Chapter 645 The trend is gone]

Someone who was waiting for Wang Li lost confidence, and the wind direction remained the same.

The north wind blew his shirt with a chill, “Guo Lieutenant, are you looking at the southeast wind?”

Wei Liao was still standing on the chariot. He just raised his eyelids and looked at the night sky to the east. Several stars shone in the sky.

“General Wang, the southeast wind is about to blow.”

With these words, Wang Ben’s shirt suddenly changed the fluttering direction.

Wang Zhi looked through the stars in the night, and the flags on the ballistas were fluttering, but the direction was completely changed.

“Lord Guowei, you are really good at thinking.”

Wang Li couldn’t help but praised. Wei Liao looked at the top of his head, the voice of conversation from the wall, it was Yan Jun asking each other about the battle situation.

Wang Ben’s belly and Sima Lie made a gesture, and a huge paper kite rose into the sky.

Each kite is filled with nitrocellulose. Sima Lie calculated the burning time of these 627 nitrates. Once they reach the sky above Jincheng, they will deflagrate.

“Prepare to attack the city.” Wang Zhi whispered.

He wanted to take advantage of the fire broke out in Jincheng, and the Yan army began to attack the city.

This kind of attack can get twice the result with half the effort.

Prince Dan was a little tired, looking at the silent city outside, he muttered, “Could it be that Qin Jun really gave up on attacking the city?”

“A monster appeared above the General Jincheng.” A Yanjun standing next to the crenel found the paper kite in the sky.

Prince Dan looked up and saw a piece of paper kite pressed in black over Jincheng.

“What the hell is Qin Jun going to do?” Seeing a wooden bucket hung on these paper kites, Prince Dan was a little confused.

A fireball fell from the sky, and the paper kite turned red in a blink of an eye.

Bringing the flames to the head of the city, the soldiers of the Yan (aibd) army exclaimed, “There is a fire dragon in the sky.”

With this shout, countless fire dragons descended from the sky.

Jincheng instantly became a city of fire.

“General, your wife asked me to tell you that there was a fire in the courtyard of the family.”

A soldier from the Yan Army quickly shouted under the city wall. “Report to the general that the commander’s mansion is on fire.”

The sound of gongs can be heard everywhere in Jincheng, which indicates that there is a fire.

Prince Dan was in a trance, confessing a few words to the general who guarded the city, and hurried to his inner house.

What Prince Dan worries most is his wife.

Wang Ben and Sima Lie held their palms outside Jincheng and laughed.

“General, this time Prince Dan just wanted to run, but couldn’t escape.”

When Wang Zhi gave an order, Qin Jun dared to fight for the first place, and a series of ladders rose, and Qin Jun avoided the rolling wood and thunderstones falling from the wall of the city.

Ming Wu Wu-Wu Wu Ming-the sound of horns spread far in the night sky.

The first attack failed in the stubborn resistance of the Yan army.

It’s just that the fire in Jincheng became more and more prosperous, and even Wang Li who was under the city could feel a trace of scorching heat.

“General, you can’t attack blindly. Let the crossbow and the ballista be powerful.”

Wei Liao commanded the approaching ballista to adjust the shooting angle. At this moment, the flat shot turned into an overhead shot, and the target became easier to capture.

Twenty ballistas made a strange rubbing sound of wood, and it seemed that the wind sound of “whoo-” could be heard.

The round stone bullets were sent out for about three breaths, and a scream of screams could be heard on the city wall.

Twenty stone bullets all hit the crenels where the Yan army was holding on, and they smashed straight blood paths. Each stone bullet killed and wounded at least a dozen soldiers of the Yan army before they completely lost their kinetic energy.

The lethality of the stone bullet is strong, but it is more of a heavy psychological pressure to the enemy. After all, the death directly hit by the stone bullet is too bleak. It is basically the blood flowing into the river immediately after being hit.

Those Yan Jun had never seen a person who had been alive on a trot suddenly burst open at close range.

The scene of a person with red and white scum splashing made these Yan Jun fearful.

Amid the miserable screams, I saw another soldier from the Yan Army running and suddenly turning into two pieces and flying backwards suddenly.

The present Jincheng city wall is simply a large slaughterhouse, with broken human organs everywhere. There are also some stumps with broken arms.

Even the veterans of the Hundred Fighters would feel that their feet were soft when they looked at that kind of horror. As for those younger soldiers of the Yan Army who had wetted their crotches a long time ago, they hated his parents for giving him two fewer legs.

Although it is also frightening to be strung together by three or five people with thick crossbow arrows, it is really insignificant with being hit by a stone bullet.

The generals of the Yan army were constantly shouting, warning and intimidating. The only thing they could do was to keep running with the soldiers of the Yan army on the wall.

Avoiding those strong crossbows and stone eggs while running, they had no time to worry about the Qin soldiers who were preparing to attack the city again. .

The firing frequency of the stone bullet is about twenty breaths, which is about two minutes. An adult’s running is about one hundred and sixty meters, which is about eighty steps.

The width of the city wall of Jincheng is about fifty or sixty meters. All these Yan Army soldiers ran, thinking it was even more crowded. .

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