Chapter 581 Ready to be a teacher]

When Ying Zheng was enjoying the harem, Han Fei had already left Qin State and officially went to Yan State. Before leaving, he got a blood book written by Yan Chunjun, and every stroke on it was like a sharp knife. Human head.

When Yan Guo heard that Qin was about to send an envoy, he was relieved at first. It seems that winning the government is more gentle this time. It is a good thing not to move the sword or the gun. Then he heard that the person who was coming was Han Fei. He took his breath back again, Han Fei opened his mouth, killing no blood. The courtiers of the State of Yan, including Yan Wangxi, were frightened and counted the days when Han Fei came to the State of Qin.

The closer they are, the more nervous they are.

The most exaggerated is Yan Dan. He knew that Han Fei’s coming this time was a disaster for Yan Guo. The immortal country has to go to most of the national power. Yan Dan bluntly said that the country of Yan was in danger and could only passively accept the conditions of the country of Qin, which was no different from the destruction of the country of Yan. His words reached Yan Wangxi’s ears, causing Yan Wangxi to be furious and punishing Yan Dan again.

Yan Wangxi was also useless, so he could only take his own son out of anger. He had no way to win the government. He was over in the country of Yan, and he was as obedient as his grandson in front of the country of Qin. For example, now, Han Fei stood in front of Yan Wangxi, Yan Wangxi’s throne seemed to have thorns, and Yan Wangxi couldn’t even sit down.

587 According to his status, Yan Wangxi, as the leader of a country, does not need to be so humble in front of Han Fei. It’s a pity that Yan Guo couldn’t stand up in front of Qin State. Yan Wangxi was standing like this as a step for himself. You can’t let Han Fei sit and stand on the side like a dog, and take the initiative to surrender his identity. Can be less humiliating.

Han Fei’s goal is very clear. He is not here to humiliate Yan Wangxi. It is the right thing to blackmail Yan Guo. “Does King Yan remember what King Yan said when Han Fei came last time? I want to live in peace with my Qin State and make friends forever. How come I forget it when I turn my head?”

King Yan was full of joy and smiled: “The messenger misunderstood. What the widow said that day was true and heart-to-heart. It was really my unbelievable brother who suddenly attacked the Qin army camp. Actually, this is no wonder. He. Didn’t the widow say that he wanted to join Qin State to attack Zhao State, and he should not slacken such important matters, so he sent Yan Chunjun to lead the army to fight.

It’s not that he occupied a few cities and was eventually asked to leave by King Qin. He also did such a stupid thing for a while. I heard that he was captured by Qin Guo, so it is better to return him to Qin State (aibd), and the widow will be punished. ”

This lie is well made. Not only did the guilt be pushed to Jun Yan Chun, it also involved the city of Zhao Guo. It seemed that King Yan was so happy and wanted to ask him for the city of Zhao Guo.

Han Fei sneered in his heart. Since King Yan likes looking for trouble, don’t blame him for speaking badly. Han Fei directly scolded: “King Yan still dare to mention the joint attack on Zhao State? Qin State has even defeated Handan, Yan State has not yet. Declaring war clearly means that you don’t want to send troops. Such a treachery can be done by King Yan!”

Yan Wangxi also wanted to explain that Han Fei didn’t give him a chance, and the words of Yan Wangxi were like a string of beads. “Yan Wanglu kept saying that Yan Chunjun is a younger brother, and he must be strictly disciplined. Actually. This is just to shirk the guilt. This is the blood book he wrote, and he confessed to the whole story. King Yan can see it clearly by himself!” Han Fei threw the blood book out, and Wang Yan had nothing to say.

“The King Yan is not afraid that Qin will kill King Yan Chun directly? That is King Yan’s younger brother. King Yan is really cruel, someone who can easily abandon even his brothers and feet, and even said that it is an alliance with Qin. False feelings. Qin does not need an unreliable ally like Yan.”

This is too serious. Yan Wangxi was frightened. He was caught by Han Fei’s routine. Nowadays, except Qin, that country dare not form an alliance with Yan. Once they know that the relationship between Yan and Qin has deteriorated, they will contact and form an alliance. relation. Those who can’t beat Qin State will turn around to suffocate Yan State. So in any case, Yan can not lose the ally of Qin.

Yan Wangxi could only accompany the smiling face, gave up his defense, and waited for Han Fei to finish cursing. Han Fei’s cursing mouth became dry, and Yan Wangxi had to personally serve tea and water, so that he could moisten his throat and continue to curse.

Yingzheng did not explain Han Fei’s blame on King Yan, and Han Fei was not prepared to scold Yan Wangxi like that. It was Yan Wangxi who was okay to scold him. Han Fei didn’t get into the topic until the cursing was over. “This time the Yan State’s sneak attack on the Qin State resulted in numerous deaths and injuries among the soldiers of the State of Qin. The King Yan should compensate the corresponding number according to the number of deaths and injuries.”

“Ah?” Yan Wangxi thought he had heard it wrong. If he remembered correctly, the messenger brought back the news that Qin had no casualties, but that Yan had lost a full 120,000 troops. How did he get to Han Fei? Has the Qin State suffered a heavy loss?

Qin’s cheeky Yan Wangxi had been seen before, but he did not expect that his face could be so thick. The important thing is that you know that he is playing tricks, but there is nothing to do with him! Yan Wangxi can only smile and ask: “Then how many people Qin has killed or injured this time?”

“A hundred thousand people.” “Han Fei also sighed, as if sighing for the soldiers who died in the war.

Yan Wangxi’s brain buzzed up. As soon as Yan Kingdom died 120,000 people, Qin Kingdom came and demanded another 100,000 people. This is a robbery. Where do so many people come from? There will be a lot of space when Yan Guo is gathered.

Han Fei is like a cat who hasn’t lost his feet: “The country of Yan still needs to compensate for gold and silver. Here is a detailed list, which specifies the items that the country of Yan needs to compensate. King Yan will take a good look.” Han Fei will A scroll was handed to Yan Wangxi.

Good guy, the first thing Yan Wangxi felt when he got it in his hand was heavy. As soon as he was about to open it, the scroll could not bear it. The total amount in the distance is no longer clear, and it is shocking to look at this frame alone.

These were all made up by Han Fei in a mess, and he tried to get enough compensation. The cost of each item is not high, but it adds up, but it’s hard to say.

Yan Wangxi’s cold sweat dripped: “So much money, Yan Guo can’t get it.”

“It doesn’t matter if the money is not enough, King Qin can open a side to Yan Guo.” Han Fei was excited when he saw Yan Wangxi. He deliberately spoke and panted, and after giving hope, he added despair: “Yan can bow to Qin. Tribute in the year.”

Yan Wangxi’s expression became painful, and Yan Guo really couldn’t bring out so much, but if it were to pay tribute every year, the amount of gold and silver treasures to be handed over would definitely be more than these, and it would be uncomfortable anyway.

Han Fei pretended to just remembered and said, “Oh, yes, there are more than that, there are 15 cities, these cities were ordered by King Qin, and King Yan knows exactly what it was like to violate King Qin’s meaning.”

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