Chapter 582 Unprovoked Fury]

Yan Wangxi didn’t expect that he would fall to this point one day. Facing Han Fei, he could only speak in a low voice. Han Fei had a winning political support behind him and was naturally fearless. Yan Wangxi could only listen to Qin’s requirements in a muffled voice. .

No matter what the request, Qin State is blatantly playing tricks and secretly talking about “reason”. Those principles sound extremely ridiculous to others, and they can also be explained by the loss of Yingzheng and Han Feineng. Yan Wangxi couldn’t refute, so he nodded and said yes with a smile.

The king of Yan felt blood dripping when he heard those articles. He said embarrassedly: “Even if people agree to these things, the civil and military officials of the country of Yan may not be able to agree to them. To be honest, the country of Yan is turbulent now. People’s minds are distracted. If Qin’s requirements are too high, they might turn their faces and even deny them.” Wang Yan winked at the palace people beside them.

Hurry up and summon Yan Dan, the son who often contradicts himself. This time is just the starting point.

When Yan Dan arrived in a hurry, he saw that Yan Wangxi was being preached by Han Fei like a child who made a mistake: “It is not right for Yan Wang to say that. Isn’t Yan Wang still not clear about the situation? It is not Yan Wang alone. The Qin State is restricted, but the safety of the entire Yan State is firmly in the hands of Qin State. If someone acts rashly, it will destroy the entire Yan State.”

After listening to these words, Yan Wangxi can only nod his head and say yes. Yan Dan has never seen Yan Wangxi like this. His father has always called for the wind and rain in the court. He would not dare to follow what he said, and no one in the court of Yan would dare to refute Yan Wangxi. If it is, they are all flattering villains from Adu, who will only follow the meaning of Yan Wangxi, including Yan Chunjun

is also like this.

Looking at the entire country of Yan, only he, Yan Dan, dared to fight against Yan Wangxi, dared to say what was in his heart and dare to do what he thought. But what’s the use? When Yan Dan said that all countries should be united, Yan Wangxi was instigated by others, which caused him to be humiliated in the country of Zhao. When Yan Dan said that he could not offend the State of Qin, Yan Wangxi and Yan Chunjun decided to do that again, and now report

Should come.

Yan Dan had a foresight, he had known that Yan State sent troops to Qin State, it was destined to have such a day. But when this day came, Yan Dan was helpless. The country of Yan has been ruined, destroyed by his cowardly uncle and incompetent father. Yan Dankong has a lofty aspiration and can never be compared to winning politics in the history books.

Does Yan Dan hate it? Of course he hates it. He even wondered if he wouldn’t have to suffer this kind of experience if he was not in Yan Country. If his father was Ying Zi Chu, or a self-aware king like Ying Zi Chu, he would not have to feel the endless despair in Yan Guo today. Yan Dan’s hatred is divided into many points. He hates Yan Wangxi, also hates Yan Chunjun, and even hates Cao Qiu Dao and

The failure of Jing Ke and others hated this land of Yan Kingdom that he once loved deeply.

Yan Wangxi looked at Yan Dan. He urgently needed a shield. He was no longer qualified to speak in front of Han Fei. He could only hope that his son would stand up and sing against Han Fei. Doesn’t he hate Han Fei anyway? He was irritated by Han Fei before, and he definitely wanted to avenge this revenge.

Yan Dan pretended not to understand Yan Wangxi’s wink, and said coldly: “This time it is all Yan Guo’s fault. Just ask Qin Wang if he wants it. Yan will accept it until he is satisfied with Qin. “Yan Dan was talking angrily, and his suffocation turned into an angry cry in his heart: Take it away, take it all away, take away all the things that Yan Guo has gnawed away, and let the king Yan be happy.

He Yan Chunjun and everyone in Yan Guochaotang-feel the pain!

Is it only in this way that they can feel that Yan Dan is sincerely doing good for the country of Yan? In the end, they regretted it. It was Yan Dan’s last punishment for the country of Yan.

When Yan Wangxi heard Yan Dan say this, his face darkened. His temper did not dare to attack Han Fei, but he dared to lose his temper to Yan Dan. He yelled at Yan Dan angrily: “You are an unfilial son! Have you ever thought of Yan Kingdom when you said these things? As the prince of Yan Kingdom, he only knows that his elbow is turned away. It is really promising! Come, drag the prince out to fight!” Yan Wang Xidu

Almost maddened, how much anger he suffered in front of Han Fei, he would vent on Yan Dan’s body.

“What else does the father do besides punishing the children? Actually, the father is just unwilling to admit that he is an incompetent monarch!” Yan Dan has reached the point where he can’t bear it. He looked at Yan Wangxi’s eyes as if looking Like the useless things that are discarded in the garbage dump, Han Fei can’t even bargain, and will only betray the interests of Yan Guo. He doesn’t

It is the monarch of Yan Kingdom, but a disgusting moth twisted on the territory of Yan Kingdom.

0……Look for flowers…

Soon after Yan Dan was dragged out, there was a dull sound of sticks hitting people, as well as unbearable painful groans. Han Fei raised his eyebrows: “The words that King Yan said just now are true, right? What Qin said is also an ally of the Kingdom of Yan. I’m afraid that King Yan said that the Kingdom of Qin is not appropriate.”

Yan Wangxi only reacted. He scolded Yan Dan for nothing, but scolded Qin Guo as a big deal. He smiled awkwardly and said: “The widow is reprimanding the prince, and he doesn’t mean to be hostile to the State of Qin. Please don’t take the messenger to heart.” After that, he let out a few dry laughs.

“Since King Yan is so sincere and sincere, let’s continue to talk about compensation.” Han Fei smiled deceitfully, and then talked about Qin’s request.

When Yan Wangxi had a headache, Han Fei finally finished speaking. Yan Wangxi said helplessly in a weak voice: “We have agreed to all requests, and we have agreed.” Yan Wangxi repeated desperately, so let’s do it, give more or give less or give less. Where do I go? Just let it go.

“Then what is King Yan waiting for?” Han Fei urged King Yan to stay here for a long time. As long as King Yan’s jade seal is covered, he can escape every day.

“Gai, widows cover.” Yan Wangxi, like a puppet without a soul, picked up Yuxi at the urging of Han Fei and covered it with a stiff movement. The sound from under the cover of Yuxi made Yan Wangxi feel ear-shattering. This voice echoed in the country for a long time. Yan Wangxi seemed to have lost his strength and could no longer hold Yuxi.

It’s done, Yan Guo has lost most of its national power by this blackmail, just like an adult who has learned to walk suddenly fell down and can’t stand up anymore, even with those additional terms, Yan Guo has only Able to bow to the Qin State.

After Yan’s resignation, only Qi and Wei were left to stand firm and contend with Qin, and the situation was already one-sided. factory

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