Chapter 440 Visit Baiyue】

When Zhao Gao brought back the news about the net, he also invited Lu Buwei, which was an order to win the government. The last time the three of them gathered like this was because of the integration of the six kingdoms. Intuition told Zhao Gao that the matter was very serious this time.

“Reported to the king, Luo Wang and others have investigated and made it clear that instead of disappearing in the Six Nations, smallpox has exploded even more violently. No matter how the monarchs of the Six Nations drove people out, there are always smallpox patients in the country. Even now, even Several high-ranking officials in Chu State were infected with smallpox and were unable to go to court.

The silk is vague.

Ying Zheng frowned: “If smallpox continues to raging like this, it is definitely not a good thing.”

Lu Buwei was surprised. He did not know the matter: “Didn’t Da Qin accept most of the smallpox refugees from the six countries? How could it spread again?”

Ying Zheng showed Lu Buwei the memorial on the royal table, which read how smallpox raged in the Six Nations and took away countless lives. Lu Buwei who watched felt that his heart trembled in 08, and he secretly rejoiced that Daqin had defeated smallpox.

Lu Buwei suggested: “The king can wait for the smallpox to destroy the six kingdoms before reaching out to help. At that time, the six nations had to be grateful to Daqin and all returned to Daqin.

After winning the political thoughts for a long time, he remembered what Honglian said to him: “They said that the King of Qin loved the people like a son and had a kind heart.” He really loved the people like a son, but that was only the people who loved Daqin. But being kind-hearted is not necessarily the case. The world once accused him of being tyrannical, saying that he was cruel, and even he himself knew that his hands were covered with blood. Yingzheng thinks that he is by no means good-hearted

Good person.

The red lotus blooming like fire may really melt the cold emperor’s heart.

“You can’t let it go. If you really do that, the number of innocent people involved will only be an astronomical number.

Both Lu Buwei and Zhao Gao were shocked. They both suspected that there was a problem with their ears. This is really what Yingzheng said? Those people from the Six Nations who stayed in Daqin knew that the reason they were able to get this kind of asylum was all because they gave up their original country, and became reborn as a new person. People of Daqin. To get this honor.

It was never Da Qin’s duty to save the people of the Six Nations. Even if they let them wait for death, no one would dare to say anything. But the winning government has made a choice: save! Even if it is not the people of Daqin, they must be saved. Lu Buwei and Zhao Gao both suspected that the Honglian princess from Han country changed the winning government and let this king who only loves Qin country love all sentient beings in the world.

Lu Buwei asked: “How does the king plan to save them? It’s a good way to get them all from Daqin to get chickenpox.”

Ying Zheng shook his head: “Although Qin is large, it is not large enough to accommodate all the people of the six countries, and it is overcrowded. This is not possible.

Zhao Gao also suggested: “Then send the doctors out, and come back after the inoculations have been completed for the people of the six countries.

“The world is so big, and the journey is far away. The doctors can’t help it. Smallpox is impatient. I’m afraid they won’t wait for the doctors to arrive. They will scream for their lives.” Ying Zheng still shook his head. This method is reliable.

“What do you think of the king?” Lu Buwei and Zhao Gao hated their incompetence. It was obvious that the king asked them to discuss, but they were always dragging their feet and couldn’t think of any practical way to do it.

“This king has always been curious about one thing. Why the six countries have expelled so many people, but still failed to isolate smallpox, but made smallpox more and more rampant?” Ying Zhenggao looked at Lu Buwei and Zhao Gao inexplicably. It’s not so much a question of winning politics, it’s better to say that winning politics is testing them.

Zhao Gao guessed that someone who had smallpox had been hiding in the city, and the kings of the Six Kingdoms did not find him. Without expelling the person with the most root cause, smallpox will never be completely isolated.

However, Lu Buwei questioned that smallpox would not survive long, and this person would live alive and die even if he had not been discovered. They couldn’t figure out what went wrong after they thought about it.

Yingzheng also said: “Luo Wang brought back the news. The first person to discover smallpox was Chu State. It was Chu Kaolie Wang Zheng who was furious about his defeat in Qin State, and wanted to unite Wei State and Zhao State to attack Baiyue. This king is very curious why something went wrong at this timing.”

Zhao Gao said in an uncertain tone: “Is the king suspect that the smallpox matter has something to do with Baiyue.”

“Go, get the map.” Yingzheng turned and sat in front of the imperial case.

They often only look at the Seven Kingdoms when they look at the map. This is the first time that they have noticed the small place Baiyue on the map. Compared with the Seven Kingdoms, it is a place that can’t even compare with the weakest play. The Seven Kingdoms regarded him as barbarians.

Everyone believes that the people of Baiyue are living in dire straits, and if it were not for the help of winning politics, they would have been wiped out long ago.

Zhao Gao asked incredulously: “Has Baiyue mastered the source of smallpox. They wanted to use smallpox to prevent Chu State from sending troops, but King Chu Kaolie was so heartless and infected with the seven nations?” If it is true, Baiyue is really an incredible weapon.

“There is no definitive evidence, but this king is very sure that the source of smallpox is Baiyue.” Ying Zheng looked at the small place on the map marked Baiyue, and remembered seeing Tianze and his party attacking outside the city of Chu that day. Chu State, the hatred of Chu State in their eyes, is like a raging fire that can burn everything.

Lu Buwei asked with some worry: “My lord, what do you want to do?”

Ying Zheng pointed to the map: “This king will personally conquer Baiyue. Only for the innocent people in the world.

Both Zhao Gao and Lu Buwei were frightened by the words of victory. Winning the government is no longer a personal conquest, but every time it is for the interests closely related to Daqin, this time it is actually for the common people of the world. Zhao Gao and Lu Buwei could not believe their ears anyway. I thought that their King Qin had changed.

Only when the winning government returns with a full load will they know that the winning government is still the King of Qin, who is invincible, but there is no gain.

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