Chapter 578 Not to teach you to deceive]

Han Fei was summoned by Yingzheng urgently. He thought it was something urgent, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a beautiful job. This time, no matter who was involved in the Kingdom of Yan, his status was not comparable to that of ordinary envoys. Even if he was on the territory of the Kingdom of Yan, Wangxi Yan had to bow his head to the envoy of the State of Qin. He is now caught in the pigtail, facing the consequences of angering Qin and the life and death of Yan Chunjun,

Liang Yan Wangxi did not dare to act rashly.

Han Fei is naturally grateful that Yingzheng can give such a good thing to himself. In his opinion, it is the same for anyone to do. At that time, I would like to ask Yan Wang Xi to make the conditions, as long as it is not excessive, Yan Wang Xi guarantees that he will have to agree.

“No, you are wrong. You still have to go to the country of Yan this time. Yan Wangxi is subject to the Qin country. It is necessary to make demands from him, but what the king wants is not petty profits, just this is what he wants.’ After “five-eight-three” points’!” Yingzheng’s eyes were full of smiles, as if a cunning fox saw a prey that had already been hooked.

Han Fei was puzzled: “The king is going to ask Yan Wangxi for more things, but if the minister asked Yan to surrender directly to Qin, I guess Yan Wangxi would never agree to it.” If you can make up for a big mistake with a small price, you can make a profit. But there is no way to make up for small mistakes with a big price.

As for the cost and the size of the fault, there are no fixed numbers, but they can only be relative. Sneak attack on Qin is a big fault, of course, but before Yan Guo surrenders the price, it will become a “small fault.” Yan Guo is not stupid, he still has to struggle a bit if he can struggle. It was precisely because of this that Han Fei asked Yingzheng for advice.

Ying Zheng smiled and said, “Do you know what blackmail is?” The reason why he sent Han Fei was to get more things from Yan Guo, more than Yan Guo imagined, making this a fortune. Compensation is second only to the cost of surrender.

Knock the bones and suck the marrow! Make the price as large as possible, so that Yan Guo feels critical, let Yan Wang like to think about it, angering Qin Guo’s fate. Give him another example, what will happen if he angers the victory like King Zhao Xiaocheng. King Yan is greedy for life and fear of death, and a slight stroke with a sharp object will cause pain to jump, not to mention the torture of Ling Chi.

This negotiation was not tolerant of King Yan’s slickness. Does he want to admit that he instigated the offending of Qin? No way! Yingzheng has ordered people to torture King Yanchun, and asked him to write a blood book to confess the whole story. , Especially Yan Wangxi’s ambitions for the Qin State were written in. Before Han Fei’s departure, Yingzheng will hand this thing over to Han Fei.

With the confession of his own younger brother, Yan Wangxi has no room for scheming. If he wants to deny the accusation, he just waited for Yan Chunjun’s body. This is also the life-saving talisman given to Han Fei by the victory government, and it gave him the capital to blackmail Yan Wangxi unscrupulously. Even if at the end Yan Wangxi feels that Han Fei is a lion with a big mouth, and tears his face apart from the negotiation, winning the government can still use Yan Chunjun’s sex

If fate is threatened, Han will not be in danger of life.

Han Fei was still a little worried. He asked Yingzheng, “I don’t know what the king’s expectation is for his ministers?” He didn’t know how many things Yingzheng hoped he would bring back from the country of Yan.

Yingzheng did not answer his questions head-on, but instead brought a list of things needed to rebuild the state of Zhao. There are several categories listed, and there are funds needed on them. Han Fei has a headache looking at the numbers. He was an official in the Qin Dynasty, eating royal food and salary, and living a life of fine clothing and jade food. But I have never seen such a large number. It is worthy of a mighty project.

Money that you can’t make in a lifetime can only be afforded if you take the country as a unit.

Winning government is not deliberately showing off his wealth. He earned money from the six countries, and the numbers are naturally amazing. At the same time, the cost is staggering. He only did this in the hope that Han Fei would not be short-sighted, and would not be scammed by blackmail at the time. The wealth of a country is very huge.

“For money, just follow the above requirements.” Yingzheng’s appetite is really big. He doesn’t look at how much Yan Guo can afford, but how much he needs. As for Yan Guo’s inability to afford it, it has nothing to do with him.

Han Fei nodded helplessly and obeyed the Holy Will. He estimated that as soon as he spoke, Yan Wangxi would lift his sword and chop off his head. He didn’t know enough about winning the government, so he asked Han Fei to continue to look at the remaining tables, which listed the required labor force. The talents were fine, and Qin could come out on his own. The labor force “has labor” in the country 0

Qin Guo just packed up the Yan’s 120,000 troops, then turned around and asked Yan Wang to ask for labor. Yan Wang was afraid that he wanted to curse people. Wouldn’t you have to kill earlier if you wanted labor? Just confiscated them as prisoners. It is a pity that winning the government is unreasonable. He is the one who kills, and he is the one who wants to live. In addition, Yan must give it. If it doesn’t give it, kill more.

For a long time, the rebuilding of the State of Zhao has been handled by the cabinet alone. The winning government will occasionally participate in it to correct some mistakes. The process of the cabinet has also been smooth. According to this progress, the reconstruction of the State of Zhao will be completed in time. Han Fei never expected that winning the government would be so impatient, and wanted to use the power of Yan to speed up the process of rebuilding Zhao.

And the matter of dying is to do it by himself. Now Han Fei doesn’t think this is a beautiful thing. Blackmail is a high-risk job. Maybe it is empty, but if it is done, Han Fei will turn. In the blink of an eye, that’s a profit from blood.

He followed the winning government to do things, and over time he became tainted with the winning government’s style of doing things. Han Fei happily took the order: “The king can rest assured, the minister will never let the king down on this trip to the country of Yan.”

Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction, Han Fei is a plastic talent, let him go to Yan Country, he will definitely bring back what he expected. When the Zhao Kingdom is completed sooner, you can attack the next country. Qin will only become stronger and stronger. Other countries will become Qin’s stepping stones. Of course, these wins are still not satisfied. He also instructed Han Fei: “There are also the territory and city of Yan.

Pool. Also need to ask Yan Wangxi for some. “Ying Zheng pointed to several places, and showed a meaningful smile at Han Fei.

These places are strategic points for attacking the country of Yan. It seems that the king of Yan’s raid on the camp of the State of Qin has already made Yingzheng a grudge, and only waiting to settle down the countries that have been defeated, it is the turn of the country of Yan. Got beaten up.

Han Fei was in a cold sweat again. He could only hope that Yan Wangxi was a fool. If such an obvious intention was not seen, the throne would not need to sit. This kind of things that threatened Yan’s safety, let alone whether Yan Wang liked it or not, the officials of Yan’s state can’t justify it. .

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