Chapter 367 When the Six Nations began to grow cotton instead of grain! [third update, please customize]

After the birthday banquet was over, Ying Zheng saw Shui Qing. She came with a pile of account books. She was not in Daqin Bank for most of the year. The accounts have been backlogged for a long time. After all his accounts were clearly sorted out, he was dressed and dressed to see Yingzheng.

Both of them have changed their clothes and no longer pretend to be ordinary people. Yingzheng took a look at Shuiqing. Her body has gradually developed. She likes to wear aqua-colored clothes. The front and back are uneven, showing a feminine side gradually.

“His Royal Highness, the accounts have been sorted out. These are tax evasion and tax evasion. Please make a decision on your highness.” Shui Qing took the account book from the hand of the maid beside him and handed it to him personally.

The one placed on the top is the Bai family. As soon as Yingzheng opened it up, he saw a number. He chuckled and said nothing.

“Shuiqing, let me ask you a question. If there are two people, and they each have a kind of goods in their hands, one raises the price first, how can the other balance?”

Shui Qing didn’t expect that Ying Zheng would actually ask himself this kind of question. She stunned, and then showed a confident smile. This kind of thing is what she is best at. She began to continuously analyze many of these factors. Words such as unit price, price difference, and profit popped out of her 450 one by one.

Yingzheng listened to which accounts were turned over, and when Shuiqing finally came to a conclusion, Yingzheng also thought about what to do with these people: “Make up all the debts, and impose additional fines based on the amount of taxes owed.”

Early the next morning, Ying Zheng went to visit King Zhuang Sai. Ying Zichu praised the quilt: “In the past, widows felt cold at night, and asked the maid to take another quilt to cover it. Last night, I used the quilt offered by the prince. Not only did it not feel cold, but it was a little hot. After the weather, sandals will be more suitable. This quilt is much more comfortable than other quilts.”

“The matter of mass production that the father said yesterday, the son-chen himself has considered, there is a way to achieve mass production, I don’t know if the father is willing.”

“Prince tell it soon.” Ying Zichu didn’t understand why he was unwilling. After one night, he already knew how amazing this quilt was.

“Cotton needs to be planted on a large area in order to have a harvest. Now Daqin grows sweet potatoes, grows sweet potatoes, shepherds sheep, and there are not many places that can be used to grow cotton.”

Lu Buwei nodded. There have been many changes in Daqin in the past two years. The people are all settling their own businesses. Not only is there no place, no one comes to plant it. “I wonder if His Royal Highness the Prince has any ideas?”

“Spread the cotton seeds out and let the six countries plant them for us.

Winning Zichu was a little unbelievable: “Spread it out? It can’t be reaped if it’s spread out. The cotton grown in the Six Nations is from the Six Nations. They can’t just plant the cotton just because the seeds are given by us. It’s back.”

“They will return obediently. Let them grow cotton in large quantities, and we will sell four pieces of these cloths at low prices in large quantities, and then buy cotton from six countries.

This made it difficult for Winner Zichu: “Aren’t we at a loss like this?” The price is high, and the price is sold at a low price. Qin Guo loses the price difference in the middle.

“This kind of loss is only on the surface. It is to let the six countries see the benefits of growing cotton before they are willing to plant them on a large scale. Daqin has developed very well over the years, and every business has only made no losses. I just saw it in my heart. Now that they have found a man who makes a lot of money, they will not let it go easily, even by unscrupulous means.” Ying Zhenglu

There was an inscrutable smile.

“Unscrupulous?” Lu Buwei remembered that in the courtroom before, Chang Ping Jun and Chang Guo Jun had questioned the matter of the Sheng Prince abandoning agriculture because of raising sheep: “Let them use the land to grow cotton!”

Yingzheng nodded with satisfaction: “That’s exactly what I meant.”

(aibd) Winning Zichu thought about it carefully: “Prince this trick is feasible.” Although it is the same field, it takes time to change crops every time, and it takes at least half a year.

Qin is a big food seller, and the annual output of sweet potatoes alone is enough to feed the people of a country. When the six countries have no food, no matter how much money they make in Daqin with cotton, it will be useless.

At that time, no matter how much the six countries make on cotton, they will raise the price of grain. All the money earned is returned. In this way, isn’t it just using the Six Nations as a land for growing cotton?

Lu Buwei was shocked. This is economic warfare: “His Royal Highness is a clever move. It does not require a single soldier to weaken the Six Nations, and it can also mass-produce cotton, killing two birds with one stone!”

Even King Zhuang Xiang felt that the prince’s mind was too flexible, and he laughed: “Then this matter will be handled by the prince.”

Yingzheng said: “I want to leave this matter to Lu Buwei. Lu Buwei used to be a businessman. It is safest for him to do this kind of thing.”

“The Saint Prince trusts the minister so much, the minister will not let him down. This matter will be handled by the minister.” Lu Buwei strode forward and knelt forward, which was regarded as taking the order.

“You know that the main account of Daqin Banking House is clear, and she is also good at these things. I will send her to assist you. It is a matter of the six countries, and you must not lose it.”

After the discussion, Ying Zichu told the two to retreat. Seeing the two of them leaving, Ying Zichu knew that there would be a storm outside again.

When Lu Buwei took the matter, he made a promise, but in fact he knew everything in his heart. To put it bluntly, this is just a flicker. Let the Six Nations willingly turn the farmland into cotton land, only to let them see the benefits. When they really discover the loss, they will realize it a long time ago.

Since ancient times, the emperor has to conform to the people’s will and hang them with the price of cotton, so they are not afraid that they will not be obediently planting. If the emperor discovers the loss, he will raise the price of cotton. When the time comes, the people will only make money, but will not give up cotton to grow the land.

Lu Buwei can only sigh that his desire to win the government has kept his secrets, leaving the Six Nations with nowhere to go. Now I only need to spread the cotton seeds by myself.

He did not expect that the Daqin chief accountant who came to see him was actually a girl, a girl who had met once in Baoyang County. Lu Buwei guessed in his heart that this girl was so reused by the Saint Prince. The person who was rumored to accompany the Saint Prince to travel through the mountains and rivers was probably her. Seeing the girl’s beautiful face, Lu Buwei could not help guessing the relationship between Shuiqing and winning politics. .

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