Chapter 619 Xu Fu Ligong】

Ying Zheng looked at Meng Zhi, “General Meng, do you have a good way to deal with those mobs?”

Meng Zhi said, “My lord, the mob is not terrible. We are almost mishandled. In the end, the riots can be quelled with five thousand troops.

Yingzheng nodded, “It is only a quick way to quell the riots and wipe out the mob. The main thing is to appease the hearts of the people and not to kill the innocent in vain.”

“Follow the will of the king,” Meng Zhi said on his knees.

Although Meng Zhi said this, he still had a bit of hatred for the mob in his heart. In Meng Zhi’s opinion, the mob had only one kill word to make him surrender.

“General Meng, the widow will give you five thousand troops and horses, and you will be marching tomorrow. Can the rebellion be quelled within seven days?

Ying Zheng asked with a sharp knife to cut the chaos.

“The king can rest assured that Inner Mongolia Zhi will return to the hall to give orders within seven days.”

Yingzheng waved 08 with satisfaction, “General Meng, go.”

Yingzheng turned around and said to Li Si: “Prime Minister, after General Meng quells the rebellion, do you have suitable candidates for those local officials?”

“Majesty, the minister has already drawn up a list of several people, please take a look.

Li Si presented the bamboo slips, and Lu Buwei was angry.

This is Li Si taking himself away and replacing those close to Lu Buwei with his own people.

Lu Buwei hurriedly said: “Majesty, the mob riots happening here show that we must carefully choose among the chief political officials. The minister thought we still need to think twice.

Yingzheng ignored Lu Buwei’s words, “Prime Minister, before this matter, you will do what you want.” Li Si quickly thanked King Qin Yingzheng.

By the way, Xu Fu used a compass to set the position of yin and yang in the palace, and placed 21 red candles into a formation.

In the middle is a pattern of five elements and gossip yin and yang fish.

A copper bell was held in his left hand, and a few spells of killing ghosts and exorcising evil spirits were placed in front of him.

The bedroom at night seemed a bit deserted. The queen had moved away, and the surrounding court ladies knew that there was a place in the queen dowager’s palace, so they all took shelter when they walked there.

Although Ying Zheng left Xu Fu in the bedroom alone, some guards were also arranged outside.

Seeing the child is approaching, Xu Fu lit 21 red candles, magical a mahogany sword, and waited for the appearance of foreign objects.

A gust of wind blew in from the crack of the bedroom door, and the red candlelight of the candle flickered.

Xu Fu did not stand up, but sat cross-legged, slowly raising the bell in his hand.

In my ear, I heard a shout outside, “Foreign body is coming, foreign body is coming.” A heart-trembling cry rang.

Xu Fu listened attentively, the cry sounded a bit rash.

The guards shrank into a ball outside the palace.

Creaking, creaking, the door of the bedroom suddenly opened, and a huge black shadow flew in from outside.

“Come well.” Xu Fu secretly said in his heart: “Since you are here, you don’t want to go out anymore.

Watching the dark shadow slowly fall on the beam of the palace, the peach wood sword in Xu Fu’s hand drew a circle in mid-air, and a swarm of air radiated from the tip of the sword.

Accompanied by this good spirit, the copper bell made a clear sound, and there was a kind of peace of mind in the heart when this sound was heard.

The black shadow made a cooing sound, “It turned out to be a yin bird.”

Under the reflection of candlelight, Xu Fu finally understood the foreign object.

Yin birds, belonging to the underworld, will not easily appear in the Yang world unless they are summoned by Taoism.

Before Xu Fu could think about it, the bell in his left hand shook faster.

A gust of yin wind rushed down from the beam of the bedroom, and the black yin bird spread its wings and pecked down at the top of Xu Fu’s head.

“How can Yang Shi allow you to live.”

Xu Fu yelled, and the peach-wood sword pierced the black yin bird under the curse of wine.

A handful of cinnabar was raised easily, the candlelight skyrocketed by three feet, and the entire bedroom was enveloped by firelight.

There was a wailing, the black yin bird was hurt by the qi, and its huge body fell to the ground. After struggling a few times, Yinniao wanted to fly again. Xu Fu shook his hand and the bell flew to Yinniao’s head.

Several guards leaned against the door boldly, watching the foreign objects fall into the dust and shouting, “The alchemist has captured the foreign objects.”

Yingzheng did not have a rest in his bedroom in 610, and he was also concerned about this foreign object of the Queen’s public.

Hearing the voices of the guards, he walked out of the palace.

“Escor, escort, the king is out.

Some guards rushed to Yingzheng actively.

“Alchemist, are you gaining something?” Ying Zheng saw Xu Fu walking out of the queen’s bedroom with a peach wood sword to greet him.

“My lord, as soon as the foreign body was captured by me.

“How about the alchemist let the widow see this foreign object?”

Xu Fu said: “Majesty, I’m afraid it will hurt the king.

Yingzheng couldn’t help being curious, “Alchemist, can I have two eyes on the bridge from afar?”

Xu Fu saw that Ying Zheng insisted on seeing the Yin Bird, so he walked back to the queen’s bedroom and tied the black Yin Bird with a few red ropes.

Then hang a bag of cinnabar on the neck of the yin bird, so that the yin qi produced by the yin bird will be covered by the cinnabar qi, and people will not be hurt by the yin bird when they are close to the body. .

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