Chapter 686 Illness is born from the heart]

Xu Fu rushed to the palace of King Qin Yingzheng.

But see, Qin Wang Yingzheng was sitting in the middle of the dragon bed with a pale face.

The plain clothes on his body have not been worn on his body, but the guards put it on his shoulders.

“My lord, the alchemist Xu Fu is here.

Yan Shun came to the front of King Qin Yingzheng after giving a ceremony.

Ying Zheng’s expression was a little frightened, “Alchemist, I had a nightmare just now.”

Xu Fu heard a secret voice, “It seems that the king is afraid that his life will be shortened.”

In the dream of winning politics, I saw a blue dragon flying up from his body, and his body instantly turned into a stubborn stone.

This dream will scare the victory of the government.

Xu Fu hurried forward, took a look at the almost soaked plain clothes, and stretched out his hand to catch the pulse of King Qin ~ Yingzheng.

After a few breaths, he said: “Majesty, you are too tired of worrying, and you have a phantom at night.

Yingzheng asked, “Alchemist, is there any way for the widow to sleep comfortably at night.”

Xu Fugang wants to say, “As tired as the king, there is no way to sleep comfortably at night.

Then I thought about it and said, “My lord, I have only one pill here that can make the lord a dreamless night until dawn.”

After speaking, he reached out and found a black pill in the clinic box.

The winning government is in hand, “Alchemist, why is there only one?”

Xu Fu fell face down on the ground, “This kind of pill is not easy to make. Nowadays, there are no medicinal materials, so only one is made.”

Winning government uniforms Shita Dan Maru, “Alchemist, I will have someone call the virgins tomorrow, and after three days, the alchemist will be able to go.”

Ying Zheng heard that there were no medicinal materials in the alchemy palace, and he was extremely anxious. He didn’t want Xu Fu to stay in the alchemy palace leisurely every day.

What he needed was Xu Fu to refine himself a pill for immortality.

Xu Fu supported King Qin to sleep until Ying Zheng snored before Xu Fu quietly withdrew from the bedroom.

When I came out, Nashun also followed outside, “Master Xu, what if the king has nightmares again after you leave?”

Xu Fu pulled out three purple long incense from the diagnosis box.

“You light the three-pillar long incense on the head of the king’s bed, the bed and the door, and the king can sleep until dawn.”

The long incense in Xu Fu’s hand contains some requisite medicinal materials. This medicinal material is harmless to the body, but it makes people sleepy for a long time.

Yan Shun thanked him and asked the guards to send Xu Fu back to the alchemy palace.

“Now I can rest now!” Coming down from the nest cart, Xu Fuzheng glanced at the moon in the sky. The moonlight was sinking in the west. It was already four more hours.

Xu Fu returned to the room and lay down, speechless all night.

Open your eyes, the dazzling light shines from the window, warm and comfortable breath.

This feeling is not something Xu Fu can compare to those simple dwellings who gather medicine outside.

“It’s really a comfortable morning.” Xu Fu sighed.

Preparing to get up, although King Qin Yingzheng never sent anyone, Xu Fu was still a little worried. He decided to go to the palace to see King Qin Yingzheng.

As soon as the clothes were put on, the door was gently clicked, “My lord, we are here to eat you and change your clothes.

Then a few humble girls walked in, brought in toiletries, and wanted to wait on Xu Fu to change clothes.

However, Xu Fu refused, he was very unaccustomed to such things.

I washed myself a little bit, and simply ate early.

Xu Fu walked slowly to the middle of the yard. The weather was cool and sunny. Xu Fu greeted the guards outside to prepare his nest cart.

0……Look for flowers……

Xu Fu saw King Qin and found that although the expression of winning the government was a bit decayed than yesterday, the circulation of vitality and blood was smoother.

Xu Fu does not recommend Ying Zheng to use this kind of celestial dew to smear the skin on his body every day. The elixir he refines, and the celestial dew actually contains some cinnabar.

These dansha are harmful to the body, and long-term use can cause poisoning. Xu Fu knows very well in his heart.

“Majesty, these pills and Xianlu are extremely difficult to refining, I think they should be used after a while.

Yingzheng now believes in what Xu Fu said.

“Alchemist, then I will be taking those pills for a while.”

Ying Zheng didn’t know that the dansha was poisonous. He thought that Xu Fu was afraid that he would not be able to refine the pills without the medicinal materials, so he let him take it after a while.

Seeing that King Qin Yingzheng’s health was not in serious trouble, Xu Fu went down to the main hall. He didn’t want to participate in the discussion of state affairs.

Lu Buwei winked at Qin Song beside him, and Qin Song also asked King Qin for peace and walked out of the Xianyang Palace.

Before Xu Fu reached the nest car, Qin Song blocked his way.

“Alchemist, it’s rare to meet you today, why don’t we go have a drink?”

Xu Fu rejected Qin Song’s invitation. He was not very familiar with Qin Songben. Besides, Xu Fuming knew that Qin Song was from Lu Buwei, so he was even more reluctant to stay with him.

There was a smile on Qin Song’s face, “Master Xu, drinking is a trivial matter. I also want to ask the adults for some health-preserving ways, and I hope Master Xu will give him some advice.”

When Xu Fu heard Qin Song say this, it was not easy to refuse.

Seeing that Xu Fu hadn’t gotten into his nest cart, Qin Song waved to the distance, “Master Xu, let’s go and have a drink.”

Xu Fu followed Qin Song to the most popular pub in Xianyang. factory,

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