Chapter 462 Business Economics]

Li Kaiming nodded his head clearly. He believed that the three wolves had broken hair because of the fire and rain agate. One Fire Rain Agate is very valuable. Yuan Jiu brought this one out, and the other two must be chasing after him. No wonder a few eagles will come and rush to him. He really has nowhere to go. “Getting Huoyu Agate is a great achievement, I will not forget you.”

“Master Xie.” Vulture squatted his head heavily, buried his face deeply, and showed a grinning smile. I thought this Li Kai was really a lie, he believed it by saying a few words casually, and it seemed that he was completely relieved. To complete the task so smoothly, I don’t know how much reward I can get in front of that person in the future.

This fire rain agate has stunned Li Kai’s head. He stopped thinking about the vulture, and immediately ordered someone to edit the book and report the matter to Wangan Han.

Since they were stationed here, it is already the second secret letter to Han Wangan. Li Kai didn’t know that these two secret letters had all fallen into their hands, and Han Wangan didn’t know the contents of the letters.

The pretender, one of the four evil generals of the night, was touching a homing pigeon in his hand. It took a long time for the homing pigeon to arrive here, but was shot down by a 507 arrow, which ended in the same way as the previous one.

Yike presented the letter to Ji Wuye: “General, there is another superstition.”

Ji Wuye hurriedly took the letter, opened it a little anxiously, and quickly read it: “Hahaha, it’s really good news. Immediately summon Xueyihou and Shiratori, this general will have to do something big.” Ji Wuyezhi So he was so anxious because the last secret letter gave him too much surprise.

When Liu Yi died, he died. Ji Wuye didn’t care at all. He was even very grateful to win the government. After removing this right Sima, more rights of the Han country would be vested in him. But this is only secondary. What really excites Ji Wuye is: Ying Zheng appeared in Huoyu Villa alone!

He had long wanted to get rid of the victory, and this idea reached its extreme when Qin State married Princess Honglian. Ji Wuye has been waiting for a chance to kill and win politics, and now he is finally waiting.

After the Huoyu Villa matter had subsided, the winning government stopped staying any more, and planned to settle the rest of the matter before leaving.

“Baiyue is very far away from Daqin, and the king doesn’t understand Huoyu agate (aibd), so I want to hand over the Huoyu ore vein to Huoyu Villa for processing, but the future Huoyu agate will belong to Daqin. “Yingzheng and Huoyu Gong discussed the matter of Huoyu Agate.

“The old man originally gave the Huoyu mineral veins to King Qin, but now King Qin only needs 90%, which is a bargain for the old man.” Huo Yugong said modestly: “It is already King Qin’s virtue to be able to stay in Huoyu Villa, old man. Don’t dare to ask for anything, besides, Huoyu Villa still depends on King Qin to keep it.”

“From now on, this king will continue to protect Huoyu Villa. As for the price of these fire and rain agates, the price is divided into seven and three. This king gets seven, and Huoyu gets three.” Yingzheng is not asking about Huoyu, but directly arranging to understand. Now, according to his business habit, he has always been divided into ninety-one, and willing to seven-three is already taking care of Huoyu Villa.

Huo Yugong said with great gratitude: “It is a great fortune for King Qin to bless Huoyu Villa. Don’t say Qisan, even if all the income of Huoyu Agate goes to King Qin, the old man has nothing to say.”

Huoyu Agate is not as valuable as the great backer that wins politics before. Huoyu is already old and can’t stand the toss. He just wants to have a livelihood. If there are males in the family, he will try his best to preserve the interests of Huoyu Villa, but unfortunately he only has two daughters under his knees, and they are all devoted to winning politics.

Quandang regarded Huoyu Villa and Huoyu Agate as his daughter’s dowry.

The two talked very happily, and Huoyu Villa also swept away the haze of the past because of the laughter of Huoyu. At this time, an uninvited guest came.

Yuan Jiu knelt at the feet of Ying Zheng and gave a respectful report: “I have gone to Li Kai according to your instructions. I have submitted all the fire rain agate and gold. Li Kai has completely believed it and has no doubt at all.”

Yingzheng nodded: “Good job.

Father Huo Yu was taken aback. He looked at the vicious look of the vulture and the mask on his face. He suddenly remembered the extra eye in the room that day: “Could it be that he is also the one who wants to be against Huoyu Villa. one?”

Winning politics is noncommittal.

Yuan Jiu rubbed his hands and asked, “Li Kai is also a greedy person. When he saw Huoyu Agate and Golden Eyes, he straightened his eyes. In order to convince him, he took out all the things you gave. This has been done. That’s it, I don’t know what I can get?” The vulture showed a greedy expression again.

“You can keep a whole body.” Ying Zheng replied coldly.

“What?” Vulture hadn’t figured it out yet, and suddenly felt his body froze. He originally looked at Ying Zheng’s eyes continuously turning upwards, turning them until only the white of his eyes were left. Falling stiffly. This is the onmyoji that Feiyan had on his body worked.

Duke Huoyu let out a sigh of relief: “King Qin really keeps his word.” He said that he would preserve Huoyu Villa, and also said that all those who cherish the wealth of Huoyu Villa must die, and Yuanjiu is one of them, and it is hard to escape in the end. .

When the servant came to pick up the vulture’s body, Yingzheng left. The advantage of yin and yang to kill people with swords is that there is no blood. Winning still has an appointment with his wife and Hu Meiren. Naturally, he can’t meet with the smell of blood.

Huoyu Villa has a nice place with beautiful scenery. Among the flowers, Mrs. Hu and Meiren Hu have been waiting here for a long time.

Hu Meiren pulled her sister’s sleeves to urge her to speak quickly. Madam Hu was a little shy but couldn’t resist her sister’s eagerness: “Will King Qin leave Huoyu Villa?”

Yingzheng nodded: “Indeed, this king has more important things to do.”

Hu Meiren looked at Yingzheng reluctantly: “Is it really not a few more days to stay?”

“It has been delayed for a long time, so I can’t stay longer.”

Madam Hu and Hu Meiren were silent for a long time. What if they could stay for a few more days? Dignified King Qin would never be trapped in a small villa all his life.

Madam Hu said with difficulty: “King Qin, our sisters have an unrelenting invitation to ask King Qin to fulfill it.

“Let’s talk.” Yingzheng walked through the flowers, unintentionally stained with petals.

“We want to repay King Qin’s kindness, and are willing to follow King Qin, no matter the ends of the world, we will never leave, I don’t know what King Qin can promise?” Madam Hu didn’t dare to look at winning the government, and finished the sentence with her head down.

“If it is to repay the gratitude, then there is no need. This king has already discussed the fire and rain agate with Huoyu, so I can use those to repay it.” Ying Zheng turned and prepared to leave.

Hu Meiren stretched her hand to stay: “No, not just to repay her.” She bit her lower lip tightly, and some words were hidden between her lips and teeth: “We want to follow King Qin.”.

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