Chapter 490 Hand or not, Han Wangan’s choice]

Yingzheng asked Han Wangan: “The Chu soldiers raised the banner of Qin and attacked Han country. They knew that the king was in Han country. By the time when the king was isolated and helpless, he asked Han Wangan’s life. I don’t know what Han Wang will do next? Should the king hand over or openly be an enemy of Chu State and go to war?”

King Han pretended that it was the first time he had heard of this kind of thing, and said in a very exaggerated voice: “What? There is such a thing, King Chu Kaolie is really despicable, and he took advantage of the danger. What did King Qin say? , What is the relationship between our two countries? Of course, the widow will not let King Qin get involved. Even if our country is defeated by Chu, even if it will be destroyed by Chu.

Will not let King Qin be captured by King Chu Kaolie. ”

Yingzheng looked at Han Wangan’s exaggerated acting skills and the especially aggravated sentence “Destroyed by Chu Kingdom.” It felt ridiculous. The relationship between the Kingdom of Qin and the Kingdom of Han was established by the red lotus. King Han didn’t necessarily agree with this marriage, he was forced to make this decision. When Qin Kingdom 08 was destroyed, he happened to bring Honglian back.

“It’s just that.” Han Wangan looked embarrassed and stopped talking. Waiting for Yingzheng to feel uncomfortable, let him tell him directly: “The widow still hopes that King Qin can send troops to solve the siege of Han. This is also good for King Qin yourself, isn’t it?”

This is the real attempt of Han Wangan. Yingzheng nodded and agreed. Han Wangan was excited personally to wait on paper and pen, and put things in front of Yingzheng, waiting for him to quickly revise a book so that Han Fei and Li Si sent troops.

Yingzheng wrote a letter personally, with a wave of a big pen, the bold and powerful characters leaped on the paper, and the handwriting was full of domineering. One look is the book of kings. Wait for him to stop writing. Han Wang Anhe openly admired, this comfortable letter is not only the calligraphy of King Qin, but also the lifeblood of Han country.

“Thank you, King Qin, for helping. If it weren’t for King Qin, the country of Han would not escape this disaster.” Han Wangan was grateful for winning the government. He didn’t expect the winning government to be so generous. He said that he would help the country without hesitation at all.

“The Chu country sent troops to the Han country because the country Han was in Baiyue to break the king’s siege. They have openly opposed the king in Baiyue. If the king returns to the Qin country, the Chu country will pay their blood. At the price, they can’t bear Da Qin’s anger.” Ying Zheng smiled, saying everything as if he should do it. It doesn’t matter what the facts are.

Han Wangan and Yingzheng had been talking for a long time, and the two of them had just ordinary communication, without any verbal quarrels. Han Wangan also implied intentionally or unintentionally that the winners should treat Honglian well and not allow her to be wronged in Qin. My daughter is very arrogant and willful, hoping to win politics and be more tolerant.

Victory didn’t stay too much. Feiyan felt irritable when he heard of Honglian. It was Han Wangan who had to marry Honglian into Daqin, so that he shared the heart of winning. She has been moving around with Yingzheng, and won’t be able to live in trouble to win the government. Now that King Han’s purpose has been achieved, let them leave early.

Yingzheng couldn’t bear the smoke, so he got up and left Han King Palace. Han Wangan showed his sincerity and sent them all the way. Didn’t return until outside the palace gate.

Duan Murong asked with some doubts: “King Han’s attitude seems to be too good.”

Winning politics is noncommittal. No one would be like this for no reason. It was clear what medicine was selling in King Han’s gourd.

After Yingzheng left, Han Wangan’s face instantly sank, and Ji Wuye also struggled, shouting that he was wronged. The open face was also dark, angrily reprimanding Ji Wuye for being stupid. Both he and Han Wangan knew that Ji Wuye didn’t send it to him for the ins and outs of this incident.

Openly and calmly said: “There are few people who can beat Yingzheng’s cultivation base today. If you are torn with Yingzheng today, can the three of them have the possibility of survival?”

Ji Wuye remained silent, knowing that what he said openly was correct. There is no one to win the government. Wherever he goes, he has to be offered up like a big Buddha. He didn’t dare to provoke him in the general’s mansion for fear that he would demolish the general’s mansion. I didn’t dare to provoke him in the palace of Han. It’s not that I haven’t done anything like demolishing the palace to win politics. He will demolish Xianyang Palace if it doesn’t agree with it.

Bend openly and said to Han Wangan: “Today, in this crisis, the king has two choices. One is to send out the winning government, which can solve problems and can even reap the friendship of Chu. Without the Qin who won the government, Even if it is still strong, it is temporary. By then, the nations will join forces to separate Daqin!”

Han Wangan nodded: “It’s true. The Kingdom of Chu is already in front of you. And the Kingdom of Qin is still far away. Transport can’t quench your thirst.” Even a three-year-old child knows this. Now is the moment of life and death for the Kingdom of Han. Han Wangan’s choice is crucial.

The Kingdom of Qin, the King of Qin wins politics, the Red Lotus, the Kingdom of Chu. All of these need to be considered by him. A little carelessness will destroy the country of Han. Han Wangan cannot afford the price.

“Is there a second option? The widow doesn’t think this choice is a good idea. The country of Han will offend Qin. The widow can’t let the country take this risk.” Han Wangan sighed and said that he could not accept this proposal. . If there is a better 520 choice, he will be able to make a choice immediately.

Openly continue to say the second possibility: “If you don’t give up the winning government, it will take time for the Qin State to send people to rescue. By then, the Han State will suffer serious losses and will be more vulnerable to infringements by other countries.” This choice is worse than the previous one.

Ji Wuye also yelled: “Wang Shang must not make this choice. This is simply making Qin’s wedding clothes for nothing, and using the demise of Han to make Qin strong.”

Han Wangan was embarrassed, he didn’t expect it would be such a dead end. Two options, one is risky, and the other is more risky. This is how people choose.

But having said that, risks and benefits coexist, risking offending Qin and reaping the prosperity of Han. If this is more than a business, then Han country will be able to regain a city. Han Wangan thought of Guren’s smiling face. When she left Han country and was not by his side, Han Wangan felt very distressed.

When the country of Han becomes stronger, maybe Gulian can be brought back. Han Wangan’s eyes suddenly flashed light. He immediately expressed his thoughts and asked Zhang Kaidi and Ji Wuye whether it was feasible.

Unfortunately, he opened his head and shook his head. .

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