Chapter 646 Last fight]

With stone bullets on their heads and large crossbow arrows constantly running forward, many soldiers of the Yan Army have become panting because of their fear of breathing too fast.

This kind of panting caused more Yan Army soldiers to fall into a state of panic.

The screams of their companions kept coming from their ears.

Several generals of the Yan army screamed “Listen the shield before–Listen the shield before–“.

Such shouts are accompanied by constant breaking through the air, which brings up dense snoring and screams.

The soldiers of the Yan army kept falling on the city wall, and the not-so-wide corners were tightly blocked by the body of the Yan army.

Sima Lie was gasping for breath. He was excited. He was directing a thousand people to repeatedly launch an arrow array of “One”.

Also let the archers behind enter the ready-to-fire state.

Sima Lie didn’t know what kind of scene was on Jincheng, but relying on the howling sounds in his ears, he knew that after this round of attacks, those Yanjun generals lost their resistance.

This is exactly what Qin Jun needs.

Wang Zhi stopped shooting the ballista, and now what is needed is a strong attack.

It is actually very simple to say that it is a force attack. There are no defenders on the wall of Jincheng City.

After a quick climb, the head of Jincheng occupied by the Qin army.

Sima Lie cut down the banner of Yan State and replaced it with the Daqin banner in Pianyang.

The gate of Jincheng was opened by the soldiers of the Qin army, and Wang Ben marched forward.

“General, we met resistance in front of us.”

Sima Lie also stepped on his horse and watched a pair of Qin soldiers retreat from Jincheng to the gate of the city.

He shouted loudly: “Retreat and cut, and those who retreat without a fight cut.”

The soldiers of the Qin Army stopped now.

Wang Zhi immediately looked ahead, and the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom guarding Jincheng took a dense formation.

Holding a spear and a machete in his hand, he rushed towards the unsteady Qin army.

Wang Ben didn’t want to do too much entanglement. His goal was to go to the Grand Marshal’s Mansion in Jincheng to capture Prince Dan.

Seeing that Yan Jun had no intention of retreating, Wang Zhi waved the flag, “Let the archer prepare.”

With a flash, hundreds of archers stood in front of Wang Ben.

The crossbow shooting needs to open the crossbow string for a little adjustment before shooting arrows, but the archer can shoot arrows as long as the bow and arrow are used.

Therefore, Wang Zhi chose the archer in this situation.

Although he knew that such combat alchemists would let some archers lose their lives unsuspectingly, but Wang Zhi had no other choice.

The frequency of archers shooting is very fast, almost three to five thousand archers fired like a downpour of arrows.

The soldiers of the Yan army who leaped over kept hitting the arrows and rushing forward from the position of the fallen soldiers.

There are no more officers to call for any commands, and everyone starts to speed up and dash forward in silence. This has become a mechanical action.

Seeing that the dense formation became messy, Sima Lie shouted, “Kill, kill the Yan army.”

Although there was fire in the dark night, there was no way to see everything clearly when charging, and Qin Jun maintained a state of frantic fighting.

The first one rushed forward and was tripped over by the corpse, and there would be a second one. Some people who stopped the charge were even hit by the sharp knives of the shield car, and died without a word.

This kind of scene can happen at any time, but Wang Ben did not stop the soldiers of the Qin Army, and these unnecessary sacrifices can only continue in this way.

Sima Lie opened his bow left and right on the horse, blazing a trail of blood.

“General, Prince Dan’s handsome mansion is right in front of him.”

0……Look for flowers…

Wang Zhi didn’t stop his hand either. The big sword in his hand chopped back and forth, and the soldiers of the Yan army finally began to flee.

Without the commanding generals, the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom raised their hands and surrendered.

Because they knew that Qin Jun didn’t kill prisoners.

“Report to the general that Prince Dan is not in the general’s house.”

A pair of Qin Army soldiers walked out from inside, and a Yan man in front was tied up.

“Where is General Prince Dan?” Wang Ben and Yan Yueshen asked. From the top of Yan Ren’s clothing, Wang Benhan could tell that this was a cook.

“Prince Dan, he, he escaped with some ladies.”

Sima Lie turned his horse’s head when he heard this: “General, I’ll go and chase him back.”

Wang Zhi shook his head, “General Sima, we are not very familiar with the terrain here. Since Prince Dan has escaped, he will definitely escape into the mountains.”

Sima Lie nodded, “Then let Prince Dan starve to death in the mountains.”

Wang Zhi went on to say: “General Sima, you now let our soldiers hurry to put out the fire, and don’t let the people in the city suffer some losses.”

Wei Liao also came to Wang Ben’s side with the chariot, “General, a group of soldiers from the Yan Army killed out from Beicheng, do we need to send troops to chase?”

Wang Zi said: “If you leave the north gate of Jincheng, you don’t want to be the high mountains, let the Yan people go.”

The cheerful horn of the horn floated from the top of the Jincheng city. Following the white fish in the east, the Daqin battle flag fluttered over the entire Jincheng.

After the horns stopped, the army shouted in unison, “Mum! Ho! Mum!”, and the commanders continued to be heard.

Then the tidy drums were beaten rhythmically, and the soldiers of the Qin Army were ready to go. Wang Zhi looked at these solemn and mighty soldiers and couldn’t help sighing: “Da Qin soldiers are number one in the world.” The factory,

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