Chapter 635 see through】

Nankan saw this kind of scene, and made Yan’s crossbowmen shoot more crossbows.

A strange sound of “humming–dangna–humming” suddenly sounded in Qin Jun’s formation.

It turned out to be the sound of wind and collision of the spear shafts when a large number of spearmen shook the six-meter spear in their hands.

The large-area swaying spear looked dazzling, and the crossbow and arrow shot from the side of Yan State tilted down.

Some crossbowmen who could not dodge in the front line of the Qin army let out a muffled arrow and fell down.

However, all Ge Spearmen holding small bucklers lined up into a wall to protect the critical mass of Qin Army soldiers.

The crossbow bolt that fell on the swaying spear forest was slapped and lost its kinetic energy and could not cause damage.

Nankan saw that Prince Dan did not order the crossbowmen to stop, and only waved the flag again to let some crossbowmen behind to continue firing crossbow arrows into the Daqin Army.

Qin Jun just panicked 620 for a few breathing intervals, and then re-formed the shield wall, and the entire array resumed its forward mobility.

On the top of their heads, within about fifteen breaths, a wave of arrows shot forward from behind, one after another, the crossbow arrows were blocked by the shield wall.

The soldiers of the Qin Army were not in a hurry to advance, but kept moving in place, making Yan’s crossbows and arrows frustrated.

Understood, Sima Lie really understood a bit, Wang Ben’s approach was completely depleting the arms reserves of Yan’s army.

He admired Wang Li’s strategy from the bottom of his heart, and Sima Lie felt that he was a little bit open.

In the fight of tens of thousands of people, individual martial arts can kill a few dozen enemy troops, but when there is always exhaustion, only commanding an army can kill more enemy troops. This is the establishment of male death. Path to meritorious service.

And this approach (aibd) will soon be before his eyes.

The Prince Dan on the chariot in Yan’s army also understood.

The troops under Wang Ben’s are simply a smart ostrich, and an ostrich that can only spit out murderous weapons.

The Qin Army in front of him not only exaggerated the defense, but also knew the essence of avoiding the Yan Army’s bow and arrow formations.

He saw the Qin army slowly retreating under the wave after wave of diffusion, and it seemed that there was no tendency to prepare to launch a charge at all, and he suddenly realized it.

“This is Wang Li’s strategy to lure the enemy into deep, and it is consuming our equipment.”

Prince Dan was annoyed, “Even if your king has a thousand tricks, but my Prince Dan is not an idiot.”

Thinking of this, waving the flag to make the crossbowman stop shooting.

Sima Lie is a very traditional Qin army general, although he found that the Qin army was temporarily suppressed.

But Sima Lie was not in a hurry, because he saw that Wang Ben’s face, who was sitting steadily on the horse, was calm, and even a faint smile was still hanging on the corner of his mouth.

This made Sima Lie even more relieved. He put his whole mind on observing the Yan army’s attack.

Sima Lie had been observing the distance between the two armies when the Qin army was suppressed.

According to the Qin Army’s code of conduct, the two armies’ distance between the two armies was the time to start the charge, but the damn Yan army kept keeping a distance of more than two hundred steps even though it was advancing.

The Damn it’s diffusion suppressed the Qin army’s crossbowmen so that they could not form an arrow formation. Although the crossbowmen could only cause damage to the enemy by shooting, it was not proportional to the damage caused by the band-type diffusion.

The crossbow arrows above the battlefield keep flying past, and the Qin army under the cover of the small round shield has very few casualties.

“General, I think our Daqin soldiers should attack?”

This is the lieutenant behind Wang Li who is fighting with him.

This has three times to ask Wang Ben for instructions from the right flank to launch an assault to interrupt the enemy’s arrow formation.

But Wang Li remained indifferent, as if he was standing in the formation and waiting for the soldiers of Yan State to attack.

He turned back and said: “Without my order, no Daqin soldier can attack at will.”

The generals repeatedly told their subordinates that “the command of the coach is to lure the enemy.”

To endure the continuous casualties is to draw the enemy into the shooting range of one’s own powerful crossbow.

Prince Dan, who led the army slowly to close with the former army, naturally saw clearly from the beginning what happened on the battlefield.

In the immediate situation, Yan’s army temporarily gained an advantage, but what he saw was the tenacity of the Qin army.

Although there were some casualties among the soldiers of the State of Qin, the soldiers of Daqin were busy and not chaotic, and used their formations to resist Yan State’s attack in an orderly manner.

If the army with lax military regulations can only endure the enemy’s firing and cannot effectively counterattack, it would collapse long ago.

However, the Qin army has fallen at least hundreds of people, but the army formation has not yet appeared in chaos, and has maintained the integrity of the army formation and is slowly retreating.

The forefront troops on the side of the Yan Kingdom were almost 300 paces away from the Qin Army Camp.

Nankan, who had become the second row, had good eyesight. He could see several generals in the Qin army’s camp from the gap in the shield wall.

The one in the middle is supposed to be the head coach of the Qin army, and the two sides are probably the deputy generals, and the one holding the yellow and black flag is obviously the messenger.

Nankan muttered silently in his heart.

From the faces of the generals in Daqin, Nankan didn’t see the panic.

This made him ask, “Don’t Da Qin’s soldiers fear death?”

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