Chapter 697 Unexpected]

Gaba, Gaba, Xiang Yan’s slender fingers made a noise. “Don’t forget what your master promised me.”

“Don’t worry, a promise, as long as you take off Xu Fu’s head.”

At the end of the twelfth lunar month, the city of Xianyang suddenly fell heavy snow, the heavy snow was continuous, as big as goose feathers, as if the entire Xianyang city was covered with a thick white blanket in an instant.

The north wind whistled, the sound was like a curl, the biting wind was violent and cold, and the whistling sound was like a child crying.

In the streets and alleys, trampled by the people coming and going, the white snow squeezed and thickened, and a layer of ice scum would be formed on the top.

These ice ballasts are mixed together like a thousand miles of ice. After the heavy snow, the sun shines, which is a bit dazzling.

The sudden snow comes, it comes violently, and it comes unexpectedly.

This heavy 08 snow also stopped the tragic and endless war. At this moment, all confrontations began to stop consciously.

King Qin Yingzheng has received a secret report from Wang Jian that the army attacking Liaodong desperately needs some warm cotton clothes.

Qin Wang Yingzheng discussed with Prime Minister Li Si for a long time, and decided to let Kuo Tian lead some sergeants to send tens of thousands of cotton-padded clothes to the front line of the Liaodong battlefield.

Li Si walked out of the Xianyang Palace and looked at the entire Xianyang City completely into a world wrapped in silver.

These days Li Si was busy with official duties and did not have any time to rest. Seeing such weather, Li Si suddenly became interested and said to his hands, “Go to Wangjiang Tower for a drink.”

This kind of cold weather is a rare occasion for gatherings for those who are rich, rich and powerful, or ladies.

They will take advantage of the rise and meet a few people on the river bank, watching the blue waves frozen by the winter color, come to chant poems, or gather in the pavilions or pavilions, blanch a pot of warm wine, and talk freely.

Li Si was wearing thick fur clothes, followed by a few entourages, sitting on the high Wangjiang Tower near the North Alley in Xianyang City. On the table was a pot of warm wine and some wine and vegetables.

The wine only moved a little to warm the body, but the food didn’t move a bit. None of the entourages spoke, watching Li Si look down from above the Wangjiang Tower.

The location of Wangjiang Tower is very good, especially the upper floor. It is very secretive and has a good wait-and-see ability. It can overlook the surroundings.

It’s just that Li Si’s actions make people wonder, he seems to be waiting for someone, and he seems to be watching a big show.

He knew exactly what Li Si wanted to do. A sound of footsteps sounded from below the Wangjiang Tower.

“My lord, Zhong’s father’s nest cart is parked in that alley.” A young man in plain clothes came to Li Si’s side. Li Si stood up slowly, sipped the remaining wine in the wine statue into his mouth, and then walked to the side of Wangjiang Tower.

At a glance, there was a luxurious nest car parked at the end of the alley. Apart from Qin Wang Yingzheng, only Zhong father Lu Buwei owns one of this nest car in Xianyang.

“Are you sure that Lu Buwei is in the nest car?” Li Si looked back at the young man.

“My lord, we have sent someone to follow him for a long time. Lu Buwei is in the nest car, but I don’t know how Zhongfu appeared in such a remote alley.”

Li Si nodded and stared at the luxurious nest car. In recent days, Li Si found that Lu Buwei was a little abnormal, and sent people to inquire about Xu Fu every day.

This made Li Si a little strange. Several times he sent people to ask how Xu Fu had offended Lu Buwei. Xu Fu’s answer was even more secretive. Besides, Lu Buwei sitting in the nest car, he didn’t know that Li Si would follow him secretly.

This time Lu Buwei was determined to get rid of Xu Fu, so he sent someone to tell Xu Fu that some of the virgins who had been expropriated had arrived in Xianyang City, and asked him to wait and see. This small alley is the only way to go. Lu Zhi had let Xiang Yan come here long ago, and Lu Buwei wanted to watch Xiang Yan get rid of Xu Fu in person.

The door of the Alchemy Palace opened, and there was a sound in this quiet snowy day. Xu Fu stretched out his head and glanced at the street in front of him. It was already completely covered by snow.

The people sent by Lu Buwei just now vowed to say that some childhood boys and girls have arrived in Xianyang City, which made Xu Fu a little excited. Qin Wang’s enlistment of virgins meant that Xu Fu could leave this place of right and wrong.

In the cold winter of 653, Xu Fu still only wore a blue shirt without any extra clothes.

A nest car slowly left the alchemy palace. The nest car didn’t go too eagerly. The curtain on one side was rolled up. Xu Fu leaned out half of his body slightly and took a look at the snow scene by the way.

This time he did not let other people follow, planning to go alone.

Creak, creak, the wheels of the nest cart rolled, and a row of ruts appeared on the thick and soft snow.

Xu Fu thumped the snow on the curtain of the car, smiling at the corners of his mouth. He really likes this snow scene.

As a result, two consecutive rows of ruts appeared on the long street.

“My lord, Xu Fu’s nest cart is here.” Upstairs in Wangjiang, a follower with sharp eyes saw Xu Fu coming in this direction from a long distance.

“Xu Fu doesn’t stay in the alchemy palace, what do you do when you come out on a snowy day? Is it as interesting as me to see the snow scene?”

Li Si stopped the shochu in his hand, narrowed his eyes and looked at it, filled with doubts. .

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