Chapter 463 Leave】

The next day, Yingzheng left Huoyu Villa with Feiyan and Duanmurong, Huoyu Gongyuan sent off, Madam Hu and Hu Meiren reluctantly, they were waiting for Yingzheng’s answer. Yingzheng did not agree that day, only that he would tell them the answer when he left today.

Seeing that winning the government is about to leave, Mrs. Hu stepped forward to stay: “King Qin, we ask you to agree to the wish of our sisters. This is our only wish. If we can’t meet it, we will regret it for life.

Fei Yan naturally knew what was going on. After the vulture was turned out by onmyoji, she followed the victory, and the conversation in the sea of ​​flowers naturally reached her ears. She also knew that after that, Yingzheng had been thinking hard, and the final answer was ready to come out.

“Huo Yu Gong.” Ying Zheng looked at Huo Yu Gong seriously and said: “From today on, you will leave Huo Yu Villa with Madam Hu and Mei Ren.

Huo Yugong was puzzled, thinking that he had won the government and repented, and he wanted to drive them out of Huoyu Villa.

Madam Hu and Hu Meiren looked at Ying Zheng with anticipation, thinking that he was going to take them with them.

And Ying Zheng just said: “Go to Daqin, this king has arranged for someone to respond, and I will return to Huoyu Villa in the future.” He did not choose to take Madam Hu and Meiren Hu to Baiyue, not only arranged for them to go to Daqin, Lianhuo Yu Gong must leave.

Madam Hu and Hu Meiren thought that this was a way to settle them by winning politics. In Daqin, they are much closer to winning government than in Huoyu Mountain Villa. They selfishly think that winning government wants to keep them by his side, and they are very happy.

Huo Yugong wanted to ask something, but was stopped by his daughters. Their faces were so shy that they asked Huo Yugong not to say more, and just did it according to King Qin’s arrangements. Huo Yu Gong ~ had to agree.

Sending you a thousand miles away, you must say goodbye. When Huo Yugong returned to Huoyu Villa with Madam Hu and Meiren Hu, the three continued to move forward.

Duan Mulong asked in a puzzled way: “Is the king really in love with Madam Hu and Meiren Hu? But why did you let Duke Huoyu go to Daqin? They are all gone, what about the Huoyu mine vein?”

Fei Yan told Duan Mulong not to ask too much. She knew in her heart that gentle women like Madam Hu and Hu Meiren couldn’t help but dislike them, and this question was just for nothing.

Yingzheng replied indifferently: “After we leave, Huoyu Villa will be very dangerous. This king has promised them to protect them, and naturally it will be like a perfect solution.”

“Danger?” Fei Yan didn’t expect to win the government to say like this: “The three wolves with haircuts are all dead. Seeing their fate, there should be no greedy and lustful people threatening Huoyu Villa in a short time.”

“There are no people who are greedy and lustful, there are others.” Ying Zheng’s eyes were full of smiles, as if he didn’t care about the danger in his mouth.

“The king said that Chu’s chasing soldiers? They have not chased after we left Chu. After staying in Huoyu Mountain Villa for so long, they must have received the wind. We are the ones who caused Huoyu Mountain Villa?” I don’t understand, if winning politics just likes Madam Hu and Meiren Hu, you can take them to Baiyue together, or take them after solving Baiyue.

Back to Daqin. Why are they so anxious to leave Huoyu Villa?

Duan Mulong forgot to count the days, and there was not enough medicine prepared before leaving, and it was a problem for Madam Hu and Hu Meiren to maintain their health. If they travel all the way, Duanmu Rong can also take this opportunity to condition their bodies.

“It’s not a soldier of Chu country, it’s Han country.” The words of Ying Zheng interrupted Duanmu Rong’s thoughts.

“Han country?” Feiyan looked at Yingzheng’s back. “Because of Liu Yi?”

Yingzheng did not answer, and Fei Yan began to think about it randomly: “Unexpectedly, Han Wangan was blinded. He killed Liu Yi for the sake of Han Guo’s good. If he is not grateful, it’s fine, why did he bite back?”

“The Kingdom of Han and Kingdom of Qin are still married, but what happened a few days ago, Han Wangan repented so quickly?” Duanmurong and Feiyan both determined that Han Wangan was going to send troops to hunt down.

“No, you are wrong, not for Han Wangan’s order, let alone Liu Yi. There is someone else who wants to kill this king.” Ying Zheng looked back at Feiyan and Duanmurong who had been following him: “The next hundred The more you travel, it will be a bloody storm.”

Fei Yan said indifferently: “If I’m afraid of a bloody storm, I won’t stand here.”

Duan Mulong was a little flustered in her heart. She didn’t know what the world was like in Ying Zheng’s eyes, and she couldn’t see why the country of Han wanted to chase and kill the King of Qin Ying Zheng. She bowed her head and followed Yingzheng silently. No matter what the way forward, she just wanted to follow.

0……Look for flowers…

After half a month, Ying Zheng came to Baiyue with Feiyan and Duanmurong. This Baiyue was completely different from what Feiyan had imagined. A pile of corpses was piled up along the way, which was set on fire by a group of Baiyue people.

Scarlet smoke covered his nose, a little disgusted with the smelly environment: “That’s what Baiyue is? The smell of carrion is everywhere, it’s really unpleasant.”

Duan Mulong couldn’t stand the smell either. When the smell was sucked in from his nose, his stomach would be turned upside down for a while.

The Baiyue people who were burning their bodies saw obvious hostility in their eyes after seeing the people in the victory. It wasn’t until Yingzheng walked away to relax.


Although Baiyue is a remote place, because of the scarce herbs produced, there are many people from the seven countries. If things go on like this, these Baiyue people will be used to it.

In this devastated land, all the people’s faces are covered with death, as if they are walking dead. It was clear that the weather was not hot, but all of them wrapped themselves tightly. A child on the side of the road was pulling his mother to cry.

His face was black, yellow, black and yellow, and he knew how skinny he was by looking at where he was exposed. The protruding part of the bone seemed to be able to puncture the thin layer of skin, revealing the dense white bones underneath.

He cried very quietly, as if he had no strength, and kept saying the word “hungry”. The mother’s eyes were dull, as if she hadn’t heard her child’s crying, her arm kept stroking his back as a comfort. What can she do, there is no way to change it, the child’s voice is a torture to her, she is also hungry and weak

I was angry, and if there was any, she even wanted to kill her own child so that she wouldn’t be in pain.

Duan Murong looked at the mother and child with a heart-wrenching heart, and looked towards Yingzheng with some discomfort. This kind of purgatory on earth makes Duan Mulong at a loss. It seems that she is the one who suffers here and is asking for help from the victory.

“Take out the water and dry food and share them with them.” Ying Zheng looked at Duanmu Rong and gave such an order. factory,

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