Chapter 439 Six Countries Where Smallpox Spreads]

It was getting late during the conversation between the two. Ying Zheng looked at the innocent and innocent Red Lotus, but he was not ready to avoid this topic: “Do you know why you became the princess of Daqin?”

“Because it is Honglian who is coming to Qin country.” “Honglian was about to fall asleep, and her voice became soft.

“No, you are here because of the marriage between Qin and Han.” Yingzheng said very seriously, not joking: “The marriage is only the face of the two countries. No one can predict what will happen in the future. .”

Hong Lian just nodded faintly, lay on the bed and grabbed the hands of Ying Zheng, and said: “King Qin is the person that Hong Lian admires most.” Sleepiness swept over, and Hong Lian fell asleep soon.

Ying Zheng looked at this soft girl, sleeping like a “four-nine-three” cat, curled up in a ball, awkwardly, Ying Zheng kissed Honglian’s forehead.

The kiss was light and faint, but Guren felt it immediately. She closed her eyes tightly and pretended to sleep, but the blush on her face could not deceive the victory.

He glanced at Gulian’s unsuspecting sleeping face, not piercing her careful thoughts. Turned and left back to his bedroom.

Han Fei has been waiting for a long time. As the elder brother of Honglian, he worried about his sister. As a courtier, worried about the king. Although he didn’t even know what he was worried about. But when Ying Zheng returned to the bedroom at night with a smile on his face, Han Fei suddenly felt relieved.

When Yingzheng noticed Han Fei’s presence, he reduced the smile on his face and changed back to that cold-faced and ruthless king.

“Respectfully welcome the king.” Han Fei leaned over to salute, and then he did not speak after he finished the salute.

After winning the government and laughing, he knew why Han Fei appeared here: “Brother, don’t worry about what the king will do to Honglian. Even if we really want to, we have to wait until the red lotus and jade years.” After saying that, he looked at Han Fei’s face. On the rich expression.

“The king is in a good mood today, and he is still looking for fun with his ministers. This brother can’t afford to be called a minister.” Han Fei was a little flattered, he knew that winning the government was deliberate: “Since the king said so, the minister can be considered relieved. Gu Lian has been spoiled and self-willed since she was a child, and hopes that the king will take more care of her.”

Ying Zheng hadn’t seen how spoiled and self-willed this little princess was, and thought it was Han Fei’s humble words. Nodded and agreed.

Rao is a person like Yingzheng who overturns the clouds and rains and covers the sky with one hand. I never imagined that I would be troubled by a seemingly innocent and cute little princess in the future.

Han Fei finally let go of the stone in his heart: “Your Majesty, it’s already night, the ministers can’t bother you anymore, the King should rest early.” I said goodbye.

In fact, they all knew exactly what kind of contradictions existed between the monarchs and the ministers, between the Qin and Han countries. Some things are separated by a layer of cicada wings. With a light touch, those deliberately maintained things will be exposed. Qin State only said that he had good relations with Han State, but if Han State contained evil intentions, he would take the opportunity to obtain a large amount of benefits from Qin State, recharge his energy and then bite Qin State.


At that time, Yingzheng will surely destroy the Han country by himself.

When Han Fei was sent to serve as a lobbyist for Han country before, he did not agree, indicating that he did not want to be an enemy of Han country. Often you don’t want to face what happens, the more things will happen. Han Fei missed his homeland while loyal to the monarch and loved the Lord. I’m afraid I can only kill it if I’m caught in the middle.

And Honglian is even more miserable. She is just a little girl, not as profound as Han Fei. Yingzheng has to admit that he loves Honglian. No one knows where they are going. This marriage is a blessing or a curse.

He coaxed Honglian to sleep, which made Han Fei feel at ease. As far as Yingzheng is concerned, the matter of being king is not finished yet. In the imperial study room, Zhao Gao is waiting: “The king, you are already so busy today, or you can save these memorials for tomorrow.” In fact, Zhao Gao is already a little sleepy. In order to marry Princess Honglian, he is also Busy like a headless fly, early

I was exhausted.

“The national affairs are in a hurry. This king can push until tomorrow, but some people may not.” Ying Zheng sat at the imperial table. Since becoming Queen Qin, he has never put the memorial aside until the next day. The administrative efficiency of Daqin is the fastest.

Zhao Gao felt miserable. He thought that he won’t be able to criticize memorials anymore, so that he could steal his leisure. It is said that now Daqin Guotai is peaceful, and there is neither external worry nor internal trouble. Zhao Gao really couldn’t figure out what was worth the hard work of winning politics.

After lighting the lamp until midnight, Zhao Gao couldn’t resist the sleepiness: “Wang Shang should take care of his body. It’s better to go to rest early. Now that nothing major has happened in Da Qin, Wang Shang should also take this opportunity to relax and relax, all day long. This is not a solution.”

Ying Zheng put down the troubles in his hand: “Be prepared for danger in times of peace, and if the state cannot be prevented in advance, Da Qin will be ruined in the hands of this king. Do you expect this king to respond to the retribution on the mountain and river sword?”

Zhao Gao was frightened, and instantly lost his sleep: “The minion dare not, the minion is just worried about the king’s body.

“This king doesn’t need you to worry about it. It is Da Qin you should worry about. This king asks you, how is the investigation of the smallpox incident?”

“Smallpox? No one in Daqin has been infected with smallpox. Everyone is healthy and not affected by smallpox.” Zhao Gao didn’t understand why Yingzheng suddenly asked about smallpox. Hasn’t this matter already passed?

“No one in Daqin was infected, what about the Six Nations?” Yingzheng asked coldly, and the word smallpox was impressively written on the open booklet. “If it hadn’t been for a minister to hand over the folds, I’m afraid all the people from the six kingdoms would have died.”


“Isn’t this a good thing?” Zhao Gao was frightened by the anger of winning the government and knelt down. The people of the Six Kingdoms are all dead. The world belongs to Daqin. You can get everything with no effort. What other people dream of. Wouldn’t it be happy to put it on the king? When Da Qin was the last person to be vaccinated with cowpox, he had already retracted the net and no longer pursued the smallpox incident.

“Immediately send a snare to collect information about smallpox from the six countries, and report it as soon as there is a situation.” Yingzheng ordered it, and Zhao Gao went to handle it immediately. Winning politics has always been calm, and everything is under control, so don’t panic. This time, there was a bit of anger that was rare, and Zhao Gao naturally did not dare to neglect.

Luo Wang acted very swiftly. Knowing that it was the information that the king needed urgently, he did not dare to neglect for a moment, and went to the six countries to collect it separately. .

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