Chapter 262 If you want to get rich, build roads first, concrete roads! [First update, please customize]

What happened to Zheng Guo, the rest of the people have also happened, and they understand Zheng Guo’s excitement very well.

Agriculture, smelting, glass manufacturing, sweater textile

The knowledge of His Royal Highness is impossible to measure at all.Every field can be called a master-level figure, and every kind of knowledge can give professional guidance!

At the same time, His Royal Highness is also sincerely cultivating and reusing real talents!

Several people have such thoughts in their hearts.

However, today’s protagonists are the giants of Chu Mo and Han Mo, and the other two are the foils~

“What a good day! Congratulations to Tian Xiangzi for the success of the glass greenhouse, and I wish Zheng Guo’s new spinning machine and weaving factory all the best! Brother, I really envy you!” Zhu Jiahehe laughed.

“Brother Zhu family, your peasant family played such a big role in Daqin, almost everyone knows! His Royal Highness has even more confidence in you, how can our Mo family compare?” Shen Lang quipped.

“In front of the Prince’s Palace, you can’t talk nonsense, old man! Without the cultivation of your highness, our farm may still be a pile of loose sand! Talking about you Mo family, Tian Xiangzi and Zheng Guo, brother, you have to thank you for the referrer!” Zhu’s family changed. A smiling face.

383 After hearing the words of the Zhu family, Zheng Guo quickly wiped a tear from his eyes, and looked at Shen Lang gratefully:

“Brother, you really didn’t lie to me! His Royal Highness, wise and wise, gave me such a great opportunity for Zheng Guo, and also the kindness of teaching karma to solve puzzles, I really have nothing to pay for it!’

Just after speaking, Zheng Guo couldn’t help crying again.

It is a bit embarrassing to win the government after such a trouble, and I don’t know how much wrongdoing this Han Mo tycoon had in the first place, so he shed tears again and again.

Shen Lang and Tian Xiangzi had a good comfort, and finally calmed Zheng Guo down again.

Faced with such subordinates, winning politics will naturally not be blindly cold. It is also necessary to show your sympathy to your subordinates in a timely manner.

“You all belong to people who are unqualified. Now you finally have a chance to show off your talents. Just do things seriously. All the achievements are what you deserve!” Ying Zheng said with a light smile.

“Subordinates must not let His Royal Highness down!” Tian Xiangzi and Zheng Guo said in unison.

Victory was very pleased and nodded slightly.

Knowing how to be grateful and knowing how to repay, such subordinates are naturally much stronger than pure (aibd) interest relationships.

Just after Tian and Zheng expressed their opinions, a figure hurriedly ran outside the glass greenhouse one-

Fang Ping, director of the cement plant.

Fang Ping was the acting director of the Daqin Steelmaking Plant at the beginning, and almost all of the construction of the entire plant was started by him. He is extremely capable, and this is where he is valued by Yingzheng.

Later, with the arrival of Wei Mo tycoon Shen Lang and the Mo family disciples, Fang Ping was transferred from the steel plant shortly afterwards, and was formally appointed by Ying Zheng as the plant director of the cement plant and was no longer an agent.

“I have seen His Royal Highness!” Fang Ping gave a deep salute.

“Well, I made a special trip to find this prince? Seeing you in a hurry, what has happened to you?” Ying Zheng frowned and asked.

“His Royal Highness, according to your request, after the trial production is successful, the cement has been mass-produced. On the official road north of Baoyang, didn’t you let your subordinates go down and try to pave the road? The result is very unsatisfactory!” Fang Ping’s forehead was raised. Countless cold sweats.

It is really important!

After the cement plant was completed, the first batch of trial-produced cement was jointly supervised by Fang Ping and Shen Lang. Later, after the affirmation of the winning government, mass production began.

Until now, the cement factory has produced a large amount of cement, but when it was tested again, an error occurred!

If there is a problem with the cement, it probably means that all the finished products are in vain!

Yingzheng also attaches great importance to this batch of cement, and there is nothing wrong with it, otherwise it will involve many follow-up plans.

“Let’s go, let’s take a look!” Ying Zheng rushed to the scene of the incident without hesitation.

The turquoise pavement is about ten feet wide and extremely generous; the length is not long, about twenty feet.

This section of cement road was built only to test the quality of the road surface, and there was no real overhaul.

Under Fang Ping’s guidance, Yingzheng and his team all came to a place not far from the entrance, where a large amount of cement, steel bars and various materials were still piled up.

“What on earth is this cement? His Royal Highness actually values ​​it so much?” Zheng Guo puzzled.

Shen Lang participated in cement manufacturing, so he briefly introduced:

“His Royal Highness rebuilt an official road that leads directly to Xianyang on the west side of Baoyang. Various stones are used to lay the roadbed, and the pavement is made of cement.”

“This kind of thing is very peculiar. It can be glued together by mixing water with other stones and sand! If you pave the road, you only need to flatten it and wait for the cement to dry and it will become extremely strong!”

“It turned out to be like this! In other words, it is similar to rammed earth? If you really want to bond various materials, isn’t rammed earth the most commonly used method?” Zheng Guo did not understand the significance of the existence of cement plants.

Ying Zheng was also next to the cement, twisting a handful of cement powder with his hands, and did not see anything wrong. Hearing Zheng Guo’s question, he shook his head and said:

“Cement and rammed earth are naturally different! Rammed earth is labor intensive, and the time required to build roads will be greatly extended. Another point is that rammed earth is not waterproof and is only suitable for roadbeds and can fill the gaps between stones. For roads, It is not easy to maintain for a long time.”

“Cement is better in terms of firmness! Moreover, cement is waterproof, even if it is continuously washed by heavy rain, it will not affect the road surface.”

“One more thing, using cement to pave the road, it takes very little time to level the road!”

Tian Xiangzi, Zheng Guo, and Zhu’s family are still ignorant and can’t understand the meaning of winning the government.

They have not witnessed the mixing and solidification process of concrete with their own eyes, and naturally cannot imagine the various characteristics of cement.

Of course, Shen Lang understands this, and he also understands the importance that Yingzheng attaches to the Xianyang-Baoyang section!

Winter is coming soon. If there is a problem with such a large amount of cement, then the pavement paving can only be delayed until next year.

His Royal Highness’s plans are all round and round, and irreversible mistakes have occurred in the middle, and the impact must be huge. This is also the reason why Fang Ping is so frightened.

At this time, Ying Zheng had already walked on the concrete road, and several huge ruts collapsed and cracks appeared in front of him, very eye-catching.

“If you follow the process, the cement will be fine, the color is excellent, and it’s all top-grade! If this kind of thing happens, it’s probably because you don’t put any materials?” Ying Zheng looked at Fang Ping intently. .

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