Chapter 514 God doesn’t give birth to me as a Qin]

King Chu Kaolie didn’t want to listen to this, so he ordered someone to shut up his mouth and sent envoys to take Huang Xie to the Qin army to ask for peace. If we wait for Qin State to come in tomorrow, then everything will be over. Chu State only has time for this night, and can only go overnight.

How could he not know what the winning government wants. The letter clearly stated that he should go to Qin to make amends. However, this is just a false name, and it is his life that wins the dignitaries. In other words, Ying Zheng had already guessed that he would refuse. His real purpose is Chu State.

Chu’s envoys and a group of people felt the night and arrived at the place where the Qin army was stationed. They don’t know what it is, and they don’t know what’s going on. The important mission of the survival of this country falls on them. The name of the Qin Military Region is outside, and they are afraid that they will never return. In order to be courageous, I can only tighten the rope “Five Three Seven” tied to Huang Xie. Once something changes, I will leave Huang Xie’s life in exchange for him.

Our own lives.

Huang Xie was already strangled by the rope, but this pulling made the rope tighter and hurt him. Grinning. He once had ambitions to build a world for the Chu Kingdom, to help the King of Chu Kaolie unify the six kingdoms, to build a great feat and to leave his name in history, to step on the winning government, and to make him forever afraid of Chu. But I didn’t expect that I would end up like this one day.

At this time, Qin Jun’s account was brightly lit, and Wang Jian was discussing improvement measures with the book boy who recorded the data of the siege vehicle. After hearing the news that Chu wanted to make peace, he refused. By the way, let them take the words back: “It’s useless to tie anyone except King Chu Kaorie himself.

Huang Xie recovered his life, but King Chu Kaolie and the nobles of Chu were completely desperate. They left Huang Xie to defend the city and returned to the capital of Chu. They didn’t care about Huang Xie’s life or death, only that the Qin army’s attack speed could be slower.

The next day, the mighty 300,000 Qin troops lined up under the city again. This time they did not show mercy, and the artillery carts and ballistas all marched into battle. The artillery cart broke the city gate on the border of Chu State with a single shot, and the army swarmed in. Their combat effectiveness was not comparable to that of Chu State soldiers. They soon became like a wind rolling cloud, killing the Chu army without leaving.

The soldiers of Chu State still had vague hopes in their hearts, hoping that they could also retreat this time. It’s a pity that the Qin army can’t wait to take the Chu Kingdom as their own. They no longer need to test the siege engine. What they need is to use absolute power to conquer this land.

It was Huang Xie who was even more desperate. He escaped a hardship, but in just a few hours, he was caught alive by Wang Jian. Wang Jian did not rush to kill him, but left his life.

“King Chukaolie, a mediocre and incompetent person, only cares about his own escape, and does not care about his soldiers and people!” Huang Xie cursed viciously. Recognizing it clearly, King Chu Kaorie was never a king worthy of his loyalty. In other words, he himself just wants to build a great achievement and sing for future generations.

Songde, it doesn’t matter who the king is, it can be King Chu Kaorie, it can be King Han, or even King Qin wins the government. He was only born in Chu State.

“So, did King Chu Kaolie escaped back to the royal capital?” Wang Jian forced Huang Xie. His ultimate goal was to capture King Chu Kaolie.

“Where else can that coward go except Wang Du.” Huang Xie was kneeling on the ground while being escorted by the Qin army. He looked up at Wang Jian and suddenly laughed: “Wang Jian, Wang Jian, you know how I envy you, you have King Qin. A monarch like Winning is really lucky. Not only can he fulfill your heart of loyalty and love to the Lord, but he can also give you command of such a powerful army. You must be very open.


In terms of strength, Huang Xie never felt that he was much worse than Wang Jian. But now Wang Jian is a general in the army, but he is captured alive. Huang Xie attributed the mistake to the cowardice of King Chu Kaolie and the weakness of Chu’s army. He even hated the entire Chu state and the fragility of this country.

Wang Jian chuckled lightly. This is not a question of good fate. When Wang Jian was born as a native of Qin, he wanted him to help win the government, and Huang Xie’s destiny was to be kicked away as a trivial stone on the road to Qin’s annexation of Chu.

Huang Xie was still talking noisily. Wang Jian thought he was annoying and ordered someone to block his mouth. Knowing the whereabouts of King Chu Kaolie’s escape, the goal of Qin Jun’s march is clear.

The Qin army was like a broken bamboo. After attacking the border, it moved forward and marched towards the royal capital of Chu Kingdom. Wherever he went, there was no grass growing, and artillery fire ignited half of the Chu country. Every time you arrive at a city, the sound produced by the dump truck can rumbling for half a day, and after half a day, the city will be smashed into ruins.

Chu State had completely lost its resistance, the people fled for their lives one after another, and the soldiers had no intention of guarding it. Some cities even opened their gates directly to wait for Qin Jun to come in. Wang Jian’s subordinates were merciful and would not burn, kill, or loot these cities that did not resist and surrender. The people of the Chu country closed the doors and windows and hid in the house, and they could restore peace after Qin Jun left. They listened fearfully to the feet outside the door

The sound of footsteps and the collision of armored weapons, one after another, shows that the number of people is huge.

After setting a precedent, the cities behind have followed suit. King Chu Kaolie took the Chu aristocrats all the way to escape, for fear of being overtaken by the Qin army. There is no time to take care of these cities.

What made them unexpected is that as soon as they returned to the royal capital, Qin Jun attacked, and the speed did not give them room to breathe. King Chu Kaorie was seated on the throne. Before he spoke, someone panicked and reported.

Wang Jian led the Qin army and surrounded the palace, demanding King Chu Kaolie’s surrender!

King Chu Kaorie couldn’t bear it: “Oh, you are a king cut, you are really deceiving people. Even if you keep pursuing this way, you can come to surround the palace and let the widows surrender 1.3, don’t even think about it!” Originally, King Chu Kaorie thought Returned to the palace to enjoy some time, and then packed up the precious treasures and fled. I didn’t expect everything to come so quickly. In that case, I can only escape now.

He named the names of several beauties in the harem, and ordered the palacemen to go to the treasury to fetch some treasures, grabbing the jade seal on the table and stuffing them into his arms.

His antics were like a thief who had slipped into the palace. All were seen by an uninvited guest: “What is King Chu going to do?”

King Chu Kaolie raised his head fiercely, Chu State was only besieged, and the guards had neglected to this point and let people rush into it casually. Fortunately, the person who came was not a winner, or he would have died.

“What are you doing? King Han.”

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