yingzheng had something to ask Xu Fu to find a great place to build a palace, Xu Fu didn’t dare to neglect.

Although he knew that Lu Buwei would not let him go easily, Xu Fu still came to this place he had already chosen in the dark.

This place is called Afang Village, and it is the highest point in Xianyang, which is the Dragon’s Back.

It’s just that Afang Village is in a collapse of Longji, which is the so-called place of blessing on the yin and yang.

The reason why Xu Fu chose to build a palace on it was that he took a fancy to A Fangcun’s Feng Shui.

In the quiet of the night, Xu Fu stood on a high place and reached out to make a compass. For the sake of caution, he wanted to look at the Feng Shui of Afang Village again.

(aibd) After busying for a long time, Xu Fu returned to the alchemy palace with satisfaction, “Tomorrow the court will tell King Qin about this good thing.”

Xu Fu crossed his legs in the pill room. In order not to let the servants come to pester him, Xu Fu was still willing to stay in the pill room.

Although the resting conditions here are not as comfortable as in the dormitory, it is quiet and there are no humble girls to warm his bed, which makes Xu Fu very comfortable.

Fupan sat on the bed, just a little sleepy, opened his eyes in vain, and glanced at the roof in surprise.

“So many people really value me.” Xu Fu muttered, slowly letting go of his feet.

He stood up and thought for a moment. Only then did he walk into the courtyard of the Alchemy Palace.

“My lord, you haven’t rested yet?” A guard walked out of the black shadow.

Xu Fu waved his hand: “I ate too much tonight, and went out for a stroll.

“My lord, shall I go out with you?”

Xu Fu shook his head quickly, “No, I’ll be back after walking around the door of the Alchemy Palace for a few times.”

While speaking, Xu Fu glanced at the towering roof, and saw a few figures shaking in the dark.

In a blink of an eye, a few dark shadows disappeared, and Xu Fu knew it was because they heard their own voice.

Xu Fu sent away the guards and walked out of the alchemy palace as quietly as possible.

For this kind of duel fight in the martial arts, Xu Fu is still unwilling to let the guards participate in, so as not to let the martial arts people gossip.

Xu Fu just stood at the gate of the palace for a while, watching the guards not paying attention to him, Xu Fu turned his head and walked to the corner.

In the corner of the corner wall, three figures appeared, all wearing black night clothes. It looks clean and tidy.

One person in the lead saw Xu Fu suddenly come out, and the action of making the other two people ready to rush in and start their hands immediately stopped.

“Master, let us get rid of Xu Fu together.” The person next to him had a dim sum.

“Don’t do this, how can the master’s face appear on the rivers and lakes after the group fight.”

“Master, let’s take a surprise attack and hit him by surprise.”

“We have been discovered by him.” The ancestor of Jianzong looked a little solemn, and turned to look at Xiang Bang and Xiang Yan.

He realized that Xu Fu’s cultivation was not so profound. In the view of the ancestor of Jianzong, the actions of several people have been concealed very secretively.

“Master, what shall we do?” Xiang Bang was a little discouraged, and he felt a kind of fear in his heart for Xu Fu.

“Xu Fu, let us go out and fight, let’s go. Since he found out and didn’t want to say anything, let’s go with an open mind.” The ancestor of Jianzong flashed out first, his figure floated, and he stood with his eyes down. at the corner.

Xiang Bang and Xiang Yan had to keep up.

As soon as Xu Fu walked out of the alchemy palace, a door of a room opened quietly, and a small face protruded from the room.

Two aura eyes swept into the courtyard. It is to win Miaoyan.

Just now she saw through the crack of the door that Xu Fu had left the alchemy palace in the middle of the night.

Win Miaoyan always pays attention to Xu Fu, because there is another mission in Win Miaoyan, that is, Qin Wang Yingzheng asked him to report Xu Fu’s every move to him in a timely manner.

King Qin Yingzheng also heard some gossip recently. Although he didn’t believe that Lu Buwei would blatantly remove Xu Fu in this way, Yingzheng still asked Ying Miaoyan to listen to some news.

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