Chapter 515 The only one who can save Chu State]

“King Qin Qin, why did you attack the Kingdom of Chu? Don’t lie to me, my brother told me that my painting was sent to the hands of King Chu by King Qin. It is really ashamed. King Chu must say to me. The painting is ugly.” Honglian covered her face and shrank into Ying Zheng’s arms. She still lives in Qin State as happy as a little princess, clinging to winning politics when she has nothing to do. If you win the government

If you can’t get away, go find your brother to play.

Yingzheng has no objection to her acting like a baby, consciously or unconsciously. However, Han Fei always showed a helpless expression, which made Honglian a little discouraged and often suspected her brother would not want her. And what’s the name of the person who is always by my brother’s side, yes, Li Si. Obviously he deceived himself to Qin. But he always looks like he wants to get her away quickly.

“Don’t worry, no one dared to laugh at Gu Lian.” Ying Zheng touched Gu Lian’s head. Her hair was very soft and felt very comfortable. “If Guren is not at ease, this king can ask King Han to bring the letter back for you by the way. King Han happens to be in the Palace of King Chu at this moment.

“Huh? Father? Father is King Han 08, why are you going to the royal palace of Chu Kingdom?” Honglian looked at Yingzheng with a puzzled face. Every time she was curious, she would unconsciously open up. With big eyes pouting, he looked at each other blankly.

Yingzheng was amused by her appearance, only chuckling without answering.

It was Han Wangan who appeared in front of King Chukollie. He was ordered to persuade King Chukollie. Both of them were so downhearted by the victory of the government. When they met, their eyes were bright and tearful, and they almost cried together.

“Don’t ask, what else can I do, the widow is escaping for my life. King Han is sick with me and will not betray the widow?” Entered in such a grandiose way. The tree fell to the sun and the sun was scattered, presumably everyone in the palace of the king of Chu had already escaped, and no one followed the orders just now.


“Escape? Where can I escape? It’s hard to say if you can’t get out.” Han Wangan looked at King Chu Kaorie with pity, as if he could see what he used to be. However, at that time, I was really afraid that Yingzheng would kill him, but King Chu Kaolie was different: “The water surrounded by the Qin army can’t leak, let alone you escape, even a mouse has to dig the ground.

It takes three feet to get out.

King Chu Kaolie’s expression changed: “What does King Han mean? Have you become a running dog to win the government and want to take the lives of the widows?”

“That’s not true. I’m just here as a lobbyist. I hope that King Chu can consider surrendering to make peace.” King Han looked at King Chu Kaoriee earnestly, hoping to see him show sincerity. .

“Surrender? A joke. Couldn’t King Han tell that if I win the government now, I can wipe out my kingdom of Chu with just a finger move? If the widow surrenders, there will be no way out!” He was even more angry when he heard Han Wangan say this.

Han Wangan felt the same for King Chu Kaoriee’s situation, and was not in a hurry to reason with him. Just talked to him about his current situation. The Kingdom of Han was not destroyed by the winning government, but existed in name only. The King of Han was still the King of Han, but the kingdom of Han was controlled by the winning government. You don’t need to worry about him at all, you can watch Han country step by step.


Since becoming an idle king, Han Wangan has entered a state of pension. He no longer needs to worry about what the Qin State is doing and what to do to win the government every day like before. What disadvantages are there for Han State. There are fewer things to worry about, so he can eat well and sleep soundly.In addition, he has heard that Honglian is quite favored by the winning government in Qin, and he is more at ease.


In retrospect, I think the situation is better now. The people of Han country think so too. Under the rule of Yingzheng, their lives are getting better and better. They have received various aids from the Qin country, and the various policies issued by Yingzheng are also very beneficial to them. Later, I heard that Han Wangan took the initiative to accept the surrender to Qin, and gave everything to Han to win.

Politics. They also gradually let go of their hatred of Han Wangan, and turned to respect the old man of King Qin.

King Chukolye listened to King An Xu’s babbling, and couldn’t help but interrupt him and said, “What’s so good about King Han. It’s just that he sold his daughter to Win Zheng to get such a privilege.” He saw. The look in Han Wangan’s eyes was somewhat contemptuous.

But Han Wangan knew that when he heard these words, King Chu Kaolie didn’t know what envy was like. For the prince of a country, surrendering represents a total failure, to be laughed generously. But for him and King Chukaori, surrender was the best choice.

He kindly said to King Chu Kaorie: “Since King Chu also knows that I benefited from Princess Honglian to do this, then I don’t know if King Chu has a daughter or something? .

King Chu Kaorie’s eyes rolled, thinking that he was right. King Han could use his daughter as a bargaining chip to exchange for a country in peace, so why not he? Now let alone you can’t escape, even if you can escape, you will end up with a 537-nothing. It’s better to offer a peerless beauty to win the political favor. Let Chu also become like Han, myself and Han Wang

It’s fair, just stay steadily.

But the problem was that King Chu Kaorie had no daughters. He hesitated and said, “No, the widow only has sons.” It’s not good enough. The Xiong Ti who was killed by the winning government was one of them.

“This is difficult.” Han Wangan lowered his head to ponder. He began to think of other ideas. As long as King Chukaolee had the will to surrender, he would definitely be able to find a way to satisfy the victory of the government. It’s just that Han Wangan is not a smart person, and can’t figure out a good way after thinking for a long time.

King Chu Kaoriee didn’t wait for Han Wang’an to speak, and he lowered his head to ponder. Suddenly, he thought of something, and he clapped his hands and said: “Yes! I heard that a woman named Xue Nu recently came to the capital of Chu King from Zhao country. Not only is she beautiful, she has a noble and holy temperament like ice and snow. The important thing is that the dancing skills are also wonderful and moving, I have heard that everyone has seen her

The dancers were amazed by it. Moreover, she is an innocent woman as she does not sell herself. ”

Han Wangan’s eyes lit up as he listened: “If it is really like the legend, then this woman is the only way out for Chu Kingdom.”

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