Chapter 579 The King Attaching to the Harem]

The cunning Wanghui brought out a group of cunning courtiers. Under the guidance of the winning government Chunchun, Han Fei resolutely accepted the mission of envoying the Kingdom of Yan. There is no need to worry about the affairs of Yan State for the time being.

However, Yingzheng was not idle, he summoned King Zhao Miaoxiang, Wangan Han and King Chukaori. These three countries have all been surrendered to Qin, and the three are no longer the kings of their respective countries. They are the captives of winning the government.

After Zhao Guo surrendered, Ying Zheng took away the throne of King Zhao Miaoxiang and gave him a false title of Nan Le Gong, so that he could spend his old age in peace. The three of them have no room for political intervention. Although they can hear the political changes in the Qin State and see the changes in the world outside, all of this has nothing to do with them.

Looking at the Qin from another angle, it is indeed terrifyingly powerful. When did this country become stronger so quietly? Maybe as early as the day when he returned to Qin, he was destined to be extraordinary.

After the country that originally belonged to them belonged to the State of Qin in 08, the national power has become increasingly prosperous. All kinds of changes are what they most want to see. What they couldn’t do no matter how hard they tried, it was easy to win the government. Turn your hands over the clouds and rain, cover the universe and the world, Huang Tu dominates the hands of the industry stocks. The gap between the king and the king is like cloud and mud.

The purpose of calling them to win the government this time is very simple.The three of them are already the grasshoppers of the autumn queen and can’t get up. Can find a corner of this survivor. However, this corner still has to win politics to decide whether to let them stay in their former homeland or assign them to a distant wasteland.

In a remote place in Liang, or put it under one’s eyelids, this is all exquisite.

The three gathered in Xianyang to win politics and treat each other as guests. After they were seated, they all looked around, and of course they were anxious to see the victory. Han Wangan and Zhao Miaoxiang have always worried about their daughter. Blood is thicker than water. What’s more, they also saved the country as a woman. Their kind heart and great behavior have made many men in the world embarrassed, including Their incompetence

The biological father.

King Chu Kaorie and Xue Nu have no relatives, but he also looked around like King Han and King Zhao, hoping to see Chu Yuxue’s figure. If you can see her on this kind of occasion, it means that she is favored by winning politics. All three of them have people in the harem of the Qin Kingdom. The one who is more pampered, the one who speaks better before winning the government, and can get more preferential treatment.

This is a contest between the three. Honglian, Xuenu and others don’t even know it. They all regard themselves as people who are on the top of their hearts to win politics.

After a short while, the three of them saw a domineering figure carrying a scroll emperor from a distance. Who else could have been if they didn’t win the government. There was a petite figure beside him, obviously a woman. The three of them craned their necks to see whose daughter has this honor. You must know that this kind of time is brought, that is, the victory of the coup gave the father and daughter the opportunity to meet, only to be favored by the winning government

The woman who is standing can be so honored.

The pink skirt flicks the ground, and the lotus grows step by step. The woman who walked into the banquet held by Yingzheng was not someone else, but was the jewel in the hand of Han Wangan, Honglian. Ying Zheng looked at Gu Lian in his eyes full of spoiling, and regardless of etiquette, he let Gu Lian sit by his side obediently, and he was not allowed to go anywhere.

When Han Wangan saw Honglian, his face was full of pride. He raised his chin and squinted at King Zhao and King Chu from the corner of his eyes, as if showing off his daughter’s favor. The victory or defeat between the three has been divided, and Han Wangan is completely exasperated today.

Guren was about to run over when he saw Han Wangan excited, but was caught by Yingzheng and stayed firmly beside him. The proud expression on Han Wangan’s face took another point, and he signaled that Guren didn’t need to come over, just stay by Yingzheng’s side.

The banquet was actually not big. Even Queen Weiyan did not attend. The arrangement for winning the government was very clever. After a long hustle and bustle, the banquet was officially opened. All the musicians played music and songs, and a group of dancers came in gracefully. The leading dancer was dressed in blue. It was the first person of Zhao Wu, the Snow Girl. The two women beside her are Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng.

When King Zhao and King Chu saw the three women’s faces, they looked at King Han meaningfully, with their expressions as if to say again: It seems that your daughter is not the only one being favored. Zhao Feiyan learns to dance with the Snow Girl. Looking at her graceful figure and soft body, she knows that she has made a small achievement. Although Zhao Feifeng’s dancing skills can’t match these two people, her figure has become even more enchanting.

This is specially arranged by Yingzheng. As long as these three people see their patrons in the palace, they can feel at ease. They will also honestly accept what the winning government will say next.

“The three of your former countries have already returned to the Qin State, and in the future they will all become the Qin State. In order to prevent you from staying in your homeland, and to make you live closer to your daughter, this king has specially created a place in Xianyang. From now on, the three of you will live together.” The reason why Yingzheng was so energetic that the three of them were called over, and another banquet was arranged to say this.


Chopping the grass to get rid of the roots. Now that Qin has worked so hard to build these three countries, of course, he must be on guard at all times, and can’t give them any hope of rejuvenation. After thinking about it, I still feel that it is the most worry-free to put it under my own eyes. I will stay in Xianyang in the future and are not allowed to leave without the permission of winning the government. This way, they will never be able to make any storms again. 583

The three of them could only accept the arrangement to win the government tremblingly. It would be good if they could save their lives. Where is the capital to resist? They all hinted that their daughter was so favored in King Qin’s palace, and they were relieved. I believe that as long as they are there, winning politics will not do anything to them.

Honglian, Xuenu and Zhao Feiyan are all extremely smart women, and of course they understood what they meant. Honglian is by Yingzheng’s side, and she gets the moon first near the water tower, not to mention acting like a baby but she is good at it.

“King Qin Qin, people want to try this.” Honglian pointed at the hip flask on the table and pulled Yingzheng’s clothes to coquettishly.

“This wine is extremely strong, and you will get drunk with just one drop. If you really want to drink it, this king will send someone to find some gentle ones to give it to you.” Ying Zheng grabbed Honglian’s hand, her habit of pulling clothes But the palace people are suffering. The clothes and materials on Yingzheng are extremely exquisite. The precious things are easy to break. If the clothes are slightly deformed, they can no longer be worn on Yingzheng.

Redo one piece by piece, the palace people feel headache when they see Gulian.

Hong Lian was reluctant and unforgiving. When Ying Zheng drank again, she seemed to pounce on him before he swallowed it. She smiled mischievously: “Hehe, King Qin, I won’t be able to drink this sip of wine.”

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