Chapter 368 To put the Six Kingdoms to death!

In recent days, Ying Zichu has slept very comfortably every night. He praised the quilt in every way. Just a few days after the birthday banquet, the heavens were not beautiful, and a rain came. The autumn wind was bleak and the autumn rain was cold. The chill seeps into the bone marrow. Rainfall during the day is more difficult at night. Ying Zheng sent Zhao Gao to make two quilts and send them to Zhao Ji and Xia Ji.

The holy prince ordered that Zhao Gao naturally did not dare to hesitate. Things are ready soon. Where is Zhao Ji? Xia Ji happened to be there. Seeing Zhao Gao holding the quilt up, Xia Ji smiled bitterly: “Sister Zhao Ji is really blessed. At the birthday banquet, when the concubine saw the prince give the quilt as a birthday gift to the king, she was envious in her heart. Tight, I didn’t expect to be in the sister palace today

In, I saw this rare thing again. It seems that the Prince is thinking of you. ”

Zhao Ji felt the quilt, and her heart was warm. The prince was really sensible. But she still wants to persuade Xia Ji: “When the cotton is mass-produced in the future, I will definitely ask the prince to send one for my sister.”

“Sister, don’t forget it. Although this is behind, it is better than nothing. The younger sister has thanked her elder sister.” Xia Ji is a little bit sour. If she has a son like this, today she and Zhao Ji are in position. It’s the other way around.

Zhao Gao listened to these two people, one sister and one sister, and he didn’t know if it was really such a deep sisterhood. “In addition to this quilt, there are also these new sets of clothes, which were also sent by the Prince.” Zhao Gao clapped his hands, and several maids walked in and unfolded every piece of clothing.

This is made by Yingzheng Daqin Garment Factory with cotton thread, and the styles vary. The Qiuyi long trousers previously given to Ying Zichu are also among them. Although Zhao Ji is of her age, she is also a woman. After seeing these things, she couldn’t put it down.

Pulling Xia Ji to look over one by one, saying this is good, that is good. Xia Ji looked at Zhao Ji as excited as a child, and was a little displeased: “My sister only cares about her own good, has she forgotten her sister? No matter how good these things are, they are also sister’s. What do you do with me? gone back.”

Looking at the situation, Zhao Gao quickly said: “His Royal Highness Prince Prince has prepared two copies of these gifts, and you naturally have them. They have already been sent to the palace. If you go back annoyed, I’m afraid it will be bad.

Xia Ji was stunned, she actually had a share? The steps taken out came back again: “Sister, don’t be offended, sister is just joking. Now that my sister has finished reading things here, I might as well go to the palace with my sister to see the saint. Does His Royal Highness send any other styles?”

After saying that, he took Zhao Ji’s hand and pulled it into his palace, with a smile on his face. Zhao Ji can only sigh that this woman’s face is really unpredictable.

Seeing these two women leave, Zhao Gaogong went to Shuiqing after sending them off. It is so in name, but it is actually looking for Lu Buwei. See where he is.

Lu Buwei also used all his merchant channels. Bring the cloth to them. The merchants are all here to identify the goods. When they see the cloth, they know that there is a business opportunity.

“These cloths will be given to you at a very low price, but you can only buy them to the people of Qin. You have been in the business world for many years and have countless connections. As long as you are a Daqin businessman, you can get the goods from me.”

The businessmen were almost crazy when they heard it, and they all started to move. This incident alarmed all the businessmen in the entire Qin State, and they all got cloth from Lu Buwei at a low price.

Of course Lu Buwei knew that businessmen were cunning and treacherous, and Li Zizhi had a knife on his head. When it comes to not selling to the Six Nations, they will not be really honest, and will make money even in the face of the danger of losing their lives.

However, as long as the “cost” of something is high, the money will naturally be high. Those cloths sold to the six countries were circulated by merchants at risk, and naturally they would not be the same price that was not given to Qin.

Shuiqing brought back news that the price of cloth in the Six Nations was more than twice that of Daqin. The people of the six countries love cloth. This kind of cotton is much lighter than ordinary cloth, so you won’t feel any obvious feeling when you wear it on your body. It is very warm, and it is the best choice to use this kind of cloth as a lining, which is close to the body and breathable.

The cloths that were originally sold on the market in the Six Nations were uncomfortable to wear at all. The people are now interested in these cloths brought by the merchants of the Qin State. Even the sneaky ones have to be bought.

They don’t know why Daqin merchants cowered when they came to sell cloth, and they always sold it in a very concealed way. Later, they learned that Daqin would not allow them to be sold to the Six Nations.

0……Look for flowers……

This is Lu Buwei’s strategy. Sooner or later, the people of the six countries will find that Daqin’s cloth prices are very low, and they will want to come to Daqin to buy them.

When a dog is anxious, he will jump the wall. Push these people in a hurry, and then tell them about cotton seeds, then they will definitely buy them vigorously and plant them wildly. Lu Buwei was very satisfied with his move.

Yingzheng saw the shortcomings, and asked Zhao Gao to speak out: “Find some displaced people and tell them that this cloth is made of cotton weaving. Cotton is planted. Just like potatoes and sweet potatoes, you can have seeds. Planting. Now only Daqin has this kind of seed.

Zhao Gao took orders and went to do it. The news spread faster than Feidu. In just half a day, all six countries knew the word “cotton”. The officials of the six countries also made a bet: “As long as we can get cotton, we can also make this kind of cloth. Then we can sell it at a lower price than now, and we will definitely make a lot of money.”

… .0

This group of people all made up their minds. They have imagined that the day when they use cloth to make money, the businessmen of Qin can only stare, and then they can tell them: “If you want to resent, you can resent Da Qin. Who will let Da Qin come out? This kind of boring restriction, won’t you sell it to the Six Nations? Tell you, the Six Nations doesn’t need it at all, hahaha!”

They thought about it, it seemed that this scene really appeared in front of them, and they all laughed out loud.

Feeling that the time was ripe for the victory, he reminded Lu Buwei: “Yu’er has already taken the bait and is only waiting to close the net”. Your Royal Highness, I don’t know what we should do next.”

“Release the news that someone wants to sell cotton seeds.” Yingzheng told him bluntly. After that, I looked at Shui Qing who was with Lu Buwei during this period of time: “Is the tax I owed by Baihua completely paid?”

Shui Qing shook his head, it’s still far away.

“Then let him do it this time. An auction will be held in the name of the Bai family. The auctioned product is cotton seeds. Whether it is a merchant from the Qin State or the Six Nations, you can participate, and the higher price will get.” After Yingzheng gave orders, he left. factory,

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