Chapter 491 No lotus

He opened his head and shook his head: “Princess Honglian is in Qin, if King Qin wins the government and died in Han. Then her comfort.” She opened his mouth and didn’t continue. Everyone knew the rest.

Han Wangan hesitated, and gritted his teeth: “Honglian is the heart of the widow. You don’t understand how uncomfortable it was when the widow sent her to Daqin. Now I have to kill her by my own hands? No way, widow decides. Won’t do this.”

Ji Wuye excitedly said: “I can’t bear to let the child not catch the wolf. Princess Honglian will understand the king if you know that you have worked hard.” Even if you don’t admit it, Ji Wuye used practical actions to bury Honglian. Those who are proud of the military exploits of the Han country ultimately have to rely on Red Lotus as a bargaining chip to get rid of the victory.

“No, the widow disagrees. You are telling the widow to give up on the red lotus. If Qin is threatened by the red lotus, how can the widow not agree to it?” Han Wangan was embarrassed, and he liked his daughter from the bottom of his heart. , Sensible and well-behaved. What’s more, she is still young and doesn’t understand the affairs between these countries. It is already a living sacrifice to give her to Qin.

One wrong thing. Now he continues to use her, Han Wangan can’t let this heart down.

Kneeled on the ground with a plop, “The king loves his daughter, don’t the other parents in Han country feel bad? You have to wait until Qin State breaks in, and the king knows how much the sacrifice of Princess Honglian is. Is it valuable?” He and Ji Wuye settled their minds and must come to let Han Wangan surrender the winning government, so that Han country can benefit from it.

When Ji Wuye saw this, he knelt down: “Please also consider the Li people of Korea, if the violent Qin is not eliminated, the country of Han will be destroyed.” The two of them spoke righteously and stood in front of Han Wangan. If Han Wangan refused to agree , Their uncle will kneel here forever.

Han Wangan sighed. He was moved openly with Ji Wuye. After all, he was the king of Han and then the father of Honglian. In the face of major events in the country of Han, he must put the people of the country first: “Then I have to sacrifice Honglian. I believe she will understand the hard work of my father, 々.”

“Princess Honglian, as the princess of the Han country, will definitely understand the righteousness and dedicate herself willingly to the people of the Han country.” Openly saw Han Wangan change his mind, and said very happily. It even talked about how to make Han Guo mourn for her after Honglian’s death, and how to bury her.

Ji Wuye was even more sullen, and suggested to Han Wangan to bite Qin with the death of Princess Honglian. It is also a good reason to take the opportunity to attack Qin with the opportunity. Han Wangan couldn’t bear to listen any more, he had already regretted agreeing to this matter. These two people were heartless, as if the life of Honglian was just their bargaining chip to win the government.

Everyone said that King Qin was unfeeling and that Qin was tyrannical. Han Wangan felt that the country of Han was the darkest place. He turned and left, no longer paying attention to the cheerful discussion between Zhangdi and Ji Wuye.

On the other hand, after Ying Zheng left Han King’s Palace, he saw Duan Mu Rong’s face showing fatigue. He thought that he was tired when taking food and payment, and Ying Zheng ordered Fei Yan to accompany her to go back to rest first. Fei Yan couldn’t bear to leave Duan Mulong alone, so he obediently left after hearing the words of the victory.

But to win politics is to walk around. He had a bad feeling in his heart since he left Han King’s Palace. Intuition told him that King Han must have some premeditated plan. This time the Chu army’s suppression of the territory was not easy. Just a few steps, a purple figure appeared in front of her.After feeling that Yingzheng approached, Zinu turned around slowly, her posture was charming and charming.She looked at Yingzheng and laughed.

“The son is always accompanied by two beautiful women, and at least one person is by his side. Why are you alone today?”

“Who said that there is no beautiful woman by my side?” Ying Zheng walked forward, holding Zi Nu’s cheek with one hand: “Aren’t you?”

Zi Nu buckled the hands of the winning government, her cheeks rubbed in the hands of the winning government obediently: “The son is really interesting, and I don’t hide it at all. Even the things I deliberately wait for the son here are straightforward. It’s really true. I don’t understand my daughter’s heart.” Zi Nu’s tone is pretending to be annoyed, but her movements have been feeling the warmth of the palm of her hand. Her face is small and delicate, sticking to the winning hand

At first, the heart seemed to win the government’s broad palm.

“It seems that this king underestimated Zilanxuan. When you heard this king’s claim, you were not surprised at all. Tell this king when you guessed it.” Yingzheng asked Zilanxuan, her cheek The broken hair seemed to slip across the fingertips of the winning government, and it was a little itchy.

“The son didn’t tell Zi Nu, so Zi Nu didn’t know anything. If the son came and wanted to say something, then Zi Nu would listen obediently.” Zi Nu plied softly in Ying Zheng’s hands, like a soft Like a sensible cat. Her eyes are also charming like cats, looking straight at Yingzheng.

Ying Zheng looked at Zi Nv: “”You are very smart.

Zi Nv was close to Ying Zheng: “Does the son like it?” She has long been enamored with Ying Zheng. Since the first meeting with Zi Lanxuan, her eyes can no longer be separated from Ying Zheng. Zi Nu has never seen such a person, her demeanor and temperament are superior, no, it seems that she is not a person, but a god who has fallen into the mundane. Zi Nu danced for him, without any reason or excuse, just pure hope for him

Look at Zhang yourself more.

For him, Zi Nu mobilized Zi Lanxuan’s greatest power to investigate his identity in the bottom line. The result was unexpected. This person is the king of Qin who wins the government. She has become the owner of Zilanxuan at a young age. She has always been arrogant and always has different ideas compared with other girls of the same age. Zi Nu bit her nose at their desire to marry King Qin Yingzheng. There is always one

God, she wants to like a better man, better than the king of Qin.

She did not expect that (Li Lehao) the man who made her fall in love at first sight was Qin Wang Yingzheng himself. Zi Lanxuan has extensive information, but there is no King Qin who has won the government. Zi Nu once tried every means to investigate the victory of the government, but found nothing in the end. She had never suffered such a setback before, and she had been completely defeated when she did not even know her existence. Purple girl can’t pick up

Accepted, she expressly forbids Zilanxuan to investigate the win government again, and also forbids people who come to Zilanxuan to ask related questions. She would not have thought that one day she could watch the victory in such a close range.

All the information she ever wanted was in front of her. Zi Nu closed her eyes gently, feeling the body temperature of winning the government, and feeling the breath of winning the government. She personally opened the barriers to protect the winning government, and winning the government is no longer the mysterious king that cannot be found. This king of Qin, who no one knows and no one knows in the world, Zi Nu only feels that Sansheng is lucky to be able to

He is so close.

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