Chapter 557 Fallen from the End of the World]

What’s uncomfortable about winning politics is naturally that it won’t make others feel better. Sometimes, you either punish others or punish yourself. There is no thing that you will get through. Some are just endless crushing and victory over dominance.

As the winner, the winning government naturally has the power to dominate their destiny. The relationship between Jing Ke and Li Ji long ago was taken advantage of to win the government’s imperial case. In the future, Li Ji will be his woman. It is time to stop these messy thoughts. So Yingzheng lightly added to Jing Ke that a generation of swordsmen could no longer be called a man.

There was still one Gao Jian Zhanli left who didn’t deal with it. Speaking of this person, winning politics only remembered that there was a Snow Girl in the harem. Know what it means. An unknown person has affected the mood of winning the government, and naturally there is no good fruit to eat.

Sometimes it’s more painful to live than to die. A thousand swords on your body is not as good as a sword on your heart. Winning the government seems to have thought of something interesting, and the corners of your lips are slightly raised: “You don’t need to waste his martial arts, and you don’t need to give him anything to eat. Suffering. This king will personally send him away from Xianyang.

The three women didn’t understand the purpose of winning the government, but they finally got a good end to those people. Li Ji frowned. She knew why Jing Ke was given the cruel punishment. Winning politicians 560 cleaned her heart. Everyone before was driven out, and she had nowhere to stand. What you can have in your heart is just to win the government alone


Mrs. Mingzhu is very clever, knowing that there are reasons for every decision to win the government, especially after hearing about the treatment of Gao Jianli, Mrs. Mingzhu knew that she would take the time to see the snow girl.

The four people here are enjoying a joyous banquet, the room is full of whirlpools, and the atmosphere is everywhere.

Over there, the world is killing, ghosts cry and wolf howling, a blood dripping. On the execution ground, the punishment of Qin Wuyang has not yet ended. This kind of punishment is too cruel. If it weren’t for these people who really hated their rebellious behavior, I am afraid they would not be able to look directly at it.

There were also two special people in the crowd, Wangan Han and King Chukaoree. In other words, the former Kings of Han and Chu. After they lost their country, they became an overhead king, the throne would not be inherited, and the nobles were all disbanded. No one cares about their lives anymore, and no one notices them anymore.

Just like now, two people can mix in the crowd just by wearing ordinary clothes. Apart from the superior temperament on their bodies, it really doesn’t make people think that they were once kings.

They are here today not for anything else, but to see what kind of people dare to move and win politics. If they are still kings and can compete with the winning government, they will definitely support this plan without hesitation. The assassination of Qin happened too suddenly. When King Han and King Chu heard the news, everything had been settled by the winning government.

When they heard the wind and moved, they didn’t even see the shadows of the three beautiful female assassins in the legend. It took a lot of trouble to find out that it was the person sent by Prince Dan of the Kingdom of Yan to do it. Although he himself did not come, he mobilized his subordinates and vowed to win the political title at all costs.

King Han and King Chu admire Prince Dan’s aura that he would rather be a jade but not a tile. Unfortunately, he never dreamed that it would be a unilateral annihilation of the entire army. Those who are not dead have no fighting spirit.

Xue Nu was moved to tears when she saw Yingzheng again. She thought that Yingzheng would be worried about Gao Jianli’s existence, but in fact, Yingzheng didn’t care about this insignificant existence.

Ying Zheng took Xue Nu’s hand and stood side by side with her, watching Jing Ke, Gao Jianli and Cao Qiudao who had been tortured be expelled from Qin State. NS. They have all lost martial arts, some have lost their ability to act, and even more have lost their (aibd) qualifications to be men.

It was a face that had grown old after weathering, dragging a broken body, and a broken heart.

The three were escorted out by soldiers. The people lined up with long queues. They heard that they were the assassins who came to defeat the government. Go on and leave Qin State.

If you ask them whether they regret this plan, the answer is yes. Regret, the intestines are all regretful. To this point of despair, living is a luxury, but winning the government has let them live. They are also greedy for life and fear of death, and the method of death is cruel and painful. It is better to live if you die.

The sky does not take the ground and does not leave, the floating world is a wandering soul, no one to rely on, where to go, and ups and downs.

The three of them were driven away like this, bent over and lowered their heads, their faces almost touching the ground. When they noticed, the soldiers escorted behind them were gone, and when they looked back, they had already left Qin.

Where else can I go? There is nowhere to go. All three of them were silent and were injured. Jing Ke couldn’t stand the humiliation. He was about to smash himself to death, but was stopped by Gao Jianli.

“Return to the country of Yan.” The three simple words gave the three a common goal. They had nowhere to go except for returning to the country of Yan. It is not yet known whether Prince Dan got the news of the assassination of Qin. They should always bring the results of their actions back.

Although the final outcome is so tragic.

The faces of the three people have lost their previous brilliance. When I returned to the country of Yan, I wonder if Yan Dan would be able to recognize them.

Their figures disappeared into the sky again, looking for a place to take them in.

However, Ying Zheng hugged Xue Nv and whispered: “You underestimate this king, this king has never been a person with a small belly.” Just that Gao Jianli can compare with him? He is the emperor of the ages, and Gao Jianli is just his defeated general. . When dealing with him, winning the government doesn’t even need to take a shot, and the subordinates can get rid of these miscellaneous fish.

Xue Nu’s face turned red. In order to explain the relationship between her and Gao Jianli to Ying Zheng, she had thought of a lot of rhetoric. This matter turned over and over again. It was because she was overwhelmed by herself. In front of winning the government, she was still the snow girl who danced all over the city, and the woman of his Qin Wang who won the government. .

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