Chapter 696 Comparison of conditions]

There are legends, as long as you see Minghua, you will definitely die. This also illustrates a kind of personality of Xiang Yan.

Look at the thin body, with long black hair on top of the head and lush, straight to the waist, the body is straight and upright, the face is handsome, the features are exquisite, the complexion is white and the skin is like snow, which is better than women.

This is a man who is as beautiful as a demon than a woman! This is a man who makes people fearful.

One of the rumors in the arena, the only man who can be compared with Xiang Bang.

Rumor has it that no one has ever seen his appearance, because all the people who have seen him have died under his hands.

No one knows what weapon Xiang Yan uses, or that he has never used a “six-five-three” weapon.

But everyone who knows him knows that Xiang Yan uses weapons.

His weapon is a flower, a flower that only the dead can see. !

The candle was lit, and the person sitting opposite Xiang Yan in the dark became clear. The man who had been sitting on the corner of the table had his face covered with scum and a clear scar on his left cheek.

This is Lu Buwei’s mysterious entourage, Lu Zhi!

Lu Zhi has been following Lu Buwei for more than 20 years. It can be said that Lu Zhi has seen Lu Buwei step by step to become the father of Da Qin.

The reason why Lu Zhi followed Lu Buwei was because Lu Buwei saved his life when he was the most impoverished.

Therefore, Lu Zhi gave his life to Lu Buwei, and Lu Buwei believed that Lu Zhi would give him some secret things.

Regarding the missing ten gold, Lu Zhi still knew clearly that he took out the ten gold.

Lu Zhi’s hands are a bit tight recently because he knows a beauty, and this beauty is the top brand of Yanchunlou.

In order to redeem her, Lu Zhi had to put out some of the deposit Lu Buwei had given Xiang Yan.

“If you are missing ten golds, what’s the matter? Wouldn’t my master not admit it, you know our master’s rules.” Lu Zhi decided to use Lu Buwei’s name to restrict Xiang Yan.

Lu Zhi’s low voice sounded, as low as the voice of a cheetah, and it was a little frightening to hear it.

“Your master? My Xiang Yan has only recognized money but not people since I was a child. Don’t tell me some nonsense.”

Xiang Yan looked completely inadequate. For him, although Lu Buwei’s name is a bit big, Xiang Yan is not too scared to mention the conditions.

The beautiful and exquisite eyebrows are slightly puckered, the frowning eyebrows are like a flower, and the heartache of frowning. The delicate and beautiful face makes people feel caring.

“Lu Zhi, you also know that my Xiang Yan has killed countless people. I have never missed my hand. What the Lord cares about is the sincerity of your master. Why is there ten gold missing? Even if it is the king of Laozi, you should tell me.”

Xiang Yan sneered a few times, her coquettish face was suddenly covered with chill. Regarding money, Xiang Yan has always turned her face and refused to recognize people.

As the top killer in the Great Qin Kingdom, Xiang Yan pays attention to both money and dignity. Dignity for him is whether the customers who hire him believe in his abilities. This ability can only be reflected in money.

Ten gold missing is not a matter of money, but dignity.

Lu Zhi was silent for a while, he knew that he had made a lot of noise this time. He kind of hates himself for being greedy for money.

If it weren’t for a woman, Lu Zhi wouldn’t do it either. Now, I can only persuade Xiang Yan to get rid of Xu Fu first.

“Xiang Yan, if you lose ten gold, you will lose it. This time is my mistake. I will tell my host clearly. When you lose Xu Fu, I will use ten times the money to compensate for the ten gold. 0 “Lu Zhi patted the table and roared.

When Xiang Yan heard Lu Zhi say this, she stopped retorting, picked up the purse and put it in her sleeve, preparing to leave.

“Wait, you accept the money, you have to set the day of the work, so that I can have an explanation with my master.” Lu Zhi watched Xiang Yan want to pull out his leg, so he blocked the door. .

Xiang Yan frowned and was a little upset. Although he was hired by Lu Buwei, Xiang Yan didn’t want anyone to restrict his actions. He was a casual person and only started when he felt comfortable.

“Go back and tell your lord, when I am happy, I will go and get rid of Xu Fu.” Xiang Yan said this as if she pinched an ant to death.

“No, my master said that this must be completed within three days.

Lu Zhi did not dare to neglect what Lu Buwei explained. He also knew Lu Buwei’s vicious methods. Anyone who did not act according to Lu Buwei’s intention would not end well.

“Xu Fu?” Xiang Yan muttered to herself, “How can an alchemist let my junior and his younger brother escape in a desperate situation? Does Xu Fu have magic skills?”

Lu Zhi did not conceal “Xiang Zhuangshi, your junior is due to an intelligence error. Xu Fu is not rumored to have no cultivation level at all. There is, and it should not be considered low. The people sent last time were all in his hands. This time I want to kill with one blow, so I want you to go.”

Xiang Yan pushed Lu Zhi away and stood at the door.

“This time I want to find the face lost by Junior Brother.”

Lu Zhi was even more happy when he heard that, which shows that Xiang Yan attaches great importance to Xu Fu.

“Tell your lord, Xu Fu has become a dead thing in my hands.”

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