Chapter 316 Daqin Demolition Team! [Third update, please customize]

Yingzheng heard from Zhao Gao the people’s enthusiasm for the second phase of housing. He plans to take this opportunity to make a good profit: “Zhao Gao, go and set up a sales office. After that, the second phase of housing will be sold. When buying a building, let Daqin Qianzhuang send someone to the sales office, where the loan procedures are also handled.”

After Zhao Gao took the order, he hurried to prepare, and soon got the sales department out. Three characters are clearly written at the door, telling the people that this will be a place for selling houses in the future.

Those people who were still in the Daqin Bank, were still reluctant to give up when Shuiqing directly chased them away, for fear that they would be framed by others, and then they would occupy their own land.

The merchants in Xianyang City were also blushing, and they rushed to Wuyang County to look at the sales department, which is full of people, and hate that this is not their own home. The businessmen wandered for two steps in front of the sales department. They felt that it was impossible to go on like this, so they hurried to get through the relationship between the upper and lower levels and went to see the Prince.

It’s a pity that Yingzheng didn’t give affection, and didn’t see these people at all. The merchants knew the current market, and the Saint Prince grasped the lifeblood. All the rich and poor of the merchants were in the hands of the Saint Prince, and all depended on his thoughts. The sweater business is an example.

Now that businessman doesn’t want to have a good relationship with the Prince? Even if he just hears a little bit of news about the Prince. Now they have a chance to live in Wuyang County. The so-called near water towers first get the month, they pat the thigh and buy!

A group of businessmen squeezed in from the sales department, anxiously saying that they would buy a second-phase house. Shui Qing looked at these usually shrewd old foxes. At this moment, they looked like ordinary people, eager to buy things. Can’t help but find it very interesting.

She quietly whispered to the banker’s buddy, and then showed a sly smile. Although she is in a money house and lives with money every day, she hates those treacherous businessmen, especially those who are unscrupulous for money.

Especially now they want to use this to approach His Royal Highness, which makes her feel very uncomfortable. Let people deliberately raise prices for these people. In the past, they raised prices for profit, but now I don’t know what it feels like to be raised prices.

A businessman touched his forehead and was already sweating profusely. It is clear that the weather is not hot yet, but he is extremely nervous. Shui Qing sat opposite him and handed over the loan procedures: “How about, do you accept the price of one million Qin notes? If you accept, please hurry up, there are still more people who want to buy houses in the future, 々 .”

The businessman was helpless, closed his eyes and pressed his fingerprints. I can’t bear to let the child not catch the wolf. If there is a business with His Royal Highness in the future, I will regret it for a lifetime if I missed it. Gritting his teeth, the money was spent.

Shuiqing did not laugh, this picture is really interesting. Since Shuiqing sold the price of one million Qin notes, this sales department has been like bombing one, and they all followed suit, regardless of the three or seventy-one, directly raised the price to one million.

Even if the price rises, these people are helpless and still bite the bullet and scramble to buy.

Yingzheng knew that when he had sold one million Qin notes, he watched the little servant who came to report his breathless appearance, and said coldly: “What’s all the fuss about, look at it, the price will continue. Up.”

This group of people is rich, let them pay as much as they want.

There are only two phases of this batch of houses. If they continue to sell at this momentum, it is estimated that they will be sold out in less than two days. Yingzheng reluctantly found Sanmo giants again: “We need to expand the scope of transformation.”

The giant Sanmo asked, “Where is your Royal Highness going to build a house this time?”

Yingzheng thought for a while and replied: “The open space has been used up now. What we have to do next is to demolish the old houses and change them all into this way.

“Take down the house?” This decision made the giant Sanmo a little entangled. There are absolutely no empty houses in Wuyang County now. The Prince Sheng’s meaning is probably to demolish the houses where other people’s families are living. How can this be done?

“It’s actually very easy for them to dismantle me honestly. Listen, first of all you have to plan where to dismantle, and send notice to all the residents in that area, and give them three days to get ready and leave the house. , If there is a place to go, just look for a place to go, and if there is no place to go, just stay in the centralized place I prepared.

It is a very simple place, setting the basic conditions for life. It can accommodate many people and is only used as a temporary use for this demolition.

“All the houses that have been demolished will be compensated according to the total population of the household, 10,000 Qin cash per person. If they buy our house, there will be a corresponding discount. Of course, they also enjoy the right to loan. ”

The giant Sanmo was frightened when he heard it. Now the Saint Prince is not only selling the house, it is buying and selling. The house has been demolished, so you have to buy it again. The best option now is to buy the Prince’s house.

If there are old and young people in a household, it will have five people, that is, a compensation of 500,000 yuan, which is more than enough to pay the down payment, and the remaining money can be used for other things.

Yingzheng did this with peace of mind. I didn’t force them to do anything. The favorable conditions were enough. If you don’t want to buy his house, you can also use the compensation money to buy an ordinary one, or you can build it yourself to save money. It’s just that I have to leave Wuyang County. Winning politics will not let anyone stop him from rebuilding the city.

When the demolition order came, some people in Wuyang County were happy and some were worried. Those with a large population counted, and there are ten people in the family, they are enough to buy a new house directly, and they are not happy (do you have Zhao), and I look forward to someone coming to demolish their broken house. NS.

Some people are lonely and sparsely populated, so they are afraid that their old house will be demolished tomorrow. Can not help but sigh again and again. Of course, some of them are also worried about the concentration. It will take two to three months to build a house. I don’t know if they can spend it comfortably.

The giant Sanmo began to rebuild drastically after taking the order. Those who received the demolition notice always cheered, and those who didn’t receive it looked forward to the stars and the moon. The giant Sanmo took their demolition team, wherever they went, they would attract the attention of blockbuster films, and people were speculating about where they would be demolished this time.

The old bungalows were torn down one by one, and new bricks and mud were covered, and the prices of the flats were high.

Those who have been demolished seem to have seen a bright future. .

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