Chapter 488 Extinguish Qin

, Deserve it.

Ji Wuye was anxious: “Open your mouth and spit people!”

But Zhang Kaidi said: “Ji Wuye, can you think that you are the general of Han country after doing this kind of thing? It is bold and unrestrained to dare to speak to the original state like this!” Zhang Kaidi has been jealous of Ji Wuye’s hands for a long time. His military power, dare not confront Ji Wuye on the bright side. It’s just that this time Ji Wuye actually did such a stupid thing for the sake of food, really digging a hole for himself to jump

Ying Zheng also mocked and sneered on the side: “Why is the general dignified Han Guoda down to this point? The last time I met, he was still awe-inspiring and upright. Why has it become like this this time.” Ying Zheng is mocking him, if If he obediently agreed to his request that day, he won’t become as pitiful as he is today.

Ji Wuye yelled: “Open the ground, if you can’t show evidence today, you are slandering this general. At that time, this general must report to King Qin. You are deliberately targeting this general with the intention of seizing military power and subverting h~ an country,”

Openly said coldly: “You still want to quibble at what you did! Come here, bring up the corpses of Anping Jun and Longquan-.

With an order, the guards brought up two corpses. Fei Yanyi invaded Ying Zheng’s side. She saw two silver needles inserted in the heads of the two men. She didn’t expect that the little doctor girl was quite powerful. The silver needle is a very concealed weapon. It is usually used as a hidden weapon. If it is not for the identity of Duanmu Rong doctor, it is also a woman. Use this thing as a weapon also

There is nothing wrong with it.

Otherwise, it is easy to be regarded as a despicable villain who can only play insidious tricks. Swordsmanship is the supreme, these “side gates and left roads” are all dismissed by the world.

Ji Wuye confirmed that the two corpses were indeed Anping Jun and Longquan Jun. As a general of Han, he did know that these two people were responsible for escorting food and payment. “This general was extremely sighed at the deaths of Anping Jun and Longquan Jun, but Zhang Xiangguo just because they died, it is too far-fetched to believe that it was the hand of this general. Is it because this general knows to escort food?

What about payment?”

Besides, there were no obvious wounds on the two people. To be precise, they couldn’t find a single wound at all. It was impossible to confirm who they were killed by, let alone Ji Wuye.

Duan Mulong was very careful when he started, using a strong internal force to punch the silver needle from the top of their heads, killing them on the spot, without even having a chance to struggle. There will be no traces left on the skin, unless their hair is shaved, it is possible to find a few invisible small spots. Duanmurong’s skill is not bad, she doesn’t only know medical skills. Body hair and skin, feel it

“Why, isn’t this something that you would take for yourself if you didn’t hesitate to kill Jun Anping and Jun Longquan? Now I know I’m afraid!” He walked openly behind Ji Wuye, urging him to open the box and look at the contents for himself .

Ji Wuye drowned a spit, his hands were shaking. Robbing the army’s salary was a big crime. Even General Han couldn’t ask for mercy. This one was enough to kill him. Ji Wuye slowly opened the box, and as expected, there was gold and silver inside. The number is by no means a minority, enough to make one person crazy.

“Now the evidence is solid, what else do you have to say!” openly and majestic questioning Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye slowly straightened up, stood up straight, he couldn’t fall down, and still maintained his demeanor as a general. He has no room for explanation, all the evidence points to himself, and there is nothing to say.

Ying Zheng admired Ji Wuye’s appearance at the end of the road. Ji Wuye has finished playing, and it is really pitiful and pathetic to win the government with just a little trivial means to make General Han down.

Seeing that Ji Wuye no longer resisted, he waved his hand and ordered the soldiers of Han country to take Ji Wuye away.

The soldiers of the Han country gathered around. They took the rope and were about to tie Ji Wuye to the front of King Han. Ji Wuye looked at Ying Zheng and scolded angrily: “Despicable villain, playing such a tricky trick.”

Yingzheng pretended to be stupid: “What is the general saying?” He didn’t understand. As soon as Ji Wuye fell, the military power of Han country would be emptied immediately. No matter who fell in the hands of Han Wangan, he would have the confidence to win the government back.

Ji Wuye said without giving up: “Even if this general dies, you won’t be allowed to dominate the military power of Han country! One day, soldiers from Han country will definitely take down your head!”


The soldiers of the Han country escorting Ji Wuye heard this and pushed hard: “Go!” They don’t want to fight anymore. As a general of the Han country, Ji Wuye led the country to fight and never won the war. They It is suspected that the deaths of all soldiers from Han country are meaningless.

At this moment, an urgent secret letter came. Suddenly, the messenger was dealing with Ji Wuye’s affairs regardless of his opening, and delivered the secret letter.

Opened the secret letter open, with a few words on it, but it made him look at it in a cold sweat. His face also darkened.

Ji Wuye felt that something big had happened: “Show it to this general. Before King Han is convicted, I, Ji Wuye, is still the general of Han country. No one can shake it. Any disturbance in Han country should be reported to this general! ”

“Show it to him.” Zhang Kaidi was shocked by the content of the secret letter. This incident is definitely not something I can deal with. Maybe they really need Ji Wuye’s assistance to allow Han country to pass this level. Even if Ji Wuye turned over with this incident, he couldn’t help it.

The letter of the letter: “Hundred thousand Chu soldiers came to the country of Han, and commanded Xiang Yan. The slogan: Destroy Qin.”

Zhang Kaidi had known Chu State’s thoughts about Han State. The army had been in Han State for a long time, and the reason for the delay might be that there was no reason for war. But why did it kill Qin? Didn’t the Chu soldiers recognize the way and wanted to fight Qin and went to the Han country? factory.

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