Chapter 575 Three people killed

The plan has already begun. Yan Chunjun led his troops to surround the Qin army. Fu Bao, Su She and Wang Rong launched a raid. Their goal was to kill Wang Jian. When they brought back Wang Jianxiang’s head, Yan Chunjun would meet inside and outside, and directly disperse the Qin army.

Their plan is perfect, and the rest is implemented. At night, the lights dimmed all around, and everything was hidden in the endless darkness.A huge leopard rushed into the place where the Qin army was stationed.Qin Jun thought it was a leopard in the forest and ran out and took up the weapon. Ready to arrest. Because of the leopard, it caused a commotion in the Qin army camp.

Two figures sneaked in quietly in the darkness. When they watched these Qin Jun busy rounding up the leopard, they smiled contemptuously, especially Fu Bao, he secretly mocked in his heart: This is Qin Jun, even the leopard hasn’t seen it. Yes, it really makes people laugh out of their teeth. I also heard that there is a tiger and wolf army in Qin State. I don’t know if it is your tiger wolf or my Fu Bao’s leopard.

It’s amazing!

They touched Wang Jian’s camp all the way. Zhou Guowei had no guards. They must have been transferred to catch the leopard. Fu Bao didn’t worry about the danger of his leopard. He didn’t kill the leopard but made it a mount, all because of the leopard’s might. When the leopard was badly injured and still didn’t want to fall, Fu Bao became indifferent.

For the first time, he felt that conquering an animal is not the same way as hunting. He rescued the leopard and spent a lot of effort to domesticate it.This leopard is already like a partner to him.He does not need him to give an order, this leopard can see the situation clearly by himself, once the Qin army threatens To his life, or Fu Bao is in danger, the leopard will return to him


The two looked at each other in front of Wang Jian’s camp. There was no need to communicate too much. The long-term side-by-side battle has given them a tacit understanding of each other. Su She jumped to a high place. Fu Bao missed and didn’t let Wang Jian kill him with a single blow. No matter which direction he came out of, Su She could use his back arrow to make him disappear.

Fu Bao saw that Su She’s bow had been opened, and the arrow tip was shining with the clear light under the cold moon, and knew that Su She was ready. Turning his head, he got into Wang Jian’s camp. He rubbed his hands into fists, his teeth clenched tightly together, and both sides of his cheeks protruded out, obviously using all his energy for breastfeeding. Under the moonlight, he could see a bulge on the bed, it must be Wang Jianzheng

Sleep peacefully.

He summoned his strength and went down to the pillow position. With such forceful force, he directly knocked the bed down. If Wang Jian really lay on this bed, he would probably be hit with his head under the ground.

It was a pity that he was not there. Fu Bao noticed the anomaly as soon as he hit it. This punch was like hitting cotton, and most of his power was dissipated. It’s really impossible to hit a person’s head with this kind of touch, they are counted! It is clearly a quilt.

The sound of the bed collapsed into Su She’s ears, and it seemed that Fu Bao had completed the task. He was relieved and he didn’t need him to take action. Wang Jian was dead, everything was over, and he was ready to evacuate. Su She put down the bow in his hand, he had completely put down his guard.

Fu Bao hurried out from Wang Jian’s camp. He watched Su She quickly gesturing and told him that the mission had failed. Wang Jian was not in the camp and they needed to evacuate quickly. This was probably a trap.

Su She suddenly became nervous. Their plan was seamless. How could Wang Jian notice it in advance? Before the two of them left, a clear light flashed through the shadows, and there was a lore. Su She and Fu Bao were both hit. Hurrying to dodge to both sides, avoiding this sword, the two of them are already far apart.

It has been counted! Fu Bao circled his fingers, put his whistle in his mouth, and wanted to summon his leopard. There was no movement, and Fu Bao blew a second and third sound. The night sky was dead silent, with fire and gas all around, they were already surrounded by the Qin army.

Standing on a high place, Wang Jian looked at Fu Bao condescendingly, “I’m afraid it will be useless if you blow, 々.

The Qin army who was supposed to be besieging the leopard suddenly appeared. Fu Bao knew that the king of the forest was no longer auspicious, and that such a powerful beast should have been killed by himself, so Wang Jian was the first to take the lead.

In fact, Wang Jian did not kill the leopard, but let him go. This kind of animal is spiritual. He can’t get to Fu Bao’s side. He will “seek help” from someone with a familiar smell, and that object is Yan Chunjun.

Since he is here, he can’t let others rush into the air. Wang Jian has already prepared the stage for Yan Chunjun and Yan Guo soldiers, waiting for them to come over. The leopard would bring the false news that the plan was successful and that Wang Jian was dead, and then waited for them to come to the net.

But before that, Wang Jian had to solve the two troubles of Fu Bao and Su She. Su She pulled up his bow again, and with ten arrows, he only needed one to hit Wang Jian. In the midst of danger, Su She looked very serious. He took a long time to aim: “Wang Jian, let you taste the power of my arrow.”

Although Su’s target was Wang Jian, he did not shoot towards Wang Jian. He shot his bow high against the distant sky, and the arrow also went towards the sky. No one could understand what he was doing, until the arrow fell like a meteor, not from the front of Wang Jian, but behind them, the arrow that was clearly shot forward, unexpectedly went around a circle?

Surprisingly winning, this is what Su’s arrow is proud of. A proud person like Wang Jian always likes to stand on a high place and look down at sentient beings like this. He must have never imagined that there will be a cold arrow behind him when he is enjoying the high place.

Seeing that the arrow was about to pierce Wang Jian’s body, Wang Jian suddenly turned around and knocked his sword down. He never felt like he was standing at the top of the world. No matter how high his position was, he was still under one person. Even Wang Jian, the man standing proudly at the top, needed to look up at him.

**” If you can’t do anything else, just accept it. “Wang Jian is not prepared to give Su the opportunity to shoot the other nine arrows. The dying struggle is meaningless. As for the Fu Bao who can only use brute force, his role (Li Qian’s) is gone.

If he wanted to see the most ferocious creature in the world, then there was probably only that person. Unfortunately, Wang Jian would not give Fu Bao a chance to stand in front of that person, and he would not have the chance to see what is meant by the top of the food chain.

Under the heavy siege, with only one person’s brute force and nine arrows, the two of them couldn’t get out of the trap. They closed their eyes in resignation, and Fu Bao asked the last question: “How on earth did you know.”

Wang Jian smiled calmly and said: “The one who can disguise has a little ability, but unfortunately I still underestimate my ability to see people.” At the beginning of this operation, Wang Rong, who was not seen by the dragon, had already been killed by Wang Jian. It’s not that he didn’t participate this time, but he died long ago. As always, before every action, Wang Rong will pave the way for them and sneak in to inquire about love.

It’s just that this time he died before even the news of his death could be heard. At the same time, it also exposed Yan Chunjun’s plan, allowing Wang Jian to prepare in advance.

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