Chapter 315 Do you understand the pre-sale? Earn before starting work! [Second update, please customize]

The Daqin Bank has not been quiet these past two days, and the water is bustling. People who come and go here are all looking for loans to buy a house.

The house in Yingzheng was mainly built for the people in Wuyang County. He originally intended to instigate the people in Wuyang County to buy it, but he did not expect that many people in the surrounding counties also took a fancy to this house. After I heard that many nobles in Xianyang City clamored to buy this first-term house, and it was the kind that didn’t require a loan.

This problem has stumped the winning government. What he wanted to do was the urban planning of Wuyang County, but he didn’t want to relocate these high-ranking officials and dignitaries. It would be meaningless.

Helpless those talents don’t care, they only know that there are good houses to live in, and 500,000 Qin notes are not a high price for them at all, even if they are bought and left unused, it doesn’t matter.

Helplessly winning the government can only use some tough methods. It is said that 80% of the housing in the first phase of the housing is sold only to the people of Wuyang County, and everyone else has to draw lots to win places. This trick calmed down those who were eager to move.

That day, Ying Zheng went to Daqin Bank to see how the house was selling. Before getting closer, he saw a long line of 08 long lines, even blocking the road to the door of the bank.

Zhao Gao said, “His Royal Highness Prince Saint does not know. Since the loan policy came out, there have been people waiting here that afternoon, and they refused to leave until the evening, for fear of being robbed of the gap. This is not just about everything. Have you moved in yet?”

Ying Zheng followed the position pointed by Zhao Gao. There are indeed many people sitting on the spot, eating and drinking all around, and dragging the family with their mouths to line up together. It seems that they are all in a hurry. Loans, but the queue is too long.

The water in the bank was busy, and even the Saint Prince was reminded by others when she arrived. As soon as she looked back, she saw Yingzheng appearing behind her, and she was suddenly at a loss. I thought that I had been busy these two days, and I must have been unkempt. It was really too bad to see the Prince Prince at this time.

She tucked her hair shyly: “His Royal Highness, why are you here? Is there anything I want to order?”

“Just come and see, why is there such a long line at the door? Is it because the bank is too slow to apply for loans?”

“It’s a bit slow. After all, the procedures are complicated and there are a lot of information needed. There are too many people to do it at a time. Almost all the people in the bank have come to apply for the loan, but they are still overwhelmed.”

Yingzheng glanced at the long queue outside. This is not possible. They have all come here to stay. What about other commercial production activities? This disrupts the lives of the people will cause problems: “Is it necessary for me to send more staff?”

Shui Qing quickly replied: “No, this bank can’t hold so many people.” After she finished speaking, she hesitated and continued: “In fact, it is not a shortage of staff, but I have to personally check every transaction, so It’s just a little slow.”

Her voice is not loud, but Ying Zheng can definitely hear her. Shui Qing quietly observed the expression of the Prince, lest he blame himself. However, Yingzheng just said: “It’s a good job.

Shui Qing, who has been praised, felt that her exhaustion these days had been wiped out, and said excitedly: “Thank you, His Royal Highness the Prince, for complimenting! This is what Shui Qing should do…

Even though he said that, Yingzheng still sent additional manpower to Daqin Qianzhuang, and those around him who could count as accountants and those who were thoughtful and thoughtful were all sent over. He was anxious to sell the house.

Daqin Bank has got some relief. The team that seemed to be bet on was also suddenly cleared, and the people got their loans done as they wished. In just one day after this, Zhao Gao happily came to report: “His Royal Highness, the big news! Our first phase of housing, the entire 500 sets have been sold!

Winning nodded with satisfaction after hearing this, which is indeed good news. He stood up lazily: “Then we will open the second phase. Zhao Gao, you go and list the price.”

“Yes!” Zhao Gao retreated happily, and when he was with His Royal Highness, he could always enjoy the pleasure of this kind of money. Although the money does not belong to him, the feeling that this large sum of real money flows from his hands makes Zhao Gao very satisfied.

The 500 sets in the first phase were not enough to sell, and they were sold out in one day. Zhao Gao excitedly felt that they would be even more fanatical in the second phase. So Zhao Gao had no room to breathe at all, and the second period was opened the next day.

Among the people, there was only one building of 500,000 Qin banknotes yesterday, but today it has become 800,000 Qin banknotes. The price has risen too violently. Some people are a little dissatisfied. Why is there such a big difference between buying yesterday and buying today.

Zhao Gao just snorted when he heard these complaints: “Because that is the first issue and it has been sold out, it is impossible to buy it for half a million in this life. Why? Just because you didn’t grab it.”

Indeed, this house is not an ordinary business, first come first served, not available last. It’s good to have it now. The man wanted to say something, but he didn’t have a reason to argue. He could only sigh, and then said heavily, “Buy, I’ll buy it, 800,000 Qin notes, the 417 loan should be fine.”

Zhao Gao smiled with satisfaction: “Of course it can.”

Shuiqing on the side began to calculate again: “The down payment for the second phase of the house is still 100,000, and the remaining 600,000 is still repaid every month, and it will cost 1.2 million when the final payment is completed.

As soon as this figure came out, the people gritted their teeth. If you pay more, you can add more. It’s better than not being able to buy it. What they are thinking about now is to live and work in peace and contentment in the future. The money spent now is not gone, he just changed his way to be by his side.

Those who did not buy the first phase began to enthusiastically invest in the second phase of the panic buying, Shuiqing sighed, and it was about to start again. Turning around and entering the bank, she knew that there was a crowded place yesterday, and after a short half-day of leisure, another carnival was about to be ushered in.

They swarmed into the Daqin Bank, and everyone felt like a mirror. If the second period is not available, there may not necessarily be a third period. Even if it does, it will take a long time to wait.

The robbing of the house has made this group of people red eyes. They waited anxiously outside the Daqin Bank, while discussing with people before and after: “I feel that this price can continue to rise. In the second phase, 300,000 Qin banknotes have been increased. What else can be increased later? I don’t even know what it looks like.”

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