Chapter 636 retreat】

After hesitating, Nankan did not issue an order to attack.

Without the enemy’s charge, Wang Ben and Sima Lie would not be able to lure the enemy. .

Wang Li had paid the deaths and injuries of nearly a few hundred people and had to give up luring the enemy.

He found that Prince Dan had mastered his strategy, because the speed of the Yan army was slowing down, and it was easier to let those replenishment soldiers engage in close-range hand-to-hand combat, just maintaining an attack formation.

Seeing this, Wang Wei waved the flag and ordered the strong crossbow at the front to prepare to deter shooting. Wang Li decided to anger Prince Dan again.

Nankan had also been ordered before the attack, and he would never enter the range of the Qin Army’s strong crossbow.

He frequently turned his head to look at the location of Prince Dan, but the retreat order has not been issued, which made Nankan feel a little uneasy.

The Qin army’s troops had retreated to three hundred steps away from their own barracks.

The soldiers from the rear team and the auxiliary soldiers are building wooden boards that cross the trenches.

When Prince Dan saw this situation, a little blood poured over his head.

This was the best opportunity. Once he attacked the Qin Army’s camp, Wang Ben would have no support and he could only leave.

Prince Dan felt a sense of excitement when he thought of being able to defeat the Qin Army.

With the order, Yan Jun began to speed up and attacked Qin Jun.

There was a sound of killing on the battlefield, and the soldiers of Yan State raised their machetes and spears one after another.

Those protecting shield players also withdrew in time.

“Launch a strong crossbow.” Wang Li finally waited until Prince Dan made a mistake.

How could he give up this best time to wipe out the Yan army.

The horn was sounded in the Qin army camp.

On the high platform about two feet in front, a single-bow strong crossbow sent out a slender crossbow arrow.

It was shot out and landed on the ground about fifty steps in front of Nankan and plunged into it.

The slender bed crossbow arrows shook violently for a while before it came to a standstill.

With the launch of this crossbow arrow, a chirp sounded in the air.

It was emitted when the tail wing behind the crossbow was moving in the wind.

This sound sounds trembling.

Prince Dan raised his head and yelled, “No, we are still fooled. The closer to Wang Li’s camp, those strong crossbows will exert their power.”

Prince Dan did not hesitate any longer. Order one by one: “The back team changes to the front team, the front team changes to the back team, return!”

Nankan dodged in the arrow rain, and when he heard the order to retreat, he ran wildly on the road when he clamped the abdomen of the horse with his legs.

He could no longer take care of the dead and wounded soldiers of Yan State.

From the time the Qin army left the camp to when Prince Dan ordered a retreat, the two armies did not find a chance to disrupt each other.

It took about an hour. One side retreated to the camp, while the other retreated to Jincheng in a hurry.

“Send people to pick up arrows on the battlefield.

Wang Ben stood at the gate of Daying and watched the smoke disappear at the gate of Jincheng. This was the order.

Sima Lie also issued instructions to collect the dead bodies of the enemy and us and bring back the wounded.

In a short hour, the two sides sent crossbow arrows back and forth so that there were arrows everywhere on the ground of the battlefield.

The Yan Jun was defeated, and when he retreated, he hurriedly did not pick up the remains of those killed in battle.

Some wounded were also discarded on the battlefield.

Listening to the wailing, Wang Ben turned his head to look at the generals.

“Our Daqin soldiers are not allowed to go and kill the prisoners of the Yan Kingdom.”

Collecting arrows is the power that the winner has.

0……Look for flowers…

Seeing some soldiers from his side went up to pick up arrows, Daqin’s pawns knew that his side had won for a while.

First, a few people cheered, and then the atmosphere was mobilized to form tens of thousands of people cheering loudly.

This kind of cheers was earth-shattering, and almost dropped Prince Dan in Jincheng City from the chariot in fright.

Sima Lie heard Wang Ben’s instructions and asked Daqin’s soldiers to receive a stretcher made of coarse cloth and long poles, and one after another, regardless of the enemy and us, carried the wounded back.

“Why do even the wounded soldiers of the Yan Army have to carry them back?

Some Daqin soldiers did not understand.

The blade was placed on the necks of the wounded soldiers of the Yan Kingdom.

In fact, Sima Lie didn’t understand why Wang Ben wanted to do this.

The victor has always been able to make a fatal blow to the wounded left by the enemy army when cleaning up the battlefield.

However, this time Wang Li gave an order to bring back the wounded with the enemy.

Among the hundreds of people lost by the Qin Army, not many were killed on the spot.

In fact, if it weren’t for the critical part, the arrow would not die in the first time. Most of the soldiers who hit the arrow died of untimely treatment or excessive blood loss.

Being wounded on the battlefield is an extremely desperate thing. This has always been the case since ancient times. Those who are left have two choices. One becomes a captive of the other side, and the other is killed by the victor.

Those Yan soldiers who failed to return to Zhongjian had already desperately accepted the fate of being made up by the enemy.

Unexpectedly, the enemy army didn’t pay attention to themselves at first, and then they didn’t kill anyone but carried all the strange tools and sent them to Daqin Barracks in pairs.

“It’s a pity that I was injured by a crossbow arrow at such a young age.” Factory,

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