Chapter 487 Ji Wuye’s persistence, self-defeating]

Ji Wuye gritted his teeth, his tolerance has reached the limit, winning politics is really deceiving too much. But I just can’t do anything with him. If he wins politics in Baiyue, he can send troops to kill him. Now that the person is right in front of him, it is impossible to kill him. There are two reasons. One is that the victory of the government died in the Han country, and the Qin country will not let go of the Han country and the Qin country’s dynasty.

Don’t be messed up because of losing the victory. It has been a few months since Yingzheng has been outside, and the State of Qin is still functioning normally. The second is that he can’t win the government. As a general of the Han country, he can’t stand a blow in the face of winning the government. I’m afraid he will be killed by the winning government before he has any intention to kill.

Ji Wuye thought hard about how this deal was not worthwhile. It is worthy of winning the government, and even the profitable business is dismissive. He would care if it was a blood trade. This business is the unilateral dominance of winning politics. If Yingzheng killed himself directly, he would be counter-killed if he said that he was attempting to murder him. Whether it is Han Wangan or the people of the world, they will think so,

The dead can’t speak, let alone excuse. From the poisonous scorpion to himself, everything is logical.

“This king will give you another chance. If it’s too late, it’s too late.” Ying Zheng was holding Feiyan, and the two seemed to not care about Ji Wuye’s existence. Ji Wuye is afraid of winning the government. If he kills 520 himself and establishes another puppet as the General Han, the military power will still be in his hands. Han Wangan is timid and will not fight against winning the government. Ji Wuye bit

Ya, he cannot give up his military power, nor can he die. Military power and his fate are the same. After losing his military power, Yingzheng killed himself whenever he wanted to.

Ji Wuye sneered: “Why don’t you care about King Qin.” He has never been so ignored. But Yingzheng always ignores him, as if in his eyes, himself, the General of Han, is nothing but dust.

Ying Zheng sighed softly: “Okay, then.” After that, he was ready to leave.

Feiyan entangled Yingzheng: “The general is so boring that he makes people run for nothing. They can’t walk anymore and ask the king to hold him.”

Winning did not want to let go, and left the general’s mansion with Wei Yan directly. Ji Wuye and Yin Yike, who are full of thoughts, are left behind.

Ji Wuye couldn’t bear it. After winning the government, he smashed it frantically, regardless of whether it was his general mansion or his own things. He just smashed the precious treasures and gave up. Ji Wuye looked at the fragments of the ground, and even the military power was taken away, and he cared about the use of these properties.

He asked the guest: “What major event has happened in Han country recently?”

“It’s only the case of Chu’s army suppressing the border.” The pretender replied truthfully: “But this matter is not difficult to solve. It only needs Qin Guo to come forward, and I believe Chu will definitely give up.”

Ji Wuye gritted his teeth. Indeed, they can only count on Qin. Chu State expelled those who had smallpox when it discovered smallpox, and even more protected the army. Even if ordinary people were expelled on a large scale later, they still retained enough troops. However, because Han country failed to make timely response measures, its military strength was greatly damaged. Once the war starts, ha

N country can only turn to Qin for help.

Ji Wuye didn’t believe that the winning government would stand by. Even if it was to threaten himself, he would consider the situation of Princess Honglian. There is no doubt that Qin will send troops to relieve Han.

Ji Wuye was in great distress, but he won the government but was at ease. He arrived at Zilanxuan again with the scarlet smoke, still just drinking tea, he didn’t have any information to inquire. Zi Nu came out happily to receive Victory. This time she has big news, and Victory will definitely be interested. Zi Nu deliberately attracted the attention of the winning government, and specifically threw out the imprint of the topic: “This matter is for the Han country.

It’s a big deal to say, and if it doesn’t work well, it will be a bloody storm. Isn’t the son still interested?”

Yingzheng put down the teacup: “You are talking about Jun Anping and Jun Longquan escorting food and payment?”

Zi Nu leaned close to Ying Zheng, raised her index finger to her lips: “The son is still better not to show up. Only very few people (aibd) in Han country know about this. The son directly speaks it out. Oh no.”

Fei Yan was silent, and the caring person might have won the government. Now he is sitting here, and his hand has already been released.

“I thought that Zilanxuan is a place where I know everything, and I can learn everything at the first time. I don’t know where the sacred son is, but it is even more informed than Zilanxuan’s news? As far as I know, the Seven Kingdoms Among them, there is no such person.” Zi Nu was close to Yingzheng, as if to see something from his face.

“You’ll know soon.” When winning the government and handing me over the military power.

“Since the son doesn’t answer this question, I will trouble the son to answer another question. The son knows that there is no information needed in Zilanxuan, but he still comes to my Zilanxuan. I don’t know why?” Zinu looked at it with interest. Win politics. She can probably guess the purpose of winning politics. There are two stunning beauties beside him, so naturally she doesn’t mind having one more.

Yingzheng smiled and said: “I just think that Han country has nothing interesting except Zilanxuan. I came here just to enjoy singing and dancing.” He looked at Zinu’s thin waist and remembered the dance that day. . It is unforgettable.

“The son said so, Zi Nu dare not disappoint the son.” She got up and walked slowly to the stage. Not long after, the rich and charming body fragrance of Zi Nv’s body once again permeated Zi Lan Xuan.

Ji Wuye returned to his general mansion as usual. The surrounding area was actually full of soldiers from the Han country. When he saw Ji Wuye, he immediately rushed to surround him. Ji Wuye was furious: “Are you blind? Don’t you know that I am General Han? You dare to surround this general, believe it or not that this general killed you!”

The soldiers of Han country remained unmoved, still pointing their weapons at Ji Wuye. Han Guoxiangguo walked over openly, saying that he was attacked by the order of Han Wangan.

Ji Wuye had to salute respectfully, he still couldn’t figure out what was going on, his face was full of confusion. But looking at the atmosphere, there should be something major, everyone is coming for him. Han Wangan had never come to find himself in such a big battle, and even moved out to open the ground. Today is so abnormal, something must happen.

Ji Wuye faintly felt that it was related to King Qin’s victory. Just thinking about it, I saw two figures in the distance, and Fei Yan came over with Yingzheng’s arm. Ying Zheng looked at Ji Wuye’s eyes as if he was watching a joke. Ji Wuye’s heart is alarming. Has Yingzheng already started on him?

At this moment, he said openly and angrily: “The general is so courageous that he dared to murder Monarch Anping and Monarch Longquan who were escorting food and payment!”

Ji Wuye’s face was blinded, this is another unreasonable charge.

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