Chapter 618 Lu Buwei’s embarrassment]

Winning politics is still worried about Xu Fu’s safety.

Because winning politics needs Xu Fu to refine the pill for him.

Once Xu Fu was worried about his life, those pills could no longer be refined.

This is related to the longevity secret of winning politics, so I am more concerned about Xu Fu’s life and death winning politics.

Xu Fu was moved in his heart. King Qin was actually very concerned about the life and death of his little alchemist, which made Xu Fu a little grateful.

“Alchemist, do you need a weapon? Or I will send more guards to protect you.

In his opinion, Xu Fu does not know martial arts, let alone sharp weapons, and is not an opponent of foreign objects.

“My lord, it’s enough for me.”

“Sixty One Zero” Xu Fu still repeats this sentence. In his opinion, it is not that the more people the better.

“Alchemist, you are alone, don’t you fear that foreign objects will hurt you?”

Xu Fu placed the peach wood sword hanging from his waist at his feet.

“My lord, I have this thing. It is impossible for foreign objects in the world to harm me.”

Xu Fu is still very confident in his Bing Peach Wood Sword.

This peach wood sword is restrained from the main stem of an old peach tree that is more than 100 years old. Has the role of exorcising demons and killing ghosts.

Ying Zheng glanced at the peach wood sword, which was three feet long and was wrapped with red and yellow velvet rope on the hilt.

Two Buddha statues are carved on the body of the mahogany sword.

“Alchemist, the widow will leave you in the palace.” Ying Zheng saw that Xu Fu was not timid, so he knew that he was ready.

Xu Fu nodded and said yes, only then did Yingzheng stand up. Walked out a few steps and looked at Lu Buwei.

“Father Zhong, where is the queen?”

Lu Buwei said: “The queen is relaxing in the garden.

King Qin Yingzheng walked out of the bedroom, “Alchemist, catch the foreign object tonight, and the widow will celebrate your achievements.”

“Xu Fu, I won’t let the king down.” Xu Fu bowed and sent away King Qin Yingzheng.

Turning back, Xu Fu was the only one in the entire bedroom.

Xu Fu first cleaned the queen’s bedroom with wormwood, and then hung the wormwood on the beam.

The whole bedroom is filled with the medicinal aroma of wormwood.

Wormwood can drive away evil spirits. In order to reduce the evil in the house, Xu Fu used wormwood to clean the house.

Close the door of the bedroom, Xu Fu took out the compass.

In order to capture this foreign body, Xu Fu decided to put up a five-element yin and yang formation.

It’s just that it’s daylight, so we can only complete the preparations first, and wait for the night to come.

Back to the court, Ying Zheng looked around at His Royal Highness. “The widows are not in the Xianyang Palace these few days. The ministers have something to tell you.”

“My lord, Li Si has something to worship with my lord.

Ying Zheng bowed his head and saw that Li Si took a step from the crowd and came to the center of the hall.

Li Si is now the prime minister of Qin at the ceremony, in charge of the major events of the Qin State.

“Prime Minister, please tell me something.” Yingzheng knew that when Li Si came out, the matter must be no small matter.

Li Si bowed and bowed, “Majesty, there is a riot in the south of Xianyang, the people are displaced, and the mob is killing innocent people. The minister asks the king to quickly send troops to annihilate.

Winning Zheng Jian was stunned by the court, and no one reported to him the riots in the south of Xianyang.

He didn’t even know that a riot would happen if he was so close to the capital of Xianyang.

Li Si also saw that winning politics was not aware of this, so he went on to say: “The mob has been in chaos for several days, and there are people fleeing in Xianyang.”

Ying Zheng looked at Lu Buwei, he was not in Xianyang for the time when Lu Buwei controlled the government.

Lu Buwei was startled in a cold sweat, and secretly said: “This Li Si Si said that he pulled it up with his hand, but now he is about to fall into a place where he can never recover. It seems that this person has a rebellion.”

Li Si is not trying to calculate Lu Buwei, but because the place where the mob rioted is Li Si’s ancestral home.

Because of the mob’s riots, the family’s property was lost, and the tribe members also suffered some injuries. This made Li Si want to kill King Qin and quickly sent troops to suppress it.

Although Yingzheng meant to complain about Lu Buwei, he still took it back when it came to his lips.

Lu Buwei saw that Yingzheng’s eyes became softer, which made him feel a little relieved.

“My lord, I think it’s okay to let Meng Zhi go and suppress those mobs?,

Lu Buwei proposed this candidate in order to correct his mistakes in a timely manner in the face of winning politics.

Ying Zheng turned his gaze to the other side of the hall.

When Meng Zhi heard Lu Buwei say his name, he quickly stood up and bowed down.

“Majesty, Meng Zhi did his best to wipe out those mobs.

Meng Zhi had already received reports that the mob had only a few thousand people and the weapons were hoes, shovels and the like, and there were almost no weapons.

Meng Zhi knows better that the reason for the mob riots is that the small officials in this area have arbitrarily increased the tax burden. 1.3 The people can not afford the food tax and caused the people to rebel.

It’s just that Meng Zhi told Lu Buwei about this, but Lu Buwei didn’t care.

Nor did the soldiers go forward and wipe out.

オ Let these mobs become more and more powerful like a snowball.

Meng Zhi also knew that this place was Li Si’s hometown. In his opinion, Lu Buwei did all this deliberately in order to suppress Li Si.

Li Si is now favored in front of King Qin, and he is already a celebrity, which makes Lu Buwei unhappy.

So I suppressed the riot, but Li Si took the initiative to bring it up in front of the victory, which embarrassed Lu Buwei. .

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