Chapter 685 Invincible Killer

Xu Fu inadvertently called out the name of the belly-faced man, “Xiang Bang, the number one killer in the world.”

The dark shadow standing opposite Xu Fu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. “Master Xu, do you really remember me?”

Xu Fu nodded, he still knew Xiang Bang’s reputation.

As the world’s number one assassin, Xiang Bang has done many evocative things, and even assassinated King Qin Yingzheng.

It’s just that after being discovered by King Qin, he was desperate, but Xu Fu didn’t understand it a bit.

At this time, how could this Xiang Bang appear in the alchemy palace, and he was going to kill himself.


A sword pierced the sky, and the long sword in Xiang Bang’s hand was drawn out of the sheath like lightning.

In the night, a sharp and chilling sword light was shot, pointing at Xu Fu remotely, with a cold expression on his face.

Xu Fu was taken aback, and he immediately grinned. He secretly said, “This Xiangbang must have been assigned by someone to kill me?”

“Brother Xiang, right? Where did my Xu Fu 650 offend you?”

Seeing Xiang Bang’s cold expression, Xu Fu was still not impatient, he decided to find the person behind the scenes.

“Did we have some misunderstandings!” Xu Fu looked at Xiang Bang.

“No misunderstanding, I am going to kill you today!” Xiang Bang took a step closer.

Xu Fu did not choose to retreat at this moment, and the murderous sword tip trembled in front of his forehead.

“Xiang Bang, why do you want to kill me?”

Don’t think Xiang Bang is the number one killer in the world, but his head is very simple.

Seeing Xu Fu forcing himself like this, Xiang Bang pressed his wrist.

“Master Xu, I was entrusted by Zhong’s father to send you to the Yin Cao Netherworld. Don’t blame me.”

Looking at Xu Fu, Xiang Bang didn’t intend to fight with himself, so he told the truth.

In Xiang Bang’s eyes, Xu Fu is like a piece of fat on the chopping board and let him slaughter him.

Xu Fu (aibd) heard the words Zhongfu, and he understood it completely.

Lu Buwei had already regarded him as a thorn in his eyes. Xu Fu lamented himself. Although he had nothing to do with the world, some people wanted him to be destroyed in the alchemy palace.

“You are not my opponent, I will not do it with you.” Xu Fu shook his head slowly, speaking very seriously.

He did not choose to explain, because the explanation was useless, Xiang Bang would not believe it at all, and it is impossible to just listen to one side.

“Master Xu, if you are so confident, won’t Xiang Bang be your opponent?”

Xu Fu’s words are a bit arrogant. Xiang Bang frowned deeply.

Xiang Bang is very confident in his cultivation, and Jianghu also respects him very much.

Usually Jianghu also joked that he is not only the world’s number one killer, but also the world’s number one swordsman.

Although Xiang Bang doesn’t care about these titles, he has only swordsmanship in his life, and the sword is everything to him. But being praised is also a blessing.

Xiang Bang thinks that his talent is very good at his age, and his skill has reached the level of desire that ordinary people can hardly achieve even in a lifetime.

But the person in front of him said he was not his opponent.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable. “Master Xu, I still don’t believe you.”

“Really, let’s try it!” Xu Fu said solemnly. Xu Fu decided not to hide his cultivation level anymore. At this time, life is still important.

The cold wind hit, the robes of the two danced with the wind, and a tense and cold killing intent was slowly spreading between the two like this cold wind.

Xiang Bang’s eyes became sharper, and the long sword in his hand seemed to merge with himself at this moment.

He just stood there, like a long sword with a brutal force, exuding an unparalleled cold light.

Xu Fu naturally knew that this was the realm of kendo mastery.

However, Xu Fu still stood there in a lazy posture, without making any defense, or even an attacking posture.

This posture made Xiang Bang hesitate in his heart, and squinted his eyes.Is this confidence in his strong cultivation base, or contempt for himself!

Xiang Bang’s heart heated up. The duel between masters always makes both sides yearning.

Xiang Bang slowly gathered part of his skill on his feet, and he chose to jump up in the air to attack Xu Fu.


A piece of bluestone under Xiang Bang’s feet fell apart in vain, but it became like this under a strong force.

The battle is ready to go. Only the breathing of two people can be heard in the alchemy palace.

“Master Xu, the king would like to please.”

Just when the two popular Shen Dantian were about to do it, a loud shout came from outside the alchemy palace.

Then the lights were brightly lit, and a nest car stopped at the gate of the alchemy palace.

“Master Xu, change clothes as soon as possible. King Qin has something important to ask.”

Xu Fu heard this voice. It was the voice of Qin Wang Yingzheng’s most personal guard officer Yan Shun.

Xiang Bang was still a little afraid of those guards of King Qin.

He took the long sword in his hand, gave Xu Fu a fierce look, and his legs rose into the air.

The whole body is like a black civet cat rushing to the house.

Xu Fu watched Xiang Bang’s figure disappear, and walked directly to the gate of the Alchemy Palace before he could think about it.

“Yan Shun, what do you want from King Qin?”

As the palace gate opened, Xu Fu asked anxiously.

Yan Shun was also anxious, “My lord, the king sometimes feels unwell. Please go to Xianyang Palace to see.”

Xu Fuwen heard that he quickly turned around and walked to his place of stay, took out a diagnosis box and then followed Yan Shun into the nest cart. .

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