Chapter 576 There is no turning back arrow in the bow]

Wang Rong died before leaving the army, Fu Bao and Su She besieged them, and Wang Jian led his troops to kill them. Yan Chunjun got the wrong news. He couldn’t speak animal language anyway. After seeing the leopard, he found the letter on his body. Yan Chunjun immediately let the soldiers of Yan State rush into the Qin army camp.

The soldiers of the State of Yan had listened to King Yan Chun’s words, and thought they could finally get rid of the threat of the State of Qin, and raised their eyebrows once. After Yan soldiers rushed in, something unexpected happened.

Qin Jun threw the torch in his hand on the haystack that had already been prepared, and the flame spread quickly and ignited into a raging fire. Encircled all the soldiers of Yan State in the fire. The soldiers of the State of Qin didn’t feel sorry for this camp at all, and they were buried with the soldiers of the State of Yan.

Fire is unreasonable, as long as it can be ignited, it will ignite quickly. In a flash of fire, Yan Chunjun was stunned by the sight in front of him. Wang Jian appeared on the high ground. He looked down at Yan Chunjun condescendingly: “Our Qin State intends to join the Yan State Alliance and fight against Zhao State. Now that the two countries have not withdrawn their forces, the State of Yan will mobilize troops against the State of Qin. Since the State of Yan is not benevolent. righteous,

Don’t blame me, Qin, for being rude. ”

I don’t know if it was because of the fire, or 580 Yan Chunjun was flushed with anger. His face looked like a red lantern in the night of the fire, which looked a little funny. He didn’t care about the existence of the soldiers of the country of Yan by his side. He cursed Yan Wangxi loudly, and things would develop to this point. All of them were Yan Wangxi’s rigid self-use, which caused him to be trapped.

He still didn’t give up, shouting the names of Su She, Fu Bao and Wang Rong, and asked the three of them to come out to protect him. The strength of these three people should not be underestimated. Yan Chunjun has always regarded them as guests, and he will only send them out for extremely difficult and important tasks.

“Are you calling them?” Wang Jian threw the things in his hands to Yan Chunjun’s feet. Those were three human heads stained with blood. After regaining consciousness, he recognized that two of them were Su She and Fu Bao, and the other was someone who had never seen him before. It must be Wang Rong who had changed his appearance.

The three of them died like this? Yan Chunjun looked at Wang Jian incredulously. Each of them had their own advantages and disadvantages. Fu Bao was good at attacking the range, but Su shot at a long range but only ten arrows. Wang Rong was good at attacking. Disguise but have no offensive power. The three of them learn from each other’s strengths, but they are incomprehensible, especially Wang Rong. His disguise is never exposed, and even Fu Bao and Su She can’t recognize it.

The disguised Wang Rong, let alone Wang.

Although he is not good at attacking, he has extraordinary ability to escape. Even if he was unfortunately identified by Wang Jian, it was impossible to say that he would die. With the help of these three people, the plan was seamless and would take Wang Jian’s life. Yan Chunjun wanted to know where Wang Jian saw the flaw and ruined their plan.

But the fire is merciless. The fire gets bigger and bigger, and the heat wave rushes toward the army of Yan State. If you don’t escape, it will be too late. Yan Chunjun knows that head-to-head head-on will undoubtedly be defeated. He can only use Yan Guo’s soldiers as a shield to protect his integrity.

The soldiers of the Qin State were condescending and fired arrows at the besieged soldiers of the State of Yan. The soldiers of the State of Yan were surrounded by fire and could not escape, so they could only passively accept the baptism of the arrow rain. The soldiers of Yan State were like living targets, practicing bows and arrows for the soldiers of Qin State. The status of the soldiers of the two countries is a permanent difference.

This is why Wang Jian chose such a “slow” strategy to slowly kill the soldiers of Yan State. This time Monarch Yan Chun led a lot of soldiers, and they were defeated like a mountain. Seeing that the situation was not right, even if Yan Chun looked at Jun did not order the withdrawal of troops, they would escape trial by themselves.

What Wang Jian wanted was to let all the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom go and never return, and don’t even want to run. That’s why I chose to surround them with fire. Under such a raging fire, even Mr. Yan Chun could not escape, let alone ordinary soldiers of the State of Yan. Wang Jian glanced roughly, and he had a count in his heart.

The numbers are small.

One hundred and twenty thousand troops will be lost overnight. No country can stand such a heavy blow. It feels distressed when it is placed on Qin. Moreover, these countries still need to guard against Qin’s attacks. I don’t know if King Yan heard it. Will you be pissed off on the spot when this news?

The rest is very simple. The soldiers of Yan State can die, but Yan Chunjun has to save him a small life. Wang Jian asked him to take out the bow that he had confiscated from Su She. Later, Su She still struggled and sent out seven arrows. Now only the last two are left. Wang Jian is very interested in this weapon. He draws a bow and draws an arrow, and shoots towards the distant sky.

As soon as he shot Wang Jian, he felt the magic of this bow, heavier and lighter at the same time. Putting the heavy end underneath will cause the arrow shot out to produce a huge drop force. It is not a straight downward fall. It will go around an arc in the air and then fall.

The advantages of this method of attack are obvious. It can take advantage of its unpreparedness and take advantage of the enemy’s first position in the battle of the rebellious army. Who would have thought that an arrow would attack in circles, as long as the quasi-centre used is accurate enough, the arrow is almost insoluble. The reason why Wang Jian was able to avoid it was that Wang Jian knew that he was not above 10,000 people, and that he was not a person who could stand still in the face of danger.

A cold arrow struck, and the flying Yan Chunjun was caught off guard. When he saw the shape of the arrow, his pores exploded, and Yan Chunjun could still recognize the arrow under his hand. He knows the power of this arrow. If he can’t escape, he will die. Yan Chunjun casually grabbed a soldier of the Yan Kingdom from his side, let him stand in front of him, and became a human shield.

The soldier’s death was so miserable that he was almost shot through his body by an arrow, forming a blood hole. Yan Chunjun didn’t care and threw him aside, only for his own life, he had not been able to find a way to escape the encirclement.

Wang Jian saw the trajectory of the arrow clearly, and he couldn’t help but think of when Su She wanted to kill him, the arrow flew toward him in the same way. “It must be uncomfortable to die in your own lore weapon.” This is a gamble between Wang Jian and Yan Kanchun Jun. Wang Jian will not use the arrow back, and Yan Chun Jun will not get out of trouble.

If Wang Jian can shoot Yan Chunjun, then Yan Chunjun is defeated, and the price is naturally his life. There is only the last arrow left. If Wang Jian does not shoot, he will leave Yan Chunjun’s life for now, and will not kill him for the time being tonight. This is Yan Chunjun’s last hope.

The arrow is on the string, and there is a violent wind and anger in the distant sky. An arrow was fired, and Yan Chunjun’s eyes widened uncontrollably. His hand was already stretched aside, and he wanted to repeat the old tricks, so he would find another soldier from the Yan Kingdom to act as a shield. Whether this arrow is hit or not depends on luck.

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