Chapter 556 Afterwards]

A big plan to assassinate Qin didn’t hurt the political power. Instead, he was trapped in a circle, and even three daughters entered the palace. Li Ji and the others seemed to have already accepted their fate, letting the winning government fiddle, and no longer resisted. The three of them got Mrs. Pearl seasoning, and their bodies were extremely sensitive. Moreover, it is very open in front of Mrs. Pearl, and she will not be scrupulous because of her presence.

Mrs. Mingzhu was also very satisfied with the three of them. After so many hours of tossing, she finally got a better idea. As a woman who relies on the strong and acts on her own, it is a matter of course. Those women who are still proud and self-sufficient and want to indulge in the outside world, few end up well. Although Mrs. Mingzhu was more strict with them when she adjusted her teaching, she was actually saving them.

They have understood the culpability of assassinating King Qin. When Mrs. Mingzhu returned with the three of them, she saw all the reactions in the car. Fear is the most direct thing. It is like a sharp blade pierced into the heart of a person, and a white knife goes in and a red knife goes out. It was caught off guard, and painful. Mrs. Mingzhu knows what they are thinking, it is a punishment

Ah, how can it be used on beautiful women who are like flowers and jade.

“Fortunately, it’s not me.” This is what they thought at the time, frankly distressing.

They wanted to live well, and Mrs. Pearl just gave them a chance. Their ability to enlighten and just fulfill her, complete the task given by winning the government, just to invite credit for the reward.

The three women were not as enthusiastic as Mrs. Mingzhu. They let Mrs. Mingzhu take away the victory. Mrs. Mingzhu smiled and said, “I wonder if this is a great achievement? The king should give people a good reward.” Mrs. Zhu Mingzhu put on scented lips, begging to win the government.

Winning the government was not stingy, and leaned over and covered two slices of sweetness.

Mrs. Pearl’s breath is disordered, and she is a little unsustainable. She looked at Ying Zheng with a blurred look: “People were injured in order to do this for the king. Although the wound is gone, the pain has not subsided. The king only gives this reward. Not enough, 々.” Mrs. Pearl took the opportunity to act like a baby, twisting her body and rubbing against Ying Zheng.

It didn’t matter that she was acting like a baby, but it scared the other three women into a cold sweat, especially Li Ji. Li Ji caught the wound. If Ying Zheng is really held accountable, Li Ji will be the first to be accused. She couldn’t help thinking of the punishment of being alive. She trembled with fear. Madame Pearl was so favored by the winning government, and it was not impossible to give her this punishment.

Li Ji glanced tentatively at the winning government as she was thinking about it. As soon as she raised her head, she caught the winning government’s eyes. She choked in her heart, could it be true that she had guessed it.

However, winning the government didn’t mean to be annoyed. Instead, she squeezed Li Ji’s face and forced her to look at him.Although these eyes are not as beautiful as Duanmu Rong’s gray-purple eyes, they are like a frightened deer, panicking. It’s fragile, and there are tears hidden in it, and the person watching it wants to be comforted in his arms.

Mrs. Mingzhu chuckled and said, “My sister is afraid that the king is going to blame her. I blame the king. I scared my sister.” Mrs. Mingzhu said as she pushed the palm of her hand in front of Yingzheng. On the surface, he said words of blame, but he was just acting like a baby. Mrs. Mingzhu is such a self-contained woman who can’t help but dislike it if she wins politics.

She is stunned by Shan and Shanlan in this way. Their chivalrous bones have just been faded, and they have not yet been able to have a charming bone. Can show such an attractive posture.

“It’s not the king to blame.” Ying Zheng gently squeezed the restless hand: “How do you want this king to compensate? Just say, this king does what it says.”

He said this to Mrs. Mingzhu, but it seemed to be to the three women. What the three of them wanted, Yingzheng’s heart was as clear as a mirror. Calculating the time is almost short, and Cao Qiudao will only have one bone left when he is later. There is no hurry to win politics. A woman’s heart is not handed over easily, but things that can come easily are cheap and disdainful. Unlike other women,

From the very beginning, they were admired for winning politics, and the three of them were hostile to winning politics.

Mrs. Mingzhu said generously: “The king scared sister Liji, and they were given compensation, but they can’t get the slightest benefit.” After that, she looked at the three of Liji and Shanrou, no. Should I intercede with Cao Qiudao and others? If you don’t say such a good time, do you have to wait for them to die?

Mrs. Mingzhu did this to win over Liji and Shanrou Shanlan. Seeing this momentum, the three of them will definitely be admitted to the harem of Daqin. One more enemy is not as good as one more friend. These three people are grateful, and she can also have a foothold in the harem.

But Li Ji and Shan Rou Shan Lan gritted their teeth and lingered in speaking. Their thoughts are different. If they open their mouths to Yingzheng now and ask Cao Qiudao and others to survive, it will surely make Yingzheng think that they are committed to him to save talents and are being persecuted.

Maybe it was true at the beginning, but now it’s different. After listening to the people outside, and then lifting the victory so close, they have to admit that the victory is probably the best man in the world, who can be with you. Sansheng was fortunate to be around him.

Once the things of Cao Qiudao and others are in the middle, things will be different, and their sincerity may never be known. They will be nailed captive and exchanged words forever, and there is no possibility of turning over again.

After all, they are also their daughters’ homes, and the girls’ minds are always messed up, and they are messed up if they don’t clean up. Mrs. Mingzhu looked like she hated iron and steel. These things (King Li’s) were still put away earlier, and she didn’t look at who they were facing. King Qin’s heart is in the world, so how could he be resented by the harem. He is entangled in trivial matters, what he wants is very simple, it is red

Xiu Suzu’s tenderness and gentleness is a matter of surrendering, admiring, and respecting, rather than these twitching and arrogant things.

Mrs. Mingzhu spoke directly for them, and bluntly said the names of Cao Qiudao, Gao Jianli and others.

The three women unanimously looked at Ying Zheng, holding their breath and waiting for his decision.

After winning the government for a while, I felt that I really needed to end this matter. The fate of these people would be determined only in a few words:

Unhappy. .

Cao Qiudao’s martial arts has been abolished, and he is exempted from the punishment of being strong, and he is allowed to leave after breaking his hands and feet. Assassin Jing Ke, abolished martial arts. “Yingzheng looked at Liji, her face obviously let out a sigh of relief, which made Yingzheng slightly

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